
Member Care

Book Series

The Global Member Care series is part of the ongoing effort to support member care and mission. The series is designed to further equip the diversity of people with member care responsibility around the world, including leaders, colleagues, professional caregivers, trainers, sending groups, and academic institutions. The books help us to grow deeply in our character, competencies, and compassion and to go broadly across disciplines, cultures, and sectors as we provide relevant, quality services within the mission community and beyond--in light of the major challenges affecting the world. 

News --October 2024
24 September 2024 was the book release date for  Volume 3 in the Global Member Care series.  The book has  20 chapters, 43 authors, and nine consulting editors. There is a wealth of new material to further shape and support good practice in member care now and into the future. The subtitle reflects the book's theme, Stories and  Strategies for Staying the Course  as does the tagline, Supporting Mission Among All Peoples

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Ongoing News
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Click HERE for more information on member care books from William Carey Publishing.

October 2024
Special Bundle Offer when you buy all three books--30% off!

Volume 1

The Pearls and Perils of Good Practice

Volume 2

Crossing Sectors for Serving Humanity

Volume 3

September 2024
Stories and Strategies for Staying the Course 

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 Global Member Care:
The Pearls and Perils of Good Practice
Volume 1, 2011

Kelly O'Donnell

If you are interested in growing as a person, developing your member care skills, and helping people in difficult places, then this book is for you! Pearls and Perils launches the member care field into this next decade and farther into the international world of mission/aid.

Pearls and Perils is a contemporary text for training purposes in universities, seminaries, and mission/aid settings. It also provides principles and resources that make it a handbook for member care workers, sending groups, and those with member care responsibility.  Use it as a “guide/goad” in your life and work!

Part One: Exploring Member Care in Mission/Aid reviews the growth and development of the member care field, challenges for mission/aid workers and includes future directions in light of global realities.

Part Two: Promoting Health in Mission/Aid examines the crucial area of health/dysfunction and provides specific suggestions for good relationships, management, and governance.

 Part Three: Developing Guidelines in Mission/Aid studies core ethics and human rights principles that are both foundational and essential for good practice.

Global Member Care--Volume One
(click here for the full versions)

“Dr. O’Donnell once again competently launches us further into the practical realities of doing member care well. Pearls and Perils excels in scholarship, readability, and above all relevance!” John Fawcett, MSW; International Human Resource Consultant, Editor Stress and Trauma Handbook, New Zealand

“Pearls and Perils expands our thinking about member care and provides many resources to address some of the more complex and difficult issues that can emerge in organizational settings.” Cynthia B. Eriksson, PhD; Assistant Professor of Psychology Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Psychology, USA

“Dr. O’Donnell’s engaging writing style will touch your heart and definitely hold your interest. Pearls and Perils is not just for academicians but for all those who care deeply about promoting health within/through the mission/aid sector.” Ann Yeh, MA; PhD Student, Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Psychology, USA

“This is a timely, cutting edge, and most-welcome book! It will further equip the world-wide Church to support and manage its personnel who serve in challenging places.” Gladys K. Mwiti, PhD; Consulting Clinical Psychologist, Founder/CEO, Oasis Africa, Kenya 

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Global Member Care:
Crossing  Sectors for Serving Humanity
Volume 2, 2013

Kelly O'Donnell and Michèle Lewis O'Donnell, Editors

Global Member Care: Crossing Sectors for Good Practice is the latest book from the O’Donnells to launch the member care field further in to the international world of mission/aid and beyond. Part One overviews the relevance, key concepts, and experience of crossing sectors. Parts Two-Four offer a variety of materials related to good practice in the Humanitarian Sector, the Human Health Sector, and the Human Resources Sector. The book's 35 chapters include a wealth of practical guidelines, codes, resolutions, perspectives, principles, resources, case examples, resources, tools, internet links to videos, human rights emphases, and more.  Get ready to venture into the heart of global issues and opportunities--from the trenches to the towers and everything in between!


Global Member Care--Volume Two

“This book does a great job of assisting workers and organizations by bringing together a selection of key writings and documents.” Alastair Ager, PhD, Professor of Clinical Population & Family Health, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University

"Crossing Sectors for Serving Humanity makes a profound contribution to all who are helping to make the world a better, safer, and healthier place. The member care movement has truly come of age with this book." Ted Lankester, MD, Director of Health Services, InterHealth Worldwide; Director of Community Health Global Network

 "This inspired book guides us into many of the complex challenges facing humanity and highlights the increasing relevance of multi-sectoral member care in addressing these challenges." Alison Schafer, Senior Program Advisor for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS); World Vision Australia/International

 "The O'Donnells excel yet again in ...expanding our thinking and skill sets. Get ready to head into the next phase of member care—and into the heart of global issues and opportunities! "Ruth E. Van Reken, co-author Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds, co-founder Families in Global Transition conference

Updates and Applications

--New resources added--see Vol 2 Updates on this website
--Suggestions for using this book--see Vol 2 Application
--Click here for the updated model for global member care
--Read Chapter 2: Charting Your Course through the Sectors
--Links to the book's References and Resources HERE
--See also our Global Integration Updates

Order directly from the publisher:

Global Member Care:
Stories and Strategies for Staying the Course
Volume 3
(book reslease--24 September 2024)

Edited by
Kelly O'Donnell & Michèle Lewis O'Donnell

See the Table of Contents HERE
Read the full endorsements HERE

Dr. Kelly O’Donnell and Dr. Michèle Lewis O’Donnell are consulting psychologists living in Europe by Geneva, specializing in member care (staff wellbeing and effectiveness, including organizational health). They are part of Member Care Associates, Inc., an organization dedicated to providing and developing member care in mission. Their professional emphases take them into many international sectors and into the areas of crisis care, expatriate families, global mental health, team and organizational development, good practice/ethics, integrity/anti-corruption, and practitioner affiliations. Kelly and Michèle studied clinical psychology and theology at Rosemead School of Psychology at Biola University, USA, where they received their doctorates. Their written contributions over the last 35 years include books, articles, and web-based resources in the member care and mental health fields.  

Examples  of publications and resources HERE.
Examples of presentations HERE.


Member Care Associates, Inc.


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