About MG Meetings 

Meeting Time

The Gibson Master Gardeners meet at 6 PM on the third Monday of the month March through November.

Meeting Location

We meet at the GCCOA  Senior Center located at 212 South  Richland Creek Drive in Princeton for a business session. The GCCOA Senior Center is located behind Rural King. 


At our meetings we usually sponsor a  speaker of general community and garden interest at 7 PM.  We have speakers on garden topics March to July and September to November.  We have no speaker and a group picnic in August.


Messages regarding Gibson County Master Gardeners should be directed to the Purdue Gibson County Extension Center.   The Extension Center hone: 812/385-3491 or 812/385-3492   Fax: 812/385-3493.    The  Extension Center is  not open in the evening.

The wooden planter is an example of a container method called "self-watering". The planter has a reservoir of a gallon of water under the soil. The planter only needs to be watered once a week or less depending on the amount of evaporation. Two of these planters are on display at the GCCOA. 

Gibson MGs have another example of an outdoor "self-watering" planter in full sun at the Montgomery Cemetery in Oakland City, IN.