Jose Villacide

Licenciado en Ciencias Biológicas (Universidad Nacional del Comahue)

Biologist (Comahue National University) 

Actualmente es Investigador-Profesional de Gestión Externa- de INTA. Su línea de investigación se focaliza sobre la ecología y dinámica poblacional de insectos forestales invasores y su vínculo con acciones de manejo a distintas escalas espaciales. Principalmente, ha tomado como modelo de estudio a la avispa invasora Sirex noctilio. Asimismo, parte de su dedicación se destina a la transferencia al sector productivo y organismos vinculados a la sanidad forestal, de conocimientos teóricos y prácticos relativos al manejo de plagas y especies invasoras forestales. 

Es desde 2007 co-editor de la Serie Técnica: Manejo integrado de Plagas Forestales ISSN 1851-4103, y desde 2010 co-editor de la Serie de Divulgación sobre insectos de Importancia económica, ecológica y sanitaria ISSN 1853-5852.

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Publicaciones / Publications

Revistas científicas / Scientific journals

Lantschner, MV., DF Gomez, G Vilardo, L Stazione, S Ramos, E Eskiviski, R Fachinetti, M Schiappacassi, N Vallejos, M Germano, J Villacide, MP Grilli, G Martinez, R Ahumada, SA Estay, I Dumois, J Corley (2024) Distribution, Invasion History, and Ecology of Non-native Pine Bark Beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) in Southern South America. Neotrop Entomol,

Alma, AM, P Fernández, MN Serra, J Villacide, M Buteler (2023) Damage reduction of Acromyrmex lobicornis in Pinus ponderosa using mixed pine species in combination with push–pull tools. Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 1–9.

Masciocchi, M., A Mattiacci, JM Villacide, M Buteler, AP Porrino, AS Martínez (2023) Sugar responsiveness could determine foraging patterns in yellowjackets. Sci Rep 13, 20448

Porrino AP, Martínez AS, Villacide JM,  Masciocchi M (2023) Flight capabilities of invasive yellowjacket Vespula germanica drones: the effect of kinship and nutrition. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 00: 1–8.

Cavigliasso, P., González, E., Scherf, A., Villacide JM (2023) Landscape configuration modulates the presence of leaf-cutting ants in eucalypt plantations. Sci Rep 13, 13130.

Masagué, S, PC Fernández, F Devescovi, DF Segura, GJ de la Vega, JC Corley,  J M. Villacide, A Martínez (2023) Oviposition substrate location by the invasive woodwasp Sirex noctilio: The combined effect of chemical cues emitted by its obligate symbiont Amylostereum areolatum and different host‐tree species. Pest Management Science.  link

Villacide, JM, DF Gomez, CA Perez, JC Corley, R Ahumada, L Rodrigues Barbosa, EL Furtado, A González, N Ramirez, G Balmelli, C Dias de Souza, G Martínez (2023)  Forest Health in the Southern Cone of America: State of the Art and Perspectives on Regional Efforts. Forests, 14, 756.    link 

Martínez, A. S., Buteler, M., Villacide, J. M., Serra, M. N., & Masciocchi, M. (2023) Honeydew production by the Giant Willow Aphid (Tuberolachnus salignus, Hemiptera: Aphididae) and its effect on foraging yellowjackets (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Pest Management Science. link

Weigandt, M, JM Villacide, Bianchi, E. et al. (2022) Growth response of Pinus contorta to the synergy of stress factors: successive extreme drought events and a population outbreak of Sirex noctilio in NW Patagonia. New Forests,

Masciocchi, M, JM Villacide, M Buteler, AS Martínez (2022) Are invasive species promoting yellowjacket invasion in Patagonia?. Journal of Applied Entomology,    link

Krivak-Tetley, F.E., M.V. Lantschner, M.J. Lombardero, J.R. Garnas, B.P. Hurley, J.M. Villacide, B. Slippers, J.C. Corley, A.M. Liebhold, M.P. Ayres. Aggressive tree killer or natural thinning agent? Assessing the impacts of a globally important forest insect. Forest Ecology and Management,   link

