330 Course Assignment Schedule (Fall 2019)

WARNING: This is just a copy of the Schedule on Learning Suite, and may not be properly updated.  Check on the German 330 Learning Suite schedule for the most up-to-date schedule.

Wed - Sep 04

Lecture: “Introduction to Cultural History and German 330”


Homework:  read the syllabus, prepare for a quiz.  Buy the books, including the appropriate book for your group (English translation OK, extra credit given if you read 100% in German).

Fri - Sep 06

Unit: 800 (The Year of Charlemagne's Coronation)  Read Schulze Chapter 1 (or Kelling 5 and 6) and the appropriate background reading for your report

Lecture: “The Well-Written 330 Report” Homework: Start researching your topic and writing your paper. You will get an A on the first paper, so don’t stress. No presentations this time.

Homework: Write your 800 Report,  Fill out the “German 330 Learning Survey:"


Mon - Sep 09

Library Research Tutorial, In-class work on first report


Homework: Write your 800 Report

Wed - Sep 11

Due: Outline of your first paper

Lecture: Giving the Perfect 330 Presentation

Time in class working on Papers  (Due next class period!)

Fri - Sep 13

Lecture:  800: Germanische Völker und Das Heilige Römische Reich



--800 Report DUE: one hard copy to Prof. McFarland and one hard copy to your group presenter.

Lecture: “800: Karl der Grosse und der Untergang der Germanen”

Synthesis Presentations (all of the students participate): History, Language/Culture, Music

Literature, Art/ Architecture

--Break-out Group Discussions: How do our texts and works participate in the problems and questions of the Era?

German 330 Checklist DUE TODAY at noon Fill out the “Learning Checklist” on the course website:

https://sites.google.com/site/german330mcfarland/home (then follow the link) 

Mon - Sep 16

Unit: 1122  (The Year of the Wormser Konkordat)

Re-Read Shultze Chapter 1 or Kelling Chapters 7 and 8

--1122 Report DUE (First Draft): One hard copy for your presenter

 --800 In-class essay (10 Minutes—with group) (Report your Reading)

Lecture: Kirche, Hof und der Investiturstreit: 1122

Tue - Sep 17

8:00 pm Salon for Group A: Prof. Mc’s house (1071 Fir Ave. Provo)

Wed - Sep 18

--Synthesis Presentations: History, Language/Culture, Music

Final Draft of 1122 paper DUE: One hard copy for Prof. Mc

Fri - Sep 20

--Synthesis Presentations: Literature, Art/ Architecture

-- Discussion: How do our artifacts participate in the problems and questions of this era?

Mon - Sep 23

Unit: 1500 (The Year of Dürer's Selbstbildnis im Pelzrock)

Read Schulze pp 31-62 (or Kelling chapters 9 and10) and the appropriate background reading for your report


--Lecture: “Der Kontext der Reformation”


Wed - Sep 25

--Synthesis Presentations: History, Language/Culture, Music

Fri - Sep 27

--Synthesis Presentations: Literature, Art/ Architecture

-- Discussion: How do our artifacts participate in the problems and questions of this era?

Mon - Sep 30

Unit: 1648 (The Year of the Treaty of Westphalia) 

Read Schulze pp 62-78 (or Kelling chapter11) and the appropriate background reading for your report



--Lecture: “Widersprüche der Barokkultur”

Tue - Oct 01

8:00 Salon for Group E: Prof. Mc’s house (1071 Fir Ave. Provo)

Wed - Oct 02

--Synthesis Presentations: History, Language/Culture, Music

Fri - Oct 04

--Synthesis Presentations: Literature, Art/ Architecture

-- Discussion: How do our artifacts participate in the problems and questions of this era?

Mon - Oct 07

Unit: 1789 (The Year of the French Revolution) 

Read Schulze 78-96 OR Kelling chapters 12, 13, 15 (pp. 150-163), 17 (pp. 205-208) and the appropriate background reading for your report

--Lecture: “Aufklärung und Revolution”

Tue - Oct 08

8:00pm Salon for Group D: Prof. Mc’s house (1071 Fir Ave. Provo)

Wed - Oct 09

--Synthesis Presentations: History, Language/Culture, Music

Fri - Oct 11

--Synthesis Presentations: Literature, Art/ Architecture

-- Discussion: How do our artifacts participate in the problems and questions of this era?

