Taking the German Residency Exam

If you are not a native speaker of German and you would like to earn credit for the German you have learned on your mission or during any other equivalent experience, you are invited to take the German Residency Exam. This exam is a language test that demonstrates your mastery of German grammar, reading and writing.  If you do well on the test, you will be given credit for up to 16 credits of German 101, 102, 201, and/or 311R. Your ultimate number of credits depends on your performance in the test.  The test result will also place you in German language classes: either 102, 201, 202, 301 or 302.  

You will need to pay a fee and fill out an online form in order to take the test.  It is your responsibility to watch for e-mails from the German and Russian Department, and to watch for the scheduled time of the exam in the Testing Center.

The German Residency Exam is only given once a semester to students who are enrolled in German 330.  If you miss the scheduled week when the exam is given at the Testing Center, you will need to wait until the following semester to take the exam.