Hagrid is a good friend. He's great with animals. He cares about the school. But here's the thing, he's just not a great teacher. He constantly put his students in harm's way. Students in care of Magical Creatures would have to dash off to Madame Pomfrey for burns, bites, and boils when trying to tame the rare and unpredictable creatures in the teacher's care. Still, at least his class was always an adventure! Hagrid's kids knew what they were in for as soon as they picked up the textbook, The Monster Book of Monsters. Want to set the tone for your Harry Potter themed event? Take a page out of Hagrid's book and introduce this beasty book to all your friends!


This Monster Book of Monsters will gnash its little teeth and chase people about until you pick it up and stroke it's spine (aka press a button on its spine). The hilarious book has golden eyes, a furry exterior, and is strangely adorable. It runs on three AAA batteries that are included so you're ready for some fun magic as soon as the beast arrives! And hey, at least it's not a blast ended skrewt, right?