Maité Masciocchi

Licenciada y Doctora en Ciencias Biológicas (Universidad Nacional del Comahue)

Biologist and Doctor in Biology (Comahue National University)

Es investigadora adjunta del CONICET.  Sus intereses de investigación incluyen la dinámica de las invasiones, la ecología de poblaciones y ecología química de insectos invasores. Sus principales estudios actuales se centran en conocer y comprender las señales químicas involucradas en los mecanismos de atracción sexual entre individuos sexuados y el proceso de diapausa de una especie invasora con importancia económica, ecológica y sanitaria (Vespula germanica, conocida comúnmente como chaqueta amarilla). 

She is a researcher at CONICET (National Council of Scientific and Technical Research). Her research interests include the invasions dynamic, and population and chemistry ecology of invading insects. Her current researches focuses on knowing and understanding the chemical signals involved in sexual attraction and diapause process of an invasive species with economic, environmental and public health value (Vespula germanica, commonly known as the yellowjacket).


Publicaciones / Publications

Revistas científicas / Scientific Journals

Martínez, AS, C Dreidemie, F Inchaurza, A Cucurull, M Basti, M Masciocchi (2024) Advancing social insect research through the development of an automated yellowjacket nest activity monitoring station using deep learning. Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 1–13,

Melo, R,  JC Corley, A Mattiacci, M Masciocchi (2024) Worker trapping: a sustainable management tool for invasive social wasps?, International Journal of Pest Management, 

Masciocchi, M., A Mattiacci, JM Villacide, M Buteler, AP Porrino, AS Martínez (2023) Sugar responsiveness could determine foraging patterns in yellowjackets. Sci Rep 13, 20448

Porrino AP, Martínez AS, Villacide JM & Masciocchi M (2023) Flight capabilities of invasive yellowjacket Vespula germanica drones: the effect of kinship and nutrition. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 00: 1–8.

Melo, R, M Masciocchi, JC Corley (2023) Allee effects in an invasive social wasp: an experimental study in colonies of Vespula germanica. Sci Rep 13, 16323.

Fischbein, D., Kun, M.E., Chillo, V, Masciocchi, M, Germano, MD,  Cardozo, A, Martínez AS (2023). Resident Hymenopteran Parasitoids with Potential Drosophilid Associations in Andean North Patagonia: Implications for the Biological Control of the Spotted Wing Drosophila. Neotropical Entomology,

Mattiacci, A., Mengoni Goñalons, C., Masciocchi, M. and Corley, J.C. (2023) Gustatory responsiveness in Vespula germanica workers: exploring the interplay between sensory perception and task specialization. Insect Science.

Martínez, A. S., Buteler, M., Villacide, J. M., Serra, M. N., & Masciocchi, M. (2023) Honeydew production by the Giant Willow Aphid (Tuberolachnus salignus, Hemiptera: Aphididae) and its effect on foraging yellowjackets (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Pest Management Science. link

Pereira, AJ, M Masciocchi, JC Corley (2022) Long-term coexistence of two invasive vespid wasps in NW Patagonia (Argentina). Oecologia,  link

Masciocchi, M, JM Villacide, M Buteler, AS Martínez (2022) Are invasive species promoting yellowjacket invasion in Patagonia?. Journal of Applied Entomology,    link

Mattiacci, A., M Masciocchi, JC Corley (2021) Flexible foraging decisions made by workers of the social wasp Vespula germanica (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in response to different resources: influence of ontogenetic shifts and colony feedback. Insect Science,   link

Martínez, A, N Rousselot, JC Corley, M Masciocchi (2021) Nest-departure behaviour of gynes and drones in the invasive yellowjacket Vespula germanica (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Bulletin of Entomological Research, 11(2):174-181.   link

Masciocchi, M, B Angeletti, JC Corley, A Martinez (2020) Drone aggregation behavior in the social wasp Vespula germanica (Hymenoptera: Vespidae): Effect of kinship and density. Scietific Reports 10, 7143.   link 

Masciocchi, M, CR Unelius, M Buteler, M (2019) Foraging niche separation of social wasps in an invaded area: Implications for their management. J Appl Entomol. 2019; 143: 1115– 1121.   link

Kun, ME, M  Masiocchi (2019) First detection of the cosmopolitan invader Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann (Heteroptera: Coreidae) in Argentina. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 91(3): 3-5.    link

Martínez A, M Masciocchi, N Pisman, JM Villacide, JC Corley (2018) Mate-searching behavior in the invasive German wasp Vespula germanica (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in Patagonia. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 166(7): 555-564.    link

Corley, JC, R Dimarco, D Fischbein, MV Lantschner, A Martinez, M Masciocchi, A Mattiacci, J Paritsis, J Villacide (2018) A synthesis on the impact of non-native conifer plantations on insect diversity in northwestern Patagonia. Southern Forests, 80(4): 285-291.   link

Masciocchi, M, AS Martínez, AJ Pereira, JM Villacide, JC Corley (2018) Dispersal behaviour of yellowjacket (Vespula germanica) queens. Insect Science, 25(1):109-116.  link

Brenton-Rule, EC, J Dobelmann, JW Baty, RL Brown, L Dvorak, J Grangier, M Masciocchi, C McGrannachan, CR Shortall, J Schmack, C van Zyl, R Veldtman, PJ Lester (2018) The origins of global invasions of the German wasp (Vespula germanica) and its infection with four honey bee viruses. Biological Invasions, 20(3445): 3445–3460.   link

