
Ghazi Bouselmi's Pages

Here you can find out who I am. Well, also my CV, my publications

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07-11-2016 : first draft.

08-11-2016 : mini-detours.

10-11-2016 : first partially workable version.

10-11-2016-bis : full working version.

12-11-2016 : better memory profile management.

13-11-2016 : multiple heap-groups.

16-11-2016 : better multiple heaps management.

17-11-2016 : 2 Modes: cautious & fast.

18-11-2016 : bug correction in x64, x64 memory model.

19-12-2016 : small changes.

    • Tests are in 32 bits (if not mentioned otherwise), where memory is limited, and its fragmentation is a severe issue.

    • As can be seen below, the application using the CRT memory manager fails to allocate a chunk of 8MB, despite 1.2GB is theoretically available.

    • On the other hand, with the private memory manager, the status of the process memory is very healthy, after 20 loops of intensive memory operations (note that the WinAPI heap is barely used, remnants of the CRT initialisations before the private manager detours).

      • CRT-memory manager: intensive memory usage - end of loop 1:

      • CRT-memory manager: intensive memory usage - end of loop 2:

      • CRT-memory manager: intensive memory usage - end of loop 3:

      • CRT-memory manager: intensive memory usage - crash !

    • Private-memory manager: 100 loops, still kicking !

    • Downloadable results

    • pool-CRT-MEM.x86.txt

    • pool-NEW-MEM.8sub.x86.txt

    • pool-CRT-MEM.far-limits.x86.txt

    • pool-NEW-MEM.8sub.far-limits.x86.txt

    • Memory_result-x86.ods

    • Pools_results-x86.ods

    • pool-CRT-MEM.x64.txt

    • pool-NEW-MEM.8sub.x64.txt

    • Memory_result-x64.ods

    • Pools_results-x64.ods