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Avargues-Weber A, Giurfa, M (2013) Conceptual learning by miniature brains. Proceedings of the Royal Society, 280, 20131907 (pdf)

Barber, JR y AY Kawahara (2013) Hawkmoths produce anti-bat ultrasound. Biology Letters, 9(4): 1-5. (pdf)

Castelo M, M Ney-Nifle, JC Corley, C Bernstein (2006) Ovipostion height increases parasitism by Mallophora ruficauda. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology, 61: 231-243 (pdf)

Corley, JC, JM Villacide, S van Nouhuys (2010) Patch time allocation by the parasitoid Ibalia leucospoides (Hymenoptera: Ibaliidae): the influence of con-specifics, host abundance and distance to the patch. Journal of Insect Behaviour, 23(6): 431-440 (pdf)

Fernández-Arhex, V, JC Corley (2003) The functional response of parasitoids and its implications for biological control. Biocontrol Science and Technology, 13(4): 403-413 (pdf)

Fernández-Arhex, V, Corley, JC (2010) The effects of patch richness on con-specific interference in the parasitoid Ibalia leucospoides (Hymenoptera: Ibaliidae). Insect Science, 17(4): 379-385 (pdf)

Fischbein, D, Bettinelli, J, Bernstein, C, Corley, JC (2012) Patch choice from a distance and use of habitat information during foraging by the parasitoid Ibalia leucospoidesc (Hymenoptera, Ibaliidae). Ecological Entomology, 37(3): 161-168 (pdf)

Foster, K, Wenseleers, T, Ratnieks, FLW (2006) Kin selection is the key to altruism. TREE, 21(2):57-60- (pdf)

Griffin, AS, West, SA (2002) Kin selection: fact and fiction. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 17(1): 15-21 (pdf)

Griffith, SC, SR Pryke, WA Buttemer (2011) Constrained mate choice in social monogamy and the stress of having an unattractive partner. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 278: 2798–2805. (pdf)

Havlicek J, Roberts SC, Flegr J (2005) Women's preferences for dominant male odour: effects of menstrual cycle and relationship status. Biology Letters, 1: 256-259. (pdf)

Manassa, RP, MI McCormick, DP Chivers, MCO Ferrari (2013) Social learning of predators in the dark: understanding the role of visual, chemical and mechanical information. Proceedings of the Royal Society, 280 (1765) (pdf)

Martínez A, V Fernández-Arhex, JC Corley (2006) Chemical information from the fungus Amylostereum aerolatum and host foraging behaviour in the parasitoid Ibalia leucospoides. Physiological Entomology, 31(4): 1-5 (pdf)

Narendra, A, S Gourmaud, Z Jochen (2013) Mapping the navigational knowledge of individually foraging ants, Myrmecia croslandi. Proceedings of the Royal Society, 280: 1-9. (pdf)

Pyke GH, HR Pulliam, EL Charnov (1977) Optimal Foraging: A Selective Review of Theory and Tests. The Quarterly Review of Biology, 52(2): 137-154. (pdf)

Reindl et al (2016) Young children spontaneously invent wild great apes’ tool-use behaviours. Proc. R. Soc. B. 283: 1-7. (pdf)

Smiseth, PT, J Ornborg, S Andersson, T Amundsen (2001) Is male plumage reflectance correlated with paternal care in bluethroats? Behavioral Ecology, 12: 164-170. (pdf)

Tanaka, H, Ohtsuki, H, Ohtsubo, Y (2016). The price of being seen to be just: an intention signalling strategy for indirect reciprocity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 283(1835), (pdf)

Tregenza, T (1994) Common misconceptions in applying the ideal free distribution. Animal Behaviour, 47:485-487. (pdf)

van Nouhuys S, Kaartinen R (2007) A parasitoid wasp uses landmarks while monitoring potential resources. Proceedings of the Royal Society, 275(1633): 377–385 (pdf)

Zimmerman, GS, WS LaHaye, RJ Gutiérrez (2003) Empirical support for a despotic distribution in a California spotted owl population. Behavioral Ecology, 14(3): 433-437. (pdf).