Babcock, T, R Gries, J Borden, L Palmero, A Mattiacci, M Masciocchi, J Corley, G Gries (2017) Brewer’s yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, enhances attraction of two invasive yellowjackets (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) to dried fruit and fruit powder.  Journal if Insect Science, 17(5): 1–7. link

Dimarco, RD, M Masciocchi, JC Corley (2017) Managing nuisance social insects in urban environments: an overview International Journal of Pest Management,  63(3): 251-265. link

Masciocchi, M, RD Dimarco, JC Corley (2017) Pest management of social insects in urban settings, International Journal of Pest Management, 63(3): 205-206. link

Masciocchi, M, AJ Pereira, JC Corley (2016) Local dynamics of worker activity of the invasive Vespula germanica and V. vulgaris (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) wasps in Argentina. Ecological Entomology, 41(1): 105-111. link pdf

Lester, P, P Bosch, M Gruber, E Kapp,  L Peng, E Brenton-Rule, J Buchanan, W Stanislawek, M Archer, JC Corley, M Masciocchi, A Van Oystaeyen, T Wenseleers (2015)  No evidence of enemy release in pathogen and microbial communities of common wasps (Vespula vulgaris) in their native and introduced range. PLoS ONE 10(3): e0121358. link

Villacide, JM, M Masciocchi, JC Corley (2014). Avispas exóticas en la Patagonia: la importancia de la ecología de invasiones en el manejo de plagas. Ecologia Austral, 24:154-161. pdf  

Lester, P, M Gruber, E Brenton-Rule, M Archer, J Corley, L Dvorak, M Masciocchi, A Van Oystaeyen (2014). Determining the origin of invasions and demonstrating a lack of enemy release from microsporidian pathogens in the common wasps (Vespula vulgaris). Diversity and Distributions, 20(8): 964-974. link  pdf

Pereira, AJ, M Masciocchi, O Bruzzone, JC Corley  (2013) Field preferences of the Social Wasp Vespula germanica (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) for Protein-rich Baits. Journal of Insect Behavior, 26(5): 730-739.  link  pdf

Masciocchi, M, AJ Pereira, MV Lantschner, JC Corley (2013) Of volcanoes and insects: the impact of the Puyehue–Cordon Caulle ash fall on populations of invasive social wasps, Vespula spp. Ecological Research, 28: 199-205.  link  pdf

Martínez AS, M Masciocchi, JM Villacide, G Huerta, L Daneri, A Bruchhausen, G Rozas, JC Corley (2013) Ashes in the air: the effects of volcanic ash emissions on plant–pollinator relationships and possible consequences for apiculture. Apidologie, 44(3): 268-277.  link  pdf

Masciocchi, M, J Corley (2013) Distribution, dispersal and spread of the invasive social wasp Vespula germanica in Argentina. Austral Ecology, 38_162-168.  link  pdf

Beggs, JR, EG Brockerhoff, JC Corley, M Kenis, M Masciocchi, F Muller, Q Rome, C Villemant (2011) Ecological effects and management of invasive Vespidae. BioControl, 56(4): 505-526.  link  pdf

Masciocchi, M, J Beggs, M Carpenter, JC Corley (2010) Primera detección de Vespula vulgaris (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) en la Patagonia Argentina. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, 64: 1-4.   pdf

Masciochi M, AG Farji-Brener, P Sackman (2010) Competition for food between the exotic wasp Vespula germanica and the native ant assemblage of NW Patagonia: evidence of biotic resistance? Biological Invasions, 12: 625-631.  link  pdf

Sackmann, P, JC Corley, M Masciocchi, R Galliari, G Novas (2010) Do bittering agents affect the success of toxic baiting of pestiferous German wasp (Vespula germanica) populations? International Journal of Pest Management, 56(1): 69-74.  link  pdf

Capítulos de libros /Book Chapters

Beggs, JR, EG Brockerhoff, JC Corley, M Kenis, M Masciocchi, F Muller, Q Rome, C Villemant (2012) Ecological effects and management of invasive Vespidae (transcripcion de articulo publicado en BioControl). En Roy HE, De Clercq P, Lawson Handley LJ, Sloggett JJ, Poland RL, Wajnberg E (eds.). Invasive Alien Arthropod Predators and Parasitoids: an ecological approach. Progress in Biological Control, volume 13, (series editor: Hokkanen HMT). Springer.

Presentaciones en congresos / Conference presentations

Melo R., Corley J., Mattiacci A., Masciocchi M. (2023). "Trampeo masivo ¿una herramienta de manejo sustentable para avispas invasoras?" XXX Reunión Argentina de Ecología (RAE). San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro, Argentina, del 17 al 20 de octubre. Ver poster

Porrino A, Masciocchi M, Martínez A (2023) "Caracterización de agregaciones de zánganos de avispas invasoras en Patagonia". XXX Reunión Argentina de Ecología (RAE). San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro, Argentina, del 17 al el 20 de octubre de 2023. ver poster

Masciocchi M, Mattiacci A, Villacide J, Buteler M, Porrino A, Martinez A. (2023). "¿El umbral de respuesta al azúcar afecta la coexistencia en avispas invasoras?" XXX Reunión Argentina de Ecología (RAE). San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro, Argentina, del 17 al el 20 de octubre de 2023.  ver poster