Pool Rules


Updated May 2022

Glen Aqua pool is a family friendly environment and it is asked that members be respectful with behavior and language.

Glen Aqua Club Inc. reserves the right to deny or revoke the membership of anyone disregarding rules of safety or decorum or for nonpayment of membership dues.

Hours of Operation

Pool hours: Monday-Friday 12:30pm to 8:00pm; Sunday 12:30pm to 6:00pm; Holidays 12:30pm to 6:00pm.

Adult swim time occurs every hour for the last 10 minutes of the hour. Children under 18 must remain out of the pool and behind the NEW BLUE LINE during this time.

During adult swim time, children over the age of 3 are not to use the baby pool and the dive well is closed.

Adult lap swim time every weeknight from 6:30pm-8pm. We will open 1 lap lane during this time. The remainder of the pool stays open for regular activity.

Entire pool closes for all swim meets. The dive well closes for dive meets.

In the event of private parties, the pool will close with advanced notice to membership.

Severe Weather: Pool will close in the event of lightning or thunder, and remains closed until 30 minutes after the last strike/sound of thunder. Prior to 4pm: If the Thunder/Lightning/Rain lasts consistently for one hour, the pool will remain closed until the next guard shift evaluates the weather at 3:30pm. If all clear, the pool will re-open at 4pm. After 4pm: If it looks as though the Thunder/Lightning/Rain will continue for an additional hour, the pool will CLOSE the remainder of the day.

In the event of heavy rain without lightning or thunder, if the bottom of the pool is not easily visible, the pool must be cleared until it becomes visible.

Temperature: If the temperature according to Weather.com is not 65 degrees by 12:00pm, the pool will remain closed until the next guard shift evaluates the temperature at 3:30pm. If the temperature at 3:30pm is above 70 degrees, the pool will re-open at 4pm. After 4pm, if the temperature remains below 70 degrees at the check at 3:30pm, the pool will CLOSE for the remainder of the day.

General Guidelines/Rules

Members must have member tags to be admitted into the pool. Member tag must be shown to guard at front desk. All members and guests must sign in at the front desk upon entering the pool.

For 10-Punch Ticket Card - One punch will be hole punched when entering the pool with your family each visit.

Children must be at least 11 years old to gain entrance inside the pool unaccompanied by an adult or older sibling.

Showers must be taken before entering the pool.

Proper swimming attire is necessary at all times in the pool (no street clothes allowed in the water).

Smoking, smokeless tobacco and vaping are not permitted in the pool area. Smoking area ACROSS the parking lot on west side of property.

All food must ONLY be consumed on the upper deck; the baby pool is NOT part of the upper deck. (We are trying to keep wrappers out of the pool and filter system.)

No glass containers are permitted on the pool deck. If a glass falls in the pool, the pool will have to be drained costing $6,000+ in water.

No gum is allowed in the Pool, pool area or on decks.

Only swimmers ages 6 and under may be in the baby pool; because no lifeguard is on duty, each child MUST have an adult or responsible teenager at the side of the baby pool.

No visible alcoholic beverages during business hours. No beverages, cans or plastic bottles in or directly next to the pools.

If changing clothing – please use restroom stall or curtained area.

No spitting, spouting of water, blowing nose or similar behavior is allowed in the pools.

Water balloons are not permitted in the pools. (Small pieces get in the pool filters when they break.)

Considering that swimmer loads vary due to weather and temperature, various pools or sections of the main pool may be closed off at management's discretion.

No foul or derogatory language is allowed.

No destructive behavior of any kind will be tolerated including but not limited to removing paint from benches, breaking pool property, wet toilet paper throwing or vandalism to restrooms.

No social talking to lifeguards who are up in the chair or walking the perimeter of the pool. (Emergencies are the exception)

No Pets Permitted.


Safety Guidelines

No back dives or flips are allowed from the side of the pool.

No diving allowed, including from the starting blocks, in the main pool other than the east and west edges of the 10-foot area. Diving and jumping from the south edge of the main pool is strictly prohibited.

No hanging on the lane lines or diving boards.

Children must stay out of the pool during hourly adult swim times.

No running, pushing, roughhousing or sitting on others’ shoulders is allowed.


Headfirst dives into the main pool are restricted to the east and west edges of the old dive well. Feet first jumps may be done from any edge.

No playing on, diving from, or hanging on ladders.

No skateboards, roller skates, rollerblades, scooters or any other recreational device deemed unsafe by guards or Pool Board Members may be used inside the pool enclosure or in the parking lot.

All diaper-aged children shall use a swim diaper (pool must close for 24 hours in the case of fecal contamination).

Please use dressing/shower rooms for changing diapers.

No one with bandages or open wounds allowed in the pool.

Diving Board/Dive Well Rules

One person is allowed on the board at a time.

Jumping is allowed off the end of the board only (not off the side).

Wait until the pool is clear in front of the board before jumping.

Life jackets and puddle jumpers are not allowed on the 3-meter-high dive.

Children must be able to swim to the side of the pool on their own before they can go off the board.

Jumping from the side of the pool toward the board is not permitted.

Free swim in the diving well (no use of diving boards) will be permitted at lifeguard discretion ONLY.