Martínez, AS, D Fischbein, JM Villacide, JC Corley (2019) Trapping success and flight behavior of two parasitoid species of the woodwasp Sirex noctilio. Biological Control, 134: 150-156.   link

Corley J, MV Lantschner, A Martinez, D Fischbein, JM Villacide (2019) Management of Sirex noctilio populations in exotic pine plantations: critical issues explaining invasion success and damage levels in South America. Journal of Pest Science, 92(1): 131–142.  link

Fischbein, D,  JM Villacide, B López, JC Corley, AS Martínez (2018) Host‐related volatile cues used by a parasitoid wasp during foraging for its woodboring host. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata,  link

Martínez A, M Masciocchi, N Pisman, JM Villacide, JC Corley (2018) Mate-searching behavior in the invasive German wasp Vespula germanica (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in Patagonia. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 166(7): 555-564.    link

Martinson, SJ, AA Fernandez Ajó, AS Martinez, FE Krivak-Tetley, JM Villacide, MP Ayres, J.C Corley (2018) Attack rates of Sirex noctilio and patterns of pine tree defenses and mortality in northern Patagonia. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 1-9. doi:10.1017/S0007485318000184.   link

Corley, JC, R Dimarco, D Fischbein, MV Lantschner, A Martinez, M Masciocchi, A Mattiacci, J Paritsis, J Villacide (2018) A synthesis on the impact of non-native conifer plantations on insect diversity in northwestern Patagonia. Southern Forests, 80(4): 285-291.   link

Fischbein, D, JM Villacide, G De la Vega, JC Corley (2018) Sex, life history and morphology drive individual variation in flight performance of an insect parasitoid. Ecological Entomology, 43(1): 60-68. link

Masciocchi, M., A.S. Martínez, A.J Pereira, J.M. Villacide & J.C. Corley (2018) Dispersal behaviour of yellowjacket (Vespula germanica) queens. Insect Science, 25(1):109-116. link

Fernández Ajó, A., A.S. Martínez, J.M. Villacide, J.C. Corley (2015) Behavioural response of the woodwasp Sirex noctilio to volatile emissions of its fungal symbiont. Journal of Applied Entomology, 139(9):654-659. link

Corley, J.C., J.M. Villacide, A.M. Liebhold (2014) Can entomophagous nematodes slow the spread of invasive pest populations? The case study of Beddingia siricidicola released for the management ofSirex noctilio. Journal of Pest Science, 87(4): 551–557.  link   pdf

Martínez, Andrés S., J.M. Villacide, A.A. Fernández Ajó, S.J. Martinson, J.C. Corley (2014) Sirex noctilio flight behavior: towards improving current monitoring techniques. Entomología Experimentalis et Applicata, 152(2): 135-140.  link  pdf

Villacide, J.M., M. Masciocchi, J.C. Corley (2014) Avispas exoticas en la Patagonia: la importancia de la ecologia de invasiones en el manejo de plagas. Ecologia Austral, 24:154-161. link  pdf 

Lantschner, MV, JM Villacide, JR Garnas, P Croft, AJ Carnegie, AM Liebhold, JC Corley (2014) Temperature explains variable spread rates of the invasive woodwasp Sirex noctilio in the Southern Hemisphere.  Biological Invasions 16:329-339.  link  pdf 

Martínez AS, M Masciocchi, JM Villacide, G Huerta, L Daneri, A Bruchhausen, G Rozas, JC Corley (2013) Ashes in the air: the effects of volcanic ash emissions on plant–pollinator relationships and possible consequences for apiculture. Apidologie, 44(3): 268-277.  link   pdf

Corley, JC , JM Villacide, M Vesterinen (2012) Can forest management lessen the impact of pine plantations on beetle and ant diversity in the Patagonian steppe? Southern Forests 74(3): 195–202.  link   pdf

Villacide, JM, JC Corley (2012) Ecological knowledge of the woodwasp Sirex noctilio: tackling the challenge of successful pest management. International Journal of Pest Management – Special Issue, 58(3): 249-256.   link  pdf

Fischbein D,  JC Corley, J Villacide, C Bernstein (2011) The influence of food and con-specifics on the flight potential of the parasitoid Ibalia leucospoides. Journal of Insect Behavior, 24: 456-467.  link  pdf

