Victoria Lantschner

Licenciada en Ciencias Biológicas (Universidad Nacional del Comahue) y Doctora en Cs. Agropecuarias (Universidad de Buenos Aires)

Biologist (Comahue National University) and Doctor in Agronomy (University of Buenos Aires)

Es investigadora independiente del CONICET. Sus intereses de investigación se centran en la ecología de invasión de insectos forestales, con foco en entender los patrones y mecanismos poblacionales involucrados durante las fases del proceso de la invasión de especies dañinas, a distintas escalas espaciales. Entre sus modelos de estudio actuales se encuentran los escarabajos de la corteza y de ambrosia (Coleoptera: Scolytinae y Platypodinae) y la avispa de los pinos, Sirex noctilio (Hymenoptera: Siricidae).  Es editora asociada de la revista científica NeoBiota, participa del comité editorial de la revista de divulgación Presencia, y es delegada del grupo de trabajo "7.03.12 - Alien Invasive Species and International Trade" de la red internacional IUFRO desde 2019.

She is a researcher at CONICET (National Council of Scientific and Technical Research). Her research interest focuses on describing patterns and understanding populations mechanisms involved during the stages of the invasion of forest insects, at different spatial scales. She is currently studying the population dynamics and invasion ecology of bark and ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytinae and Platypodinae), and of the exotic woodwasp, Sirex noctilio (Hymenoptera: Siricidae). She is subject editor of the scientific jounal NeoBiota and deputy of IUFRO's working party "7.03.12 - Alien Invasive Species and International Trade".


Publicaciones / Publications       


Revistas científicas / Scientific journals

Lantschner, MV., DF Gomez, G Vilardo, L Stazione, S Ramos, E Eskiviski, R Fachinetti, M Schiappacassi, N Vallejos, M Germano, J Villacide, MP Grilli, G Martinez, R Ahumada, SA Estay, I Dumois, J Corley (2024) Distribution, Invasion History, and Ecology of Non-native Pine Bark Beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) in Southern South America. Neotrop Entomol,

Soliani, C., Ceccarelli, V., MV Lantschner, E Thomas, P Marchelli  (2024) Predicting the distribution of plant species from southern South America: are the hotspots of genetic diversity threatened by climate change?. Biodivers Conserv,

Franić, I., Allan, E., Prospero, S. et al (2023) Climate, host and geography shape insect and fungal communities of trees. Sci Rep 13, 11570   link

Lantschner, MV, J Corley (2023) Spatiotemporal outbreak dynamics of bark and wood-boring insects. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 53: 101003.    link

Vilardo, G, M Faccoli, JC Corley, MV Lantschner (2022) Factors driving historic intercontinental invasions of European pine bark beetles. Biological Invasions, 24: 2973–2991     link

Franic, I, S. Prospero, K. Adamson, et al. M.V. Lantschner, et al. (2022) Worldwide diversity of endophytic fungi and insects associated with dormant tree twigs. Scientific Data, 9:62.    link

Krivak-Tetley, F.E., M.V. Lantschner, M.J. Lombardero, J.R. Garnas, B.P. Hurley, J.M. Villacide, B. Slippers, J.C. Corley, A.M. Liebhold, M.P. Ayres (2021) Aggressive tree killer or natural thinning agent? Assessing the impacts of a globally important forest insect. Forest Ecology and Management, 483: 118728   link

Mattera, M.G., M.J. Pastorino, M.V. Lantschner, P. Marchelli, C. Soliani (2020) Genetic diversity and population structure assessments in a foundation species of Patagonian Forests: implications for defining priority conservation areas and management. Scientific Reports, 10, 19231.    link

Lantschner, M.V., J.C. Corley, A.M. Liebhold (2020) Drivers of global Scolytinae invasion patterns. Ecological Applications,   link

Faccoli, M., D. Gallego, M. Branco, E.G. Brockerhoff, J.C. Corley, D.R. Coyle, B.P. Hurley, H. Jactel, F. Lakatos, V. Lantschner, S. Lawson, G. Martínez, D.F. Gómez, D. Avtzis (2020) A first worldwide multispecies survey of invasive Mediterranean pine bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae). Biological Invasions, 22: 1785-1799.    link

Fischbein, D, MV Lantschner, JC Corley (2019) Modelling the distribution of forest pest natural enemies across invaded areas: towards understanding the influence of climate on parasitoid establishment success. Biological Control, 132:177-188.   link

