Share Student Work

Did you know you can use Classroom to share student work? Students can post their work and get comments from other students!

If teachers have allowed students to post and comment, students will be able to click + and add a post to the Stream.

From there, students could type something about their work and then attach either a file, video or link.

A student could attach any piece of work:

  • a Doc, Sheet, Slides, Drawing from their Drive
  • a link to something done in another web app like Haiku Deck or Vocaroo or Voki
  • a YouTube video that they created
  • a photo out of Photos or Camera Roll (how many apps on the iPad save back to the Camera Roll? TONS!)
  • use the camera on the iPad to take a picture of ANYTHING

Once the work is attached to the post, students can receive feedback from their peers!