Phased Delta Loops

Single Band Operation

The phased delta will give a couple of db gain over a single loop and has a take off angle of 20 degrees.If will provide a reasonable match to 50 / 75 ohm coax for single band use.

Multi Band Operation

A phased delta cut for 17mtr's, fed with 75 - 100 ohm ladder line connected to a 4:1 balun via an atu provides a reasonable match on the following bands, 17mtr, 15mtr, 12mtr, 10mtr and 6mtr.

The following formula for a loop antenna can be used for any frequency of choice.

Single delta antenna 1005 / 18.140 mhz x .3048 = 16.88mtr / 3 = 5.62mtr per side.

Ex GPO twin telephone cable is used for the twin feeder that has an impedance of around 70 - 100 ohms, a good quality speaker cable could also be used.

The loops are made from 1mm stainless steel mig wire, it is just possible to see them shining in the sun. The bottom of the loop is about 2mtr above ground and secured with twine to prevent movement in the wind.