Publications & presentations

I try to self-archive all my articles here and at ResearchGate, as far as publication policies allow. Additionally, you can find information about citation metrics of my publications if you look at my Google Scholar site or at my ResearcherID: H-5401-2013. My ORCID is 0000-0003-3529-5681.

Publications listed in Web of ScienceTM


35. Dietenberger M, Jechow A, Kalinkat G, Schroer S, Saathoff B, Hölker F (2024) Reducing the fatal attraction of nocturnal insects using tailored and shielded road lights. Communications Biology 7:671  pdfOpen Access articlepress release in English and German media coverage at Tagesspiegel, Die Welt, n-tv, Westfälische Nachrichten and Radio Eins (all in DE)

34. Gauzens B, Rosenbaum B, Kalinkat G, Boy T, Jochum M, Kortsch S, O'Gorman EJ, Brose U (2024) Flexible foraging behaviour increases predator vulnerability to climate change. Nature Climate Change 14:387-392 pdf Open Access article press release in English and German Research Briefing at Nature Climate Change (pdf) media coverage at, and Bild der Wissenschaft (both in DE)

33. Gauzens B, Kalinkat G, Antunes AC, Boy T, O'Gorman EJ, Jacob U,  Jochum M, Kortsch S, Rosenbaum B, Figueiredo L, Brose U (2024) Quantitative description of six fish species’ gut contents and abundances of their prey in the benthic food web of the Baltic Sea (1968-1978). Scientific Data 11:236 – B Gauzens and G Kalinkat contributed equally to this study pdf full database on the iDiv data portal Open Access article


32. Seymoure B, Dell AI, Hölker F, Kalinkat G (2023) A framework for untangling the consequences of artificial light at night on species interactions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 378(182): 20220356 - pdf - supplementary material on figshare

31. Chimeno C, Rulik B, Manfrin A, Kalinkat G, Hölker F, Baranov V (2023) Facing the infinity: Tackling large samples of challenging Chironomidae (Diptera) with an integrative approach. PeerJ 11:e15336 pdf Open Access article press release in English, Spanish, and German media coverage in La Vanguardia (ES) 

30. Kalinkat G, Rall BC, Uiterwaal SF, Wojciech U (2023) Empirical evidence of type III functional responses and why it remains rare. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11:1033818 G Kalinkat and BC Rall contributed equally to this study pdf data and code on Zenodo Open Access article


29.  Maasri A, Jähnig SC, Adamescu MC, Adrian R, Baigun C, ..., Kalinkat G, ..., Worischka S (2022) A Global Agenda for Advancing Freshwater Biodiversity Research. Ecology Letters 25:255-263 A Maasri and SC Jähnig contributed equally to this study pdf Open Access articlepress release in English and German – media coverage on the Freshwater Blog and in Der Standard (DE)


28.  Schroer S, Austen K, Moczek N, Kalinkat G, Jechow A, Heller S, Reinhard J, Dehn S, Wuthenow CI, Post-Stapelfeldt M, van Grunsven RHA, Pérez Vega C, Schumacher H, Kaanaa L, Saathoff B, Völker S, Hölker F (2021) Towards insect-friendly road lighting – a transdisciplinary multi-stakeholder approach involving citizen scientists. Insects 12(12):1117 pdf Open Access article 

27. Hölker F, Bolliger J, Davies TW, Giavi S, Jechow A, Kalinkat G, Longcore T, Spoelstra K, Tidau S, Visser ME, Knop E (2021) 11 pressing research questions on how light pollution affects biodiversity. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9:767177 pdf Open Access article press release in English and German 

26. Jarić I, Bellard C, Correia RA, Courchamp F, Douda K, Essl F, Jeschke JM, Kalinkat G, Kalous L, Lennox RJ, Novoa A, Proulx R, Pyšek P, Soriano-Redondo A, Souza AT, Vardi R, Veríssimo D, Roll U (2021) Invasion culturomics and iEcology. Conservation Biology 35:447-451 postprint pdf

25. Kalinkat G, Grubisic M, van Grunsven RHA, Jechow A, Schroer S, Hölker F (2021) Assessing long-term effects of artificial light at night on insects: what is missing and how to get there. Insect Conservation and Diversity 14:260-270 pdfOpen Access article  – press release in English and German