Lantschner, MV, B Aukema, JC Corley (2019) Droughts drive outbreak dynamics of an invasive forest insect on an exotic host. Forest Ecology and Management, 433: 762-770.   link

Lantschner, MV, G de la Vega, JC Corley (2019) Modelling the establishment, spread and distribution shifts of pests. International Journal of Pest Management, 65(3):187-189.   link

Corley J, MV Lantschner, A Martinez, D Fischbein, JM Villacide (2019) Management of Sirex noctilio populations in exotic pine plantations: critical issues explaining invasion success and damage levels in South America. Journal of Pest Science, 92(1): 131–142.    link

Lantschner, MV, G de la Vega, JC Corley (2019) Predicting the distribution of harmful species and their natural enemies in agricultural, livestock and forestry systems: an overview. International Journal of Pest Management, 65(3): 190-206.    link

Corley, JC, R Dimarco, D Fischbein, MV Lantschner, A Martinez, M Masciocchi, A Mattiacci, J Paritsis, J Villacide (2018) A synthesis on the impact of non-native conifer plantations on insect diversity in northwestern Patagonia. Southern Forests, 80(4): 285-291.   link

Lantschner, MV, TH Atkinson, JC Corley, AM Liebhold (2017) Predicting North American Scolytinae invasions in the Southern Hemisphere. Ecological Applications, 27(1): 66-77.  link

Hudson LN, T Newbold, S Contu, SLL Hill, I Lysenko, A De Palma, HRP Phillips, et al., MV Lantschner, et al (2017) The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project. Ecology and Evolution, 7(1): 145-188.  link

Lantschner, MV, JC Corley (2015) Spatial pattern of attacks of the invasive woodwasp Sirex noctilio, at landscape and stand scales. PLoS ONE, 10(5): e0127099. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0127099.  link 

Hudson LN, T Newbold, S Contu, S Hill, et al. MV Lantschner, et al. (2014) The PREDICTS database: A global database of how local terrestrial biodiversity responds to human impacts. Ecology and Evolution, 4(24): 4701-4735.  link

Lantschner, MV, JM Villacide, JR Garnas, P Croft, AJ Carnegie, AM Liebhold, JC Corley (2014) Temperature explains variable spread rates of the invasive woodwasp Sirex noctilio in the Southern Hemisphere. Biological Invasions, 16:329-339.  link  pdf

Pfeifer, M. et al (2014) BIOFRAG – a new database for analyzing BIOdiversity responses to forest FRAGmentation. Ecology and Evolution, 4:1524–1537. link 

Masciocchi M, AJ Pereira, MV Lantschner, JC Corley (2013) Of volcanoes and insects: the impact of the Puyehue–Cordon Caulle ash fall on populations of invasive social wasps, Vespula spp. Ecological Research, 28: 199-205.  link  pdf

Lantschner, MV, V Rusch, JP Hayes (2013) Do exotic pine plantations favour the spread of invasive herbivorous mammals in Patagonia? Austral Ecology, 38(3): 338-345.  link  pdf

Lantschner, MV, V Rusch, JP Hayes (2012) Habitat use by carnivores at different spatial scales in a plantation forest landscape in Patagonia, Argentina. Forest Ecology and Management, 269: 271-278.  link  pdf

Lantschner, MV, V Rusch, JP Hayes (2011) Influences of pine plantations on small mammal assemblages of the Patagonian forest-steppe ecotone. Mammalia, 75(3): 249-255.  link  pdf

Lantschner, MV, V Rusch, C Peyrou (2008) Bird Assemblages in Pine Plantations Replacing Native Ecosystems of N.W. Patagonia, Argentina. Biodiversity and Conservation, 17(5): 969-989.  link  pdf

Lantschner, MV y V Rusch (2007) Impacto de diferentes disturbios antrópicos sobre las comunidades de aves de bosques y matorrales de Nothofagus antarctica en el NO Patagónico. Ecología Austral, 17: 99-112.  link  pdf

Capítulos de libros / Book chapters

Corley, JC, JM Villacide, MV Lantschner (2020) Invasive Insects in Forest Plantations of Argentina: Ecological Patterns and Implications for Management (Chapter 8). In: Forest Pest and Disease Management in Latin America, Estay, S.A. (Ed). Springer.  link  

