OPERATIONS Management 

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Introduction to Operations Management

(authors: Mary Drane and Hamid Faramarzi )


Publisher: Seneca

Year of publication: ? [date not given]

This book is an adaptation of Understanding Operations Management originally published by The Open University, as well as Operations Management from Saylor. 

Table of contents:

1. Introduction to Operations Management

2. Operations Strategy and Competitiveness

3. Forecasting

4. Supply Chain

5. Managing Quality

6. Process Design

7. Strategic Capacity Planning

8. Facility Location




Operations Management


Publisher: Saylor Academy and Lumen learning

Year of publication: ?? [no date given]


FREE DOWNLOAD: https://pressbooks.nscc.ca/operationsmanagement2/    

Operations management is a science with which we are all, in some capacity, familiar. We all have scarce resources and have to allocate those resources properly. Think about the process of preparing a meal: you have to gather all the proper ingredients and prepare them for cooking. Certain ingredients go in at certain times. Occasionally, you fall behind or get too far ahead, jeopardizing the entire meal. And, of course, if you find that you do not have enough ingredients, even more problems arise. All of these elements of meal preparation – purchasing ingredients, prepping the ingredients by dicing them up, mixing ingredients together, boiling or baking the dish, serving, and cleaning – can be seen as parts of operations management.

Contents page:

Unit 1: Operations Management Overview

Unit 1 Learning Outcomes

1.1: Introduction to Operations Management

1.2 Manufacturing versus Service Operations

1.3: The Systems View of Operations Management

1.4: The Process View of Organizations

Unit 1 Activity and Assessment

Unit 2: Operations Strategy

Unit 2 Learning Outcomes

2.1: Role of Strategy in Operations Management

2.2: Operations Competitive Priorities

Unit 2 Activity and Assessment

Unit 3: Product Design and the Process Selection

Unit 3 Learning Outcomes

3.1: Generating Ideas

3.2: Product & Service Screening

3.3: Preliminary and Final Design

3.4: Methods for Improving Product & Service Design

3.5: Process Selection

Unit 3 Activity and Grading Rubric

Unit 4: Quality Management

Unit 4 Learning Outcomes

4.1: Productivity and Total Quality Management

4.2: Statistical Process Control

Unit 4 Activity and Grading Rubric

Unit 5: Supply Chain Management (SCM)

Unit 5 Learning Outcomes

5.1: Fluctuations in the Supply Chain

5.2 Supply Chain Procurement

5.3: Supply Chain Distribution

Unit 5 Activity and Grading Rubric

Unit 6: Just-In-Time and Lean Systems

Unit 6 Learning Outcomes

6.1: Lean Manufacturing

6.2: Eliminating Waste

6.3: Continuous Improvement

6.4: JIT Pull Systems

Unit 6 Activity and Grading Rubric

Unit 7: Capacity Planning and Facility Layout

Unit 7 Learning Outcomes

7.1: Capacity Planning

7.2: Facility Location and Layout

Unit 7 Activity and Grading Rubric

Unit 8: Work Systems Design

Unit 8 Learning Outcomes

8.1: Job Design

8.2: Motion Study

8.3: Work Measurement

8.4: Project Management Issues

Unit 8 Activity and Grading Rubric

Unit 9: Inventory

Unit 9 Learning Outcomes

9.1: Inventory Management

9.2: Types of Inventory and Inventory Decisions

9.3: Inventory Control

Unit 9 Activity and Grading Rubric




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