24. van Rees CB, Waylen KA , Schmidt-Kloiber A, Thackeray SJ, Kalinkat G, Martens K, Domisch S, Lillebø AI, Hermoso V, Grossart H-P, Schinegger R, Decleer K, Adriaens T, Denys L, Jarić I, Janse JH, Monaghan MT, De Wever A, Geijzendorffer I, Adamescu MC, Jähnig SC (2021) Safeguarding Freshwater Life Beyond 2020: Recommendations for the new Global Biodiversity Framework from the European Experience. Conservation Letters 14:e2771pdfOpen Access articlepress release in English and German covered on the Freshwater Blog

23. Lukas J, Kalinkat G, Miesen FW, Landgraf T, Krause J, Bierbach D (2021) Consistent behavioural syndromes across seasons in an invasive freshwater fish. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8:583670 pdf Open Access articlealso available as preprint in bioRxiv data on figshare

22. Jähnig SC, Baranov V, Altermatt F, Cranston P, Friedrichs-Manthey M, Geist J, He F, Heino J, Hering D, Hölker F, Jourdan J, Kalinkat G, Kiesel J, Leese F, Maasri A, Monaghan MT, Schäfer RB, Tockner K, Tonkin JD, Domisch S (2021) Revisiting global trends in freshwater insect biodiversity. WIREs Water 8:e1506 pdfOpen Access article


21. Jarić I, Roll U, Arlinghaus R,  Belmaker J, Chen Y, China V, Douda K, Essl F, Jähnig SC, Jeschke JM, Kalinkat G, Kalous L, Ladle R, Lennox RJ, Rosa R, Sbragaglia V, Sherren K, Šmejkal M, Soriano Redondo A, Souza AT, Wolter C, Correia RA (2020) Expanding conservation culturomics and iEcology from terrestrial to aquatic realms. PLOS Biology 18:e3000935pdf Open Access article press release in Englishcovered on the Freshwater Blog

20. Jarić I, Bellard C, Courchamp F, Kalinkat G, Meinard Y, Roberts DL, Correia RA (2020) Societal attention toward extinction threats: A comparison between climate change and biological invasions. Scientific Reports 10:11085pdfOpen Access article – also available as preprint at bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/706911

19. Jarić I, Correia RA, Brook BW, Buettel JC, Courchamp F, Di Minin E, Firth JA, Gaston KJ, Jepson P, Kalinkat G, Ladle R, Soriano-Redondo A, Souza AT, Roll U (2020) iEcology: harnessing large online resources to generate ecological insights. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 35:630-639pdf Open Access article – press release in English and German

18. Jarić I, Courchamp F, Correia R, Crowley SL, Essl F, Fischer A, González-Moreno P, Kalinkat G, Lambin X, Lenzner B, Meinard Y, Mill A, Musseau C, Novoa A, Pergl J, Pyšek P, Pyšková K, Robertson P, von Schmalensee M, Shackleton RT, Stefansson R, Štajerová K, Veríssimo D, Jeschke JM (2020) The role of species charisma in biological invasions. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 18:345-353pdf – press release in English and German - media coverage in The Independent, Le Monde (FR), Der Standard, Tagesspiegel, Weser-Kurier, and WDR 5 (audio) (all in DE)

17. Lehmann P, Ammunet T, Barton M, Battisti A, Eigenbrode SD, Jepsen JU, Kalinkat G, Neuvonen S, Niemelä P, Økland B, Terblanche JS, Björkman C (2020) Complex responses of global insect pests to climate change.  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 18:141-150pdfOpen access article – press release in English and Swedish 


16. He F, Zarfl C, Bremerich V, David JNW, Hogan Z, Kalinkat G, Tockner K, Jähnig SC (2019) The global decline of freshwater megafauna. Global Change Biology 25:3883-3892pdf – press release in English and German – media coverage in NY Times, National Geographic and The Guardian

15. Jarić I, Lennox RJ, Kalinkat G, Cvijanovic G, Radinger J (2019) Susceptibility of European freshwater fish to climate change: species profiling based on life-history and environmental characteristics. Global Change Biology 25:448-458 – also available as preprint at bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/355875pdf – press release in English and German 