Mon - Oct 14

Unit: 1806 (The Year the Holy Roman Empire Ended) Read Schulze 96-122 OR Kelling Chapters 14 (pp140-142), 15 (pp. 164- 172), 17 (pp. 208-210) and the appropriate background reading for your report

--Lecture: “Romantik und Nationalismus”

Wed - Oct 16

--Synthesis Presentations: History, Language/Culture, Music

Fri - Oct 18

--Synthesis Presentations: Literature, Art/ Architecture

-- Discussion: How do our artifacts participate in the problems and questions of this era?

Mon - Oct 21

Unit: 1848  (The Year of Revolutions)

Read Schulze 123-138 OR Kelling Chapters 14 (pp. 142-144), 16 (pp. 185-193), 17 (pp.210-212) and the appropriate background reading for your report

--Lecture: “1848: Die fatale Verschiebung des modernen Deutschlands”

Wed - Oct 23

--Synthesis Presentations: History, Language/Culture, Music

Fri - Oct 25

--Synthesis Presentations: Literature, Art/ Architecture

-- Discussion: How do our artifacts participate in the problems and questions of this era?

Mon - Oct 28

Unit: 1871 (The Founding of the German Empire)

Read Schulze 139-167 or Kelling chapters14 (pp. 145-148), 16 (pp. 193- 202), 17 (pp. 212-214) and the appropriate background reading for your report

--Lecture: “Die Gründerzeit”

Wed - Oct 30

--Synthesis Presentations: History, Language/Culture, Music

Fri - Nov 01

--Synthesis Presentations: Literature, Art/ Architecture

-- Discussion: How do our artifacts participate in the problems and questions of this era?

Mon - Nov 04

Unit: 1918 (The Collapse of the Old Order, the Rise of the Republics) Read Schultze 169-226 or Kelling Chapters 17 (pp. 215-216), 18, 19, 22. and the appropriate background reading for your report

--Lecture: “Aufbruch der Moderne”

Wed - Nov 06

--Synthesis Presentations: History, Language/Culture, Music

Fri - Nov 08

--Synthesis Presentations: Literature, Art/ Architecture

-- Discussion: How do our artifacts participate in the problems and questions of this era?

Mon - Nov 11

Unit: 1933 (The Year of the Ermächtigungsgesetz) 

Read Schulze 226-270 OR Kelling Chapters 20, 21, 24. and the appropriate background reading for your report

--Lecture: Der Anfang vom Ende

Tue - Nov 12

8:00pm Salon Group B: Prof. Mc’s house (1071 Fir Ave. Provo)


Wed - Nov 13

--Synthesis Presentations: History, Language/Culture, Music

Fri - Nov 15

--Synthesis Presentations: Literature, Art/ Architecture

-- Discussion: How do our artifacts participate in the problems and questions of this era?

Mon - Nov 18

Unit: 1968  (The Year of Student Riots)

Read Schulze 289-328 (or Kelling chapters 23, 25) and the appropriate background reading for your report

Report on a personal narrative by an actual victim of the Holocaust, not Germans/Austrians who suffered in the war. (One page long, only one citation required, you only need to bring one hard copy.)

Tue - Nov 19

8:00pm Salon for Group C: Prof. Mc’s house (1071 Fir Ave. Provo)

Wed - Nov 20

--Synthesis Presentations: History, Language/Culture, Music

Report on a piece of Art that portrays the Holocaust: How do you discuss the unspeakable? (One page long, only one citation required, you only need to bring one hard copy.) Homework: write a problem and a thesis for your final paper

Fri - Nov 22

--Synthesis Presentations: Literature, Art/ Architecture

-- Discussion: How do our artifacts participate in the problems and questions of this era?

--Lecture: “Stunde Null und Wiederaufabau”

Final Paper: Thesis and Outline Due

Mon - Nov 25

Special Unit: Holocaust  Read Schultze 270-289

Present your Holocaust Narrative paper

Tue - Nov 26

Friday Instruction

Special Unit: Holocaust  Read Schultze 270-289

Present your Holocaust Art paper


Mon - Dec 02

Unit: 1989 (The Year the Berlin Wall Fell)

 Read Schulze 328-340 and the appropriate background reading for your report

--Lecture: „Die Berliner Republik: Die Zukunft der Vergangenheit“

Wed - Dec 04

--Synthesis Presentations: History, Language/Culture, Music

Fri - Dec 06

--Synthesis Presentations: Literature, Art/ Architecture

-- Discussion: How do our artifacts participate in the problems and questions of this era?

Mon - Dec 09

Work on Final Paper and Final Exam

Final Paper: Better Draft Due

Fill out the "German 330 Learning Survey" again, this time giving answers that reflect your status at the end of the semester:


Wed - Dec 11

Work on Final Paper and Final Exam

Final Paper: Bad Draft Due