Corley, JC, JM Villacide & S van Nouhuys (2010) Patch time allocation by the parasitoid Ibalia leucospoides (Hymenoptera: Ibaliidae): the influence of con-specifics, host abundance and distance to the patch. Journal of Insect Behaviour, 23(6): 431-440.  link  pdf

Bruzzone OA, JM Villacide, C Bernstein, JC Corley (2009) Flight polymorphism in the woodwasp Sirex noctilio (Hymenoptera: Siricidae): an analysis of tethered flight data using wavelets. Journal of Experimental Biology, 212: 731-737.  link  pdf

Villacide JM, JC Corley (2008) Parasitism on dispersal potential of the woodwasp Sirex noctilio: implications for biological control. Agriculture and Forest Entomology, 10: 341-345.  link  pdf

Villacide JM, JC Corley (2008) Pre-dispersal seed predation in Austrocedrus chilensis: a test of the associational susceptibility hypothesis. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 81: 387-393.  link  pdf

Corley, JC, JM Villacide & OA Bruzzone (2007) Spatial dynamics of a Sirex noctilio F., (Hymenoptera:Siricidae) woodwasp population within a pine plantation in Patagonia, Argentina. Entomología Experimentalis et Applicata 125: 231–236.  link  pdf

Villacide JM, JC Corley (2006) Eficacia de la extracción mecánica de árboles atacados para disminuir el riesgo de “outbreaks” de Sirex noctilio en la Patagonia. RIA-Revista de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, 35(1): 121-134.  pdf

Villacide, JM, JC Corley (2003) Distribución potencial del parasitoide Ibalia leucospoides (Hymenoptera: Ibaliidae) en Argentina. Quebracho (Revista de Investigación Forestal), 10: 7-13.  pdf

Sackmann, P, JM Villacide, JC Corley (2003) Una nueva avispa social, Polistes dominulus (Hymenoptera:Vespidae) en la Patagonia argentina. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, 62(1-2): 68-70.  pdf

Capítulos de libros / Book chapters

Corley, JC, JM Villacide, MV Lantschner (2020) Invasive Insects in Forest Plantations of Argentina: Ecological Patterns and Implications for Management (Chapter 8). In: Forest Pest and Disease Management in Latin America, Estay, S.A. (Ed). Springer.  link  

Lantschner, MV, JM Villacide, AS Martínez (2018) Insectos Plaga de las Plantaciones Forestales. En: Chauchard, L, MC Frugoni, C. Nowak (eds). Guía práctica de manejo de plantaciones forestales en el Noroeste de la Patagonia. Unidad para el Cambio Rural. Ministerio de Agroindustria, Presidencia de la Nación, Argentina. Pp 117-122.   pdf

Lantschner MV, J.M. Villacide, A. Martínez (2015) La gestión de las plagas. Manual de Buenas Prácticas para el manejo forestal sustentable de plantaciones, con énfasis en la conservación de la biodiversidad en la región de la Patagonia. Editores: Chauchard L., M.C. Frugoni, C. Nowak. Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca de la Nación, Unidad para el Cambio Rural, Buenos Aires. Cap 14. pag: 390-420. (pdf)

Corley JC, JM Villacide (2012) The population dynamics of Sirex noctilio F. The influence of diapause, spatial aggregation and flight potential on woodwasp outbreaks and spread. En B. Slippers, P de Groot and M.J. Wingfield (Eds.) The Sirex woodwasp and its fungal symbiont. Research and management of a worldwide invasive pest. Springer.

Tesis / Thesis

Villacide JM (2015) Ecología de la dispersión de Sirex noctilio: implicancias sobre el éxito de invasión de una avispa plaga. Tesis de licenciatura. 79p. 

Presentaciones en congresos / Conference presentations

Masciocchi M, Mattiacci A, Villacide J, Buteler M, Porrino A, Martinez A. (2023). "¿El umbral de respuesta al azúcar afecta la coexistencia en avispas invasoras?" XXX Reunión Argentina de Ecología (RAE). San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro, Argentina, del 17 al el 20 de octubre de 2023.  ver poster