Material de Lectura para Seminarios

DIA 1 - Lunes 27

Seminario: Tendencias corrientes en el manejo de plagas y discusión general.

Corley, JC (2017) A view of future avenues of research in pest and weed management. International Journal of Pest Management, 63(1):1-2 descargar

Hokkanen HMT (2015) Integrated pest management at the crossroads: Science, politics, or business (as usual)? Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 9: 543-545 descargar

Leather SR (2017) Mind the gap: time to make sure that scientists and practitioners are on the same page. Ann App Biol, 170: 1-3. descargar

Murdoch, WW (1994) Population Regulation in Theory and Practice. Ecology, 75(2): 271-287. descargar

DIA 2 - Martes 28

Seminario: Ecología de parasitoides y criterios de selección.

Fischbein, D., J.C. Corley (2015). Classical biological control of an invasive forest pest: a world perspective of the management of Sirex noctilio using the parasitoid Ibalia leucospoides (Hymenoptera: Ibaliidae). Bulletin of Entomological Research, 105:1-12. descargar

Mills N (2005) Selecting efective parasitoids for biological control introductions: Codling moth as a case study. Biological Control, 34: 274-282. descargar

DIA 3 - Miércoles 29

Seminario: Métodos de monitoreo y Ecología química.

Epanchin-Neill, RS, EG Brockerhoff, JM Kean, JA Turner (2014) Designing cost-efficient surveillance for early detection and control of multiple biological invaders. Ecological Applications, 24(6): 1258–1274. descargar

Evenden, ML, BA Mori, KD Sjostrom, J Roland (2015) Forest tent caterpillar, Malacosoma disstria (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae), mate-finding behavior is greatest at intermediate population densities: implications for interpretation of moth capture in pheromone-baited traps. Front. Ecol. Evol., 3(78): 1-11. descargar

Nadel, RL, MJ Wingfield, MC Scholes, SA Lawson, B Slippers (2012) The potential for monitoring and control of insect pests in Southern Hemisphere forestry plantations using semiochemicals. Annals of Forest Science, 69(7): 757-767. descargar

Torres-Vila et al. (2015) Mark-recapture of Monochamus galloprovincialis with semiochemical-baited traps: population density, attraction distance, flight behaviour and mass trapping efficiency. Forestry, 88: 224-236. descargar

Williams, DT, N Straw, M Townsend, AS Wilkinson, A Mullins (2013) Monitoring oak processionary moth Thaumetopoea processionea L.using pheromone traps: the influence of pheromone lure source, trap design and height above the ground on capture rates. Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 15: 126–134. descargar

DIA 4 - Jueves 30

Seminario: Modelos de distribución de especies y su aplicación al MIP

Lantschner, MV, TH Atkinson, JC Corley, AM Liebhold (2017) Predicting North American Scolytinae invasions in the Southern Hemisphere. Ecological Applications, 27(1): 66-77. descargar

De la Vega GJ, P Medone, S Ceccarelli, J Rabinovich, PE Schilman (2015) Geographical distribution, climatic variability and thermo-tolerance of Chagas disease vectors. Ecography, 38(8): 851-860. descargar

Seminario: Manejo de especies de plagas invasoras

Liebhold & Tobin (2008) Population ecology of insect invasions and their management. Annu. Rev. Entomol., 53: 387-408. descargar

Fauvergue X y KR Hopper (2009) French wasp in the New World: experimental biological control introductions reveal a demographic Allee effect. Popul Ecol, 51: 385-397 descargar

DIA 5 - Viernes 31

Seminario: Manejo de insectos sociales y plagas en el ámbito urbano

Beggs JR, Brockerhoff EG, Corley JC, Kenis M, Masciocchi M, Frank M, Quentin R & Villemant C. (2011). Ecological effects and management of invasive alien Vespidae. BioControl. 56: 505-526. descargar

Dimarco RD, Masciocchi M & Corley JC. (2017). Managing pestiferous social insects in urban environments: an overview. International Journal of Pest Management, submitted. descargar

Silverman J & Brightwell RJ. (2008). The Argentine ant: challenges in managing an invasive unicolonial pest. Annual Review of Entomology. 53: 231-252. descargar