

HC 91 I/O Port Specifications  - Author: Aleodor Daniel Ioan; transcribed and translated by Cristi Grecu

HC hardware improvements to extension - Second Edition - Aleodor Daniel Ioan

HC hardware upgrades to mainboard - Aleodor Daniel Ioan

HC File System Description - CP/M and BASIC - George Chirtoaca


ICE Felix - Manual Interface 1 - the floppy disk-equipped HC interface

ICE Felix - Interface 1 technical specifications - thanks to Anton Constantin

ICE Felix - Manual tehnic HC85 - includes schematics - Version from BogDan Vatra or Version I had scanned

ICE Felix - Manual HC90 

ICE Felix - Manual Utilizare HC91  - Version from BogDan Vatra or Version I had scanned

ICE Felix - Manual HC 2000 - taken from, completed missing pages

ICE Felix - Manual HC CP/M - taken fromn

Electronica - Manual CIP-03 - scanned by Roelof Koning

ITCI Brasov - Cobra Technical Manual  - scanned, OCR-ed, diagrams redrawn by Roelof Koning

Opus ROM manual - used in Cobra computer

Prezentare Cobra - thanks to Alex Danes

Manual CP/M Cobra

Manual Cobra

Manual TIM-S Plus - thanks to Eugen

Manual functionare TIM-S - thanks to Alex Danes

ICE Felix RGB-TTL Monitor Manual

Manual LB 881 -  thanks to alexdanes2002

Prae Basic - thanks to whoever sent it to me, I don't recall

Prae Manual - thanks to Raimund Ullmann



Ion Diamandi - Cum sa realizam jocuri pe calculator

A. Petrescu, N. Tapus - ABC de calculatoare personale - Volum 2

Ion Diamandi - 40 de jocuri logice in basic

Mircea Mihail Popovici - Limbajul masina al calculatoarelor ZX Spectrum, HC, TIM-S, Cobra, Cip, JET 

Miklos Patrubany - Totul Despre Microprocesorul Z80  - thanks to trieper_codename47

Ion Diamandi, Ion Odagescu - Din spectacolul informaticii - Calculatorul Personal

Ryuric Marius Hristev - Introducere in Prolog

Vlad Atanasiu - Minunata lume a HC-ului - thanks to icf

Ion Diamandi - PC World Romania - Tips & Tricks - Jocuri pe calculator - thanks to icf

Ion Diamandi - Calculatorul,  coleg de bancă - thanks to Teodor Chira

"Totul despre... calculatorul personal aMIC" vol. 1 - thanks to Alex Danes

"Totul despre... calculatorul personal aMIC" vol. 2 - thanks to Alex Danes

Books by Aleodor Ioan Daniel


hobBIT magazine - thanks to n_icf

Stiinta si tehnica - Almanah "Calculatorul, nimic mai simplu" - thanks to Alex Danes 

Computer Games 1 - 16

Revista "Clubul programatorilor universitari" - thanks to Alin-Adrian ANTON


HC-91 Schematics

HC 2000 Schematics - thanks to Liviu Grama

HC IF1 schematics  - thanks to Liviu Grama

Cobra computer schematics - better resolution + cleaned by Bubu

Cobra computer schematics 1 2 - from

Cobra PAL coder - by Rares, modified by Bubu

CIP-01 computer schematics  - thanks O. Szabi

aMIC computer schematics - thanks O. Szabi

Sintez 2 schematics - thanks Rares

Codor PAL analog Cobra - by Bubu

Scheme logice TIM-S Plus - thanks to Alin Adrian ANTON

Scheme Junior-XT - thanks to yo3ghm

Scheme IF1 - thanks to Anton Constantin <>

All material found here is copyrighted by the specified authors. I will remove them if requested.

Thanks to all contributors.