Lantschner, MV, JM Villacide, AS Martínez (2018) Insectos Plaga de las Plantaciones Forestales. En: Chauchard, L, MC Frugoni, C. Nowak (eds). Guía práctica de manejo de plantaciones forestales en el Noroeste de la Patagonia. Unidad para el Cambio Rural. Ministerio de Agroindustria, Presidencia de la Nación, Argentina. Pp 117-122.   pdf

Caballé, G, ME Fernández, J Gyenge, MV Lantschner, V Rusch, F Letourneau, L Borrelli (2016) Silvopastoral systems based on natural grassland and ponderosa pine in NW Patagonia (Argentina), Capítulo 5, pp 89-115. En: Peri, P. L., F. Dube, A. Varella. Silvopastoral systems in Southern South America (Argentina, Brazil and Chile). Series: Advances in Agroforestry (Ed. Nair, P. K. Ramachandran), Vol. 11. Springer, Switzerland, 353 p. ISBN 978-3-319-24107-4.  link  pdf

Lantschner MV, JM Villacide, A Martínez (2015) La gestión de las plagas. Manual de Buenas Prácticas para el manejo forestal sustentable de plantaciones, con énfasis en la conservación de la biodiversidad en la región de la Patagonia. Editores: Chauchard L., M.C. Frugoni, C. Nowak. Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca de la Nación, Unidad para el Cambio Rural, Buenos Aires. Cap 14. pag: 390-420. pdf

Rusch V, MV Lantschner (2015) La Biodiversidad. Manual de Buenas Prácticas para el manejo forestal sustentable de plantaciones, con énfasis en la conservación de la biodiversidad en la región de la Patagonia. Editores: Chauchard L., M.C. Frugoni, C. Nowak. Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca de la Nación, Unidad para el Cambio Rural, Buenos Aires. Cap 3. pag: 72-92.  pdf

Rusch V, A Vila, B Marqués, MV Lantschner (2015) Conservación de la Biodiversidad en Sistemas Productivos: Fundamentos y Prácticas Aplicadas a Forestaciones del Noroeste de la Patagonia. Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca de la Nación, Unidad para el Cambio Rural, Buenos Aires. 128 pp.  pdf

Lantschner, MV, V Rusch y C Peyrou (2009) Bird Assemblages in Pine Plantations Replacing Native Ecosystems of N.W. Patagonia, Argentina. En: Brockerhoff, E.G., H. Jactel, J.A. Parrotta, C.P. Quine, J. Sayer y D.L. Hawksworth. Plantation Forests and Biodiversity: Oxymoron Or Opportunity? Springer, ISBN: 978-90-481-2806-8. (Reimpreso del volumen 17(5) de la revista Biodiversity and Conservation).  link   pdf

Lantschner MV (2008) Principales impactos sobre la biodiversidad derivadas de las actividades antrópicas desarrolladas en el Noroeste de la Patagonia. En: Rusch, V., A. Vila, y B. Marqués. Conservación de la biodiversidad en sistemas productivos: Forestaciones en el Noroeste de la Patagonia. Ed. INTA, ISBN 978-987-521-306-7.  pdf

Presentaciones en congresos / Conference presentations    

Lantschner, MV (2024) Predicting the distribution of forest insects under future climate scenarios: the case of the South American ambrosia beetle, Megaplatypus mutatus. IUFRO Division 7 "Forest Health" webinar, International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2024, 12 de febrero, seminario virtual.  Ver charla (35:52 a 51:30)

Stazione, L. MV Lantschner, D Gomez, G Martínez-Crosa, E Eskiviski, S Ramos, J Corley, C Soliani. (2023). Patrones genéticos de escarabajos de la corteza invasores en Argentina y Uruguay. XXX Reunión Argentina de Ecología. San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro, Argentina, 17 al 20 de octubre. Ver poster

Lantschner, MV, JC Corley, AM Liebhold (2021) Drivers of global Scolytinae invasion patterns. IUFRO Joint Meeting of working parties 07.03.05 and 07.03.12 “Biological Invasions in Forests: Trade, Ecology & Management”, 20 a 24 de septiembre, Praga, Republica Checa.   Ver charla

Lantschner, MV (2021) Patrones y riesgos de invasión de escarabajos de la corteza a escala intercontinental: Implicancias para el diseño de prácticas de bioseguridad de plagas forestales. II Seminario internacional “La sanidad forestal en el Cono Sur, problemas comunes, enfoques compartidos”. 17 de junio, seminario virutal.   Ver charla