Material de Lectura


Boulay, RL, JA Galarza, B Cheron, A Hefetz, A Lenoir, L van Oudenhove, X Cerda (2010) Intraspecific competition affects population size and resource allocation in an ant dispersing by colony fission. Ecology, 91: 3312-3321. (pdf)

 Birch, LC (1948) The intrinsic rate of natural increaso of an insect population. J. Anim. Ecol., 17: 15-26. (pdf) + (complemento)

 Castelo, M & Corley, J.C. (2010). Spatial density-dependent parasitism and specificity in the robber fly Mallophora ruficauda (Diptera: Asilidae). Austral Ecology 35: 72-81. (pdf)

Connell, JH (1961) The influence of Interspecific competition and other factors on the distribution of the barnacle Chthamalus stellatus. Ecology, 42:710-723. (pdf)

Corley JC, OA Bruzzone (2009) Delayed emergence and the success of parasitoids in biological control. Biological Control, 51: 471-474 (pdf)

Fernández-Arhex, V, JC Corley (2003) The functional response of parasitoids and its implications for biological control. Biocontrol Science and Technology, 13(4): 403-413 (pdf)

Hanski, I. (1998) Metapopulation dynamics. Nature, 396: 41-49. (pdf)

Hassell, M. (2000) The Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Host-Parasitoid Interactions. Cap 4.5: A more unified approach, pp 81-87. Oxford University Press. (pdf)

Korpimäki, E, PR Brown, J Jacob, RP Pech (2004) The Puzzles of Population Cycles and Outbreaks of Small Mammals Solved? BioScience, 54(12):1071-1079. (pdf)

Martınez-Padilla, J, SM Redpath, M Zeineddine, F Mougeot (2014) Insights into population ecology from long-term studies of red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus. Journal of Animal Ecology, 83: 85-98. (pdf)

Myers, H, JS Cory (2013) Population cycles in forest lepidoptera revisted. Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 44:565–92. (pdf)

Murdoch, WW (1994) Population Regulation in Theory and Practice. Ecology, 75:271-287. (pdf)

Schardin, C. et al. (2010) Female home range size is regulated by resource distribution and intraspecific competition: a long-term field study. Animal Behaviour, 79: 195-203. (pdf)

Stenseth, NC. The lemming cycle. (pdf

Stiling, P (1987). The Frequency of Density Dependence in Insect Host-Parasitoid Systems. Ecology 68: 844-856 (pdf)

Turchin, P, AD Taylor, JD Reeve (1999) Dynamical Role of Predators in Population Cycles of a Forest Insect: An Experimental Test. Science, 285:1068-1071. (pdf)

Webb, SL, MR Dzialak, JJ Wondzell, SM Harju, LD Hayden-Wing, JB Winstead (2011) Survival and cause-specific mortality of female Rocky Mountain elk exposed to human activity. Population Ecology, 53: 483-493. (pdf)

Wolda, H, K Spitzer, J Leps (1992) Stability of environment and of insect populations. Res. Popul. Ecol., 34: 213-225. (pdf)

Myers, J (2018). Population cycles: generalities, exceptions and remaining mysteries . Proc. R. Soc. B 285: 20172841. (pdf)  

Weed, A; M. Ayres & B. Bentz  (2015). Population dynamics of bark beetles. En Vega, F & Hoffstetter, R. (eds). Bark Beetles. Bioology and Ecology of Native and Invasive Species. Academic Press. (pdf)

R. M. May (1974). Biological populations with non overlapping generations: Stable points, stable cycles, and chaos. Science 186, 645–647 (pdf)

Heads, P.A. and Lawton J.H. (1983). Studies on the Natural Enemy Complex of the Holly Leaf-Miner: The Effects of Scale on the Detection of Aggregative Responses and the Implications for Biological Control. Oikos, Vol. 40, No. 2 (Feb., 1983), pp. 267-27 (pdf)

Forest insect oubreaks (carpeta con 3 articulos breves) (pdf 1; pdf 2; pdf 3)

Yamanaka, T.(2024). How can population models contribute to contemporary pest management practices? Applied Entomology and Zoology  59:1–12 (pdf)

Fauteux, D., G. Gauthier1 & D. Berteaux (2015). Seasonal demography of a cyclic lemming population in the Canadian Arctic. J. Anim. Ecol 84:1412-1422 (pdf)

Lima,M. & S. Abades. (2015). Malthusian Factors as Proximal Drivers of Human Population Crisis at Sub-Saharan Africa.Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (pdf)

Andreo,V., C. Provensal, M. Scavuzzo, M. Lamfro & J. Polop. (2009). Environmental factors and population fluctuations of Akodon azarae (Muridae: Sigmodontinae) in central Argentina. Austral Ecology 34:132-144.(pdf).

Aluja, M. M. Ordano, L. Guillen & J. Rull. (2009). Understanding Long-Term Fruit Fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) Population Dynamics: Implications for Areawide Management. J. Econ. Entomol. 105(3): 823-836 (pdf)

Lectura General

Fernández–Arhex, V, JC Corley (2004) La respuesta funcional de parasitoides: una revisión y guía experimental. Ecología Austral, 14: 83-93 (pdf)

Kingsland, SE (1995) Modeling Nature. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. (pdf)