

Here you can find out who I am. Well, also my CV, my publications

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Among other things, I like music, cinema and video games.

Nevertheless, my biggest hobby has always been computer programming. I discovered programming at the age of 13 with "GW Basic" on a video game console. Since, I used many other languages like QBasic, Turbo Pascal, Assembly, C/C++, Delphi, Java ... I will describe some of the main projects I've worked on, including some related to my studies : beyond the compulsory aspect for my studies, there is the embodiment of a passion.

The first significant project I've worked on was the Monopoly game, under QBasic. It was a multiplayer game, with a graphical interface representing a map resembling the original one. I had big pleasure programming it.

Later, I was interested in data compression and programmed 2 tools. The first was a simple one, under Pascal language, il achieved around 80% of the performance of the famous ZIP. The secong, under C++, was a little big more complicated: sub-directories and multiple files, add/remove from archive, pass word ... It had a performance comparable to ZIP.

Then, I was interested in compilation, I've developed a "compiler of compilers": a program that processes a formal grammar of a target language and generates C++ squeleton for the compiler of that target language (similar functioning than yacc/bison under Linux). It takes only adding actions inside the C++ squeleton to have a full compiler.

I developed, under Delphi, a compiler for the Assembly language of the Inter(R) Pentium 4(R) processor. The program outputs binary executable files in the MS-DOS(R) COM and EXE formats. I had great pleasure developing this program, even though the task was tremendous with the big quantity of instructions.

During a training course in the ENSI, I've developed an SMTP mail server under C++. During another course, "Houssem Bdioui" and I have programmed a backdoor program for MS-Windows 98 system. It was an undetectable virus that allows a distant user to take control over the infected machine: moving the mouse, clicking, change mouse cursor, virtual keyboard entries, task managing (launch processes, kill processes ...), file managing (create, delete, view ...), open/close CD door, shutdown the machine ... That was a great pleasure and a big fun. In a third course, "Houssem bdioui" and I programmed a 3D multiplayer car racing game.

In another training course in the ENSI (yet another), I have developed (under C++) a compiler for the database managing language CODASYL. I added several commands to that language so that to allow some algorithmic facilities like loops, tests (switch, if then else ...). Yet again, this was a great pleasure to develop.

Those were experiences among others, more or less important with variable efforts. Nonetheless, they all share the same pleasure of development and creation.