14. Li Y, Rall BC, Kalinkat G (2018) Experimental duration and predator satiation levels systematically affect functional response parameters. Oikos 127:590-598 – also available as preprint at bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/10888 –  preprint pdfdata on Dryad


13. Kalinkat G, Jähnig SC, Jeschke JM (2017) Exceptional body size–extinction risk relations shed new light on the freshwater biodiversity crisis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114: E10263-E10264preprint pdf

12. Lukas JAY, Jourdan J, Kalinkat, G, Emde, S, Miesen, FW, Jüngling, H, Cocchiararo, B, Bierbach, D (2017) On the occurrence of three non-native cichlid species including the first record of Pelmatolapia (“Tilapia”) mariae (Boulenger, 1899) in Europe. Royal Society Open Science 4:170160pdfOpen access articledata on Dryad – press release in German – media coverage at (DE)

11. Brose U, Blanchard JL, Eklöf A, Galiana N, Hartvig M, Hirt M, Kalinkat G, Nordström MC, O’Gorman EJ, Rall BC, Schneider FD, Thébault E, Jacob U (2017) Predicting the consequences of species loss by size-structured biodiversity approaches. Biological Reviews 92:684-697preprint pdf

10. Kalinkat G, Cabral JS, Darwall W, Ficetola GF, Fisher JL, Giling D, Gosselin M-P, Grossart H-P, Jähnig SC, Jeschke JM, Knopf K, Larsen S, Onandia G, Paetzig M, Saul W-C, Singer G, Sperfeld E, Jarić I (2017) Flagship umbrella species needed for the conservation of overlooked aquatic biodiversity. Conservation Biology 31:481-485pdfOpen access article – press release in English and German – media coverage at (DE) – also covered on the Freshwater Blog


9. Schröder A, Kalinkat G, Arlinghaus R (2016) Individual variation in functional response parameters is explained by body size but not by behavioural types in a poeciliied fish. Oecologia 182:1129-1140postprint pdf


8. Kalinkat G, Jochum M, Brose U, Dell AI (2015) Body size and the behavioral ecology of insects: linking individuals to ecological communities. Current Opinion in Insect Science 9:24-30pdf


7. Kalinkat G (2014) Bringing animal personality research into the food-web arena. Journal of Animal Ecology 83:1245-1247pdf


6. Kalinkat G, Schneider FD, Guill C, Digel C, Rall BC, Brose U (2013) Body masses, functional responses and predator-prey stability. Ecology Letters 16:1126-1134. – G Kalinkat and FD Schneider contributed equally to this studypdfdata on figshare 

5. Kalinkat G, Brose U, Rall BC (2013) Habitat structure alters top-down control in litter communities. Oecologia 172:877-887pdfOpen access articledata on BExIS (data portal of the Biodiversity Exploratories)


4. Rall BC, Brose U, Hartvig M, Kalinkat G, Schwarzmüller F, Vucic-Pestic O, Petchey OL (2012) Universal temperature and body-mass scaling of feeding rates. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 367: 2923-2934pdf


3. Kalinkat G, Rall BC, Vucic-Pestic O, Brose U (2011) The allometry of prey preferences. PLoS ONE 6(10): e25937.pdfOpen access articledata  on figshare

2. Rall BC, Kalinkat G, Ott D, Vucic-Pestic O, Brose U (2011) Taxonomic versus allometric constraints on non-linear interaction strengths. Oikos 120:483-492. – BC Rall and G Kalinkat contributed equally to this studypdf


1. Vucic-Pestic O, Rall BC, Kalinkat G, Brose U (2010) Allometric functional response model: body masses constrain interaction strengths. Journal of Animal Ecology 79:249-256pdf

Other academic publications 

7. Gauzens B, Kalinkat G (2024) The foraging behaviour of consumers leads to more extinctions when temperature increases. Nature Climate Change doi:10.1038/s41558-024-01969-5 pdf

6. Hölker F, Jechow A, Bolliger J, Kalinkat G, Tidau S, Knop E (2023) Lichtverschmutzung – Stand der Forschung und Wissenslücken. Natur und Landschaft 98(9/10):418-424pdf

5. Kalinkat G (2023) Refining our understanding how nutritional conditions affect 13C and 15N isotopic fractionation during ontogeny in a herbivorous insect. Peer Community in Ecology, 100515  – pdf 

