We are a sociable club and aim to use our get-togethers to allow everyone to develop their running potential in a stimulating but friendly environment.

Our membership spans a very broad set of abilities, ages, physiques and running ambitions. There is a roughly equal mix of men and women. Not all of our members race but to give you an idea, we have members who run a 10k in about 34 minutes and others who would take more than double that time. Our youngest member is 19 and our oldest is over 65. The vast majority are comfortably in the middle of this range.

The Club was formed in June 2003, with a keen handful of members. Over the last couple of years, the introductions of the couch to 5K programme, along with the increasing popularity of parkrun has resulted in our membership swelling to well over 100. We are keen to keep growing our membership - so you are very welcome to come and give us a try, and hopefully go on to join.

Our club nights are most Tuesdays and Thursdays and we meet at the club house of Newport High School Old Boys RFC (The Hawthorns, off Usk Road, Caerleon)

We take part in events all over Wales, the UK and overseas and are the envy of all the clubs who meet us, due to our amazing cakes!

Get in touch at caerleonrc@gmail.com or visit our website to see how much we do 365 days a year.

