

Reports/ “Salons” (Literature Discussions): 60%

In-Class Essays: 20%

Final Paper: 10%

Final Examination: 10%

Participation: +/- 2-5%


Absolutely no use of laptops, tablets or phones in class, unless it is an official class activity.  No exceptions.  Studies have shown that it does not "help you concentrate."


Welcome, students of color and all of you who identify with a historically marginalized ethnicity or group!  Welcome LGBTQ+ students! (see section for LGBTQ+ students in the syllabus). We work hard to make sure that this class is free from unpleasant dynamics and micro-aggressions.  All of us are learning, so please be patient with us and speak up--in front of the class, privately with the instructor or the TAs, or anonymously--to help us make the class a safe and productive space.  You do not need to feel like you are personally responsible for educating us and for speaking up.  We appreciate your grace and patience.  

Women: You are invited to speak up, to offer your work as a good example, and to have opinions that differ from everyone else. Across the world's universities, women speak less in class, defer to men's comments, apologize for their comments, and do not offer up their ideas and work as good examples.  But German 330 is a class for women.  Don't be surprised if I stop a conversation that has been dominated by men and ask for your input.  I will try to not put you on the spot, but I invite you to overcome that classroom bias and to speak up and to share your questions, your ideas, and your model work.

Trans Folk: let us know what pronouns fit you best (Prof. Mc prefers he/him/his). Help us make German 330 into a place that feels like home. If I forget and say something like "Meine Damen und Herren," remind me to add "...und Freunde" or whatever you think is best.  

Everybody:  Sexual harassment does not have a place in German 330, nor does language or behavior that is sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, or religiously insensitive.  Please do not belittle other people because of who they are and what they think. Many of your classmates practice their LDS religion (or other religions) differently than you do. You do not need to agree with them, but please respect them and their ideas, their comments, and their privacy.  We are not Paul Blart--Church Cop, and our assignment is not to patrol other people's beliefs and practices.    


I reserve the right to adjust your grade 2-5% either way depending upon your participation in class. This adjustment reflects your enthusiasm, your classroom courtesy, and your helpfulness to me and to other students. So: turn off that cell phone, leave your lunch outside, get to class on time and listen quietly as other students present their papers. If you miss turning a report into your group’s presenter, you will be penalized here.

Late Work:

Absolutely NO late work will ever be accepted under any circumstances (even dire circumstances!). Your fellow classmates depend upon your papers for their presentations, and if you don’t get it in to me and to them at the BEGINNING of class on Monday, your paper does not get a lick of credit. PLEASE do not wait until Monday to print out your papers. Please back up all of your work. You have been warned.

You do have a built in “Emergency Clause:” I will allow you to use extra credit to max out the points on one report score. This is there to make up for sickness, funerals, and other emergencies. DO NOT waste these make-ups with lousy reports or because of fun weekends. If you have an extended sickness or emergency, please see me ASAP about arranging an “Incomplete” grade.

Extra Credit:

Students who sign up and officially participate in the German Choir for the entire semester automatically max out the scores of ONE Report and ONE in-class Essay (The most extra credit available in the class—NO OTHER extra credit is available to choir members). You must provide me with written confirmation of your full participation signed by Professor James.

For those students not in the German Choir, extra credit can max out ONE report OR ONE in-class Essay. Only one assignment can be maxed out for non-choir members. If you have a zero in either category, it will automatically max out that assignment. Participation in the preparation or performance of department events such as the Sophie’s Daughters concert, the Adventsingen, or the German Reader’s Theater will be worth up to 30 points. Attending these department cultural events will be worth up to 20 points. Other concerts, film evenings, films you rent yourself, or projects will be worth up to 10 points apiece. Turn in a written paragraph to me so that I can record extra credit.