Application Form for Printout
Please note that the GIPEDI Internship has a two-part Application process.
You can also get a copy of the application by email if you send a blank email to with "GIPEDI" in the Subject .
Part A
First, we only use Part A for the selection process.
( Click here to download Part A of the application )
First you need to apply by submitting only the PART-A ( this is just a 4-sheet (8 pages) document - click this link to PART-A ) of the application and the online version of the application . You will find both these documents at the bottom of this page. To help you with the process, a sample application is included to indicate how you can use the 'typewrite' feature of Adobe PDF reader to fill in the form.You need NOT submit any certificates etc with the Part A.
You are strongly encouraged to type the information into the PDF version of PART A, print it, get it signed by your TPO (or get your TPO to send us a No Objection email from an official email address) + sign it yourself, then post/email it to us.
We strongly recommend that you use the space provided instead of attaching separately typed pages.
For instance, we ask that your TPO should sign and stamp in the space provided on the first page instead of attaching a separate NOC on his/her letterhead (unless the NOC is by email).
Similarly, we ask that your referees fill in your Letters of Recommendation by hand instead of attaching a separate letter on their letterhead. This saves paper and reduces mail bulk.PART A has FOUR SHEETS:
[SHEET 1] the 1-page Application Form + a 1-page Statement of Purpose,
[SHEET 2] a 1-page Description of Projects + a 1-page Essay on your perceived role in the IITD Community
[SHEET 3 & 4] first & second Letters of Recommendation in the prescribed GIPEDI format given in the Prospectus (ask Referee to sign and seal in a secured envelope and give back to you). In the online application, the Referee should send the Letter of Reference to directly from his/her official email (email sent from private email addresses such as and will not be accepted).
Note that PART-A must be forwarded by your Training & Placement Officer. Nobody else except the TPO can send this (for example, we will not accept this from a Head of Dept or a Dean unless the Dean or HoD is the TPO too). If more than two students are applying from your Institute/College, then the TPO must fill in the Consolidated Merit List, and enclose it while forwarding PART-A of all applicants together in one envelope.
PAYMENT : Application Handling Fees payable to "FITT, IIT Delhi" must be enclosed along with Part A (unless you are in a category exempt from Application Fees).
For your own reference, please print a copy of ALL PAGES (including blank pages / pages which do not apply to you) of the Terms and Conditions of the GIPEDI Internship,
Print the PART-A ( click this link to PART-A ) first - this is what you need to submit initially.
Fill it in NEATLY by using Adobe PDF in typewriter mode OR by hand using a DARK-BLUE / BLACK BALL POINT PEN (no gel or ink pen please and no cuts or over-writing)
sign it (also get all appropriate signatures at relevant places) - you can also use a PDF editor like Xodo or Foxit Reader to add your signature
and email to the address given in instructions
If you decide to post it (not advised) - Please use a A4 / A5 sized envelope to send your application in - try not to fold your application (we may scan it and folds cause problems).
Students accepted through MoU and special Categories such IASc-SRFP, KVPY are pre-accepted - they need to enclose PART-A (with NOC from TPO) and PART-B and a copy of the MoU which selected them (and sent them to IITD). They do NOT pay any Application Fees. They will be fully exempted from the operation fees - in the following operational manner: - one month before the beginning of the GIPEDI Program they will pay the entire operation fees by DD (they will not be accepted if they do not deposit this on month before the Program starts). If they complete the GIPEDI Program, they will receive a FULL Reimbursement two working days before the end of the GIPEDI Program.If they do not join or do not complete the GIPEDI Program, the fees will be forfeited and will NOT be refunded.
Please do not send PART B along with PART A - you need to send PART B only if you are accepted in the Program
PART-B is to be submitted ONLY if you get selected and is, therefore, more elaborate.
( Click here to download Part B - you need to submit this only if you are selected )
If you clear the first part of the selection, we will update your status on the website (the link relevant to the batch you are applying for) and ask for PART-B + documents to be submitted.
Note: Part B is also available as a part of the Application Form (from page 29 onwards).Copies of Marksheets (self-attested) - Class 10, 12, BTech (updated for all semesters till current sem), MTech (updated till current sem) - attach scanned PDF versions
Detailed NOC from TPO (mandatory) with attested copy of Students ID card - attach scanned PDF version
Parental Consent and Indemnity Form - attach scanned PDF version
IIT Delhi Faculty Mentor's Consent Form (not needed if the Mentor was identified by GIPEDI Coordinator)
Insurance Policy Details (Life-with-accident Insurance and Mediclaim Insurance on a TPA at a Hospital in Delhi and NCR)
Hostel Application Form - NOT NEEDED IN ONLINE MODE / hostel accommodation is not guaranteed
Secondment Form (for those students coming in from MoU programs like IITD-SRA, KVPY, IASc, RISE, DAAD etc)
Write "GIPEDI Application PART A / B for Batch <Batch #> : Category <Your application category> for <Your Full Name>" as Subject of the email / OR on top of the envelope.
Either email to (email is preferred) OR send it by post to the following postal address:
GIPEDI Internship Program - Attn: Mr.Uttam Aswal / Prof. Subrat Kar
Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer (FITT), Deans' Complex
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016, INDIA
After it reaches us, you may check its status by calling Tel: +91.11.26597164 (Uttam Aswal)
Apart from the copy sent by email OR the hard-copy submission by post, the data in your application ALSO has to be entered online (at ).
Please note that the status of your application will only be updated online on this site.
No individual intimation will be sent.

Prospectus with terms and conditions of the GIPEDI Internship >>

GIPEDI Recommendation Format >>

Sample filled form (for reference) >>