4. Baranov V, Kalinkat G (2018) Community Ecology of Aquatic Insects: A Landscape Perspective. In Novel Methods and Results of Landscape Research in Europe, Central Asia and Siberia, Vol. 3. Landscape Monitoring and Modelling by Müller L, Sychev VG (eds). Publishing House FSBSI Pryanishnikov Institute of Agrochemistry, Moscow, Russia, pp 115-119, ISBN 9785923802498 pdf

3. Lukas JAY, Kalinkat G, Kempkes M, Rose U, Bierbach D (2017) Feral guppies in Germany – a critical evaluation of a citizen science approach as a biomonitoring tool. Bulletin of Fish Biology 17:13-27 pdf

2. Kalinkat G (2016) Ecological Mechanics – Principles of Life’s Physical interactions, M. Denny, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, USA (2016). 503pp., $79.95, ISBN: 978-0-69-116315-4. Basic and Applied Ecology 17:564 preprint pdf

1. Kalinkat G, Rall BC (2015) Effects of climate change on the interactions between insect pests and their natural enemies – in Climate Change and Insect Pests by Björkman C, Niemelä P (eds). CABI Wallingford, UK, pp 74-91, ISBN 9781780643786 - Google books preprint pdf


2. Kalinkat G (2012) Towards an understanding of complexity: How body sizes, preferences and habitat structure constrain predator-prey interactions – Doctoral Thesis, TU Darmstadt - pdf 

1. Kalinkat G (2007) Consumption preferences of epigeic spiders driven by prey body mass – Diploma Thesis, TU Darmstadt - pdf

Popular science writing 

3. Bierbach D, Kalinkat G, Kempkes M (2018) Der Gillbach als (semi)-natürliches Forschungslabor. –in Tropische Neozoen in heimischen Fließgewässern von Kempkes M, Lukas J, Bierbach D (Hrsg.). VerlagsKG Wolf, Magdeburg, DE, pp 102-107, ISBN 9783894322878.

2. Kalinkat G, Bierbach D, Lukas J (2018) Geothermale und anthropogen erwärmte Gewässer als Lebensräume tropischer (Fisch-)Arten in den gemäßigten Breiten Europas. – in Tropische Neozoen in heimischen Fließgewässern von Kempkes M, Lukas J, Bierbach D (Hrsg.). VerlagsKG Wolf, Magdeburg, DE, pp 11-25, ISBN 9783894322878.

1. Kalinkat G, Mücke S (2017) Warum Menschen niemals größer als 2,75 Meter werden können. Krautreporter - pdf

Invited talks (selected)

7. Kalinkat G (2021) Thermally influenced freshwaters as semi-natural laboratories to investigate warming-invasion relationships – Virtual oral presentation at the Departement of Biological Sciences, Université du Québec à Montréal , Canada. 

6. Kalinkat G (2018) How body size and animal personalities affect predator-prey interactions, food webs and biodiversity threats – Oral presentation at the Institute of Hydrobiology, Biology Center of the Czech Academy of Sciences, České Budějovice, Czech Republic.

5. Kalinkat G (2016) Intraspecific differences in fish foraging efficiencies and metabolic rates and the consequences for predator-prey interactions – Oral presentation at the National Great Rivers Research and Education Center (NGRREC), East Alton, IL, USA.

4. Kalinkat G (2014) What determines interaction strengths in food webs: a look at body sizes and animal personalities. – Oral presentation at the Eawag Kastanienbaum (Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology), Luzern, Switzerland.

3. Kalinkat G (2013) Interaction strengths in food webs: Implications of body sizes and behavioural types for population dynamics, community structure and species persistence– Oral presentation at the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Science and Inland Fisheries, Berlin, Germany.

2. Kalinkat G (2013) Towards an understanding of complexity: How body sizes, preferences and habitat structure constrain predator-prey interactions– Oral presentation at the Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Berne, Switzerland.

1. Kalinkat G (2012) Interaction strengths in food webs: Allometric functional responses and analyses of quantitative bipartite ecological networks – Oral presentation at the Institute for Hydrobiology and Fishery Science, University of Hamburg, Germany

last update: 2024-06-25