Teacher View vs Student View

Teachers and students don't always see things the same way in Classroom. There are slight differences in what students see. It is important to get a workflow down so students know what to do. Making this part of your classroom procedures at the beginning of the year will help. Giving students detailed instructions will also help.

The images below show you what Classroom looks like to a teacher on the left side and shows you the same thing as a student would see it on the right side.


This is a short answer question. Students can type their reply below the question. (Click either image to enlarge)

Teacher View

Student View

This is a multiple choice question. The student can see all of the answer choices and can simply click their answer and then submit. On the teacher side, you will need to click on the question in order to see how students responded. (Click either image to enlarge)

Teacher View

Student View


This assignment is asking the students to use the Create option in the assignment to create a new Doc. To access the Create option, students must click on Open - this is part of the instructions to the student. The image attached is a screenshot to help them find the Create option. (Click either image to enlarge)

Teacher View

Student View

This assignment has a template attached for students to fill in - make a copy for each student was selected when the Slide template was attached. Notice that the template is not visible to students in the assignment view. In order to access the template, students must click Open. The directions instruct them to do this. (Click either image to enlarge)

Teacher View

Student View

This assignment has students using a web app to complete the assignment. Students are instructed to use the Add link option in the assignment to add the link to their creation. A link to the web app is provided as is a screenshot showing them how to use the Add link option in Classroom. (Click either image to enlarge)

Teacher View

Student View