
Contact Lisa for your long-arm machine quilting needs at:

PO Box 686

Waldport, OR 97394


Ph: 541-563-7299

ljtquilts at

(Note: The name of this business and site, Glen Quilts tm and tm are trademarks and may not be used without permission. This site represents the result of many years of work and research. We have tried to be as accurate throughout as possible. Statements, quotes or any material other than Lisa's own reflect the views of those who made them. Neither the author nor this site assumes any responsibility for any errata made in good faith, nor for any of the views expressed other than our own. All photos, documents, text, and other materials are copyright, and they belong solely to the authors, photographers, etc., who retain all rights to the materials. All material is copyright, and may not be used without express written permission of the owners or their heirs and assigns. All material used with the express permission of the owners. )