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: Fundamentals of Business Mathematics


Publisher: OER Lab (Ontario Tech University)

Year of publication: 2021

This text has been adapted from the following resources:

Summarised Contents Page: 



I. Main Body

1. Review of the Basics

2. General Business Management Applications

3. Human Resources and Economic Applications

4. Marketing Applications

5. Accounting Applications

6. Simple Interest

7. Functions and Lines

8. Systems of Equations and Linear Programming

9. Polynomial and Rational Functions

10. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

11. Finance

Business Math

: a step-by-step handbook


Publisher: Lyryx

Year of publication: 2021

Also at 

Business Math: a step-by-step handbook was written to meet the needs of a twenty-first century student. It takes a systematic approach to helping students learn how to think and centers on a structured process termed the PUPP Model (Plan, Understand, Perform, and Present). This process is found throughout the text and in every guided example to help students develop a step-by-step problem-solving approach.

This textbook simplifies and integrates annuity types and variable calculations, utilizes relevant algebraic symbols, and is integrated with the Texas Instruments BAII+ calculator. It also contains structured exercises, annotated and detailed formulas, and relevant personal and professional applications in discussion, guided examples, case studies, and even homework questions.


As educators, we constantly hear, “…and when will I ever use that in my life?” This textbook demonstrates to students both personal and professional applications in discussions, guided examples, case studies, and even their homework questions:

1. On a personal level, students are shown realistic scenarios, companies, and products that they commonly are exposed to. It is always easier to learn something when students can relate to it.

2. On a professional level, this textbook demonstrates business situations in different business fields so that students can see applicability regardless of their chosen career path. Whether students are planning on becoming accountants or marketers, there are applications to be found in this textbook.

Data Analytics and Decision Making


Publisher: University of Windsor

Year of publication: 2022  



Data analytics is a rapidly evolving field. In today’s labour market, knowing how to acquire, process, and interpret large amounts of data to make optimal decisions is crucial for many professionals, especially those in business and engineering. This open textbook, “a new online course” if you will, focuses on three key concept areas: data acquisition, data processing, and decision-making models. 

In this course, students will be able to develop advanced knowledge and skills to acquire related data for operations of business or projects; apply quantitative literacy skills such as statistics and machine learning; and use predictive or prescriptive modeling to make timely, actionable, and meaningful decisions..

Contents (summary):



Accessibility Statement

Adopting or Adapting the Book

1. Introduction to Data Analytics and Decision Making

1.1 Introduction to Data Analytics and Decision Making

1.3 Careers in Data Analytics

1.4 Data Types, Formats and Repositories

1.5 Data Technologies: Big Data and Cloud Computing

1.6 Stages of Data Analytics

1.7 Predictive Analytics: Statistical Learning & Machine Learning

1.8 Prescriptive Analytics

2. Descriptive Analytics

2.1 Descriptive Analytics

2.2 Data Visualization

2.3 Data Summarization

Assignment 1

3. Predictive Analytics

3.1 Predictive Analytics

3.2 Regression

3.3 Multiple Linear Regression

3.4 Non-Linear Relationships/Polynomial Regression

3.5 Logistic Regression

Assignment 2

3.6 K-Nearest Neighbours

3.7 Cross Validation

3.8 Resampling

3.9 Feature Selection

4. Prescriptive Analytics

4.1 Prescriptive Analytics

4.2 Minimum Cost Network Flow Problem (MCNFP)

4.3 Routing

4.4 Simulation

4.5 Investment Management

4.6 Stochastic Decision Tree Analysis

Assignment 3

4.7 Revenue Management

Assignment 4


Contemporary Mathematics


Publisher: OpenStax

Year of publication: 2023  [See online version for latest edition]



Contemporary Mathematics is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements for a liberal arts mathematics course. This resource provides stand-alone sections with a focus on showing relevance in the features as well as the examples, exercises, and exposition. Contemporary Mathematics integrates technology applications, projects, and highlights a diverse group of contributors to mathematics, statistics, and related fields.

Contents (summary):


2.1 Statements and Quantifiers

2.2 Compound Statements

2.3 Constructing Truth Tables

2.4 Truth Tables for the Conditional and Biconditional

2.5 Equivalent Statements

2.6 De Morgan’s Laws

2.7 Logical Arguments

Chapter Summary


6.1 Understanding Percent

6.2 Discounts, Markups, and Sales Tax

6.3 Simple Interest

6.4 Compound Interest

6.5 Making a Personal Budget

6.6 Methods of Savings

6.7 Investments

6.8 The Basics of Loans

6.9 Understanding Student Loans

6.10 Credit Cards

6.11 Buying or Leasing a Car

6.12 Renting and Homeownership

6.13 Income Tax

Chapter Summary


9.1 The Metric System

9.2 Measuring Area

9.3 Measuring Volume

9.4 Measuring Weight

9.5 Measuring Temperature

Chapter Summary


11.1 Voting Methods

11.2 Fairness in Voting Methods

11.3 Standard Divisors, Standard Quotas, and the Apportionment Problem

11.4 Apportionment Methods

11.5 Fairness in Apportionment Methods

Chapter Summary


12.1 Graph Basics

12.2 Graph Structures

12.3 Comparing Graphs

12.4 Navigating Graphs

12.5 Euler Circuits

12.6 Euler Trails

12.7 Hamilton Cycles

12.8 Hamilton Paths

12.9 Traveling Salesperson Problem

12.10 Trees

Chapter Summary


13.1 Math and Art

13.2 Math and the Environment

13.3 Math and Medicine

13.4 Math and Music

13.5 Math and Sports

Chapter Summary

Appendix A Co-Req Appendix: Integer Powers of 10

Answer Key


Introductory Business Statistics


Publisher: OpenStax

Year of publication: 2017  [See online version for more recent edition]



Introductory Business Statistics is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the one-semester statistics course for business, economics, and related majors. Core statistical concepts and skills have been augmented with practical business examples, scenarios, and exercises. The result is a meaningful understanding of the discipline, which will serve students in their business careers and real-world experiences. 

Mathematics for Public and Occupational Health Professionals 


Publisher: Ryerson University 

Year of publication: ? [no date given] 



This textbook was created to support the study of key mathematical concepts and skills among future occupational and public health professionals. Specifically, it contains material adapted from multiple existing resources on college- and university-level mathematics. The primary intended use of the textbook is for the course POH103 “Data Management” at Ryerson University, but it could be used or adapted to other settings.


The material is designed for first-year undergraduate occupational and public health students with different backgrounds in mathematics. The material is intended to prepare students for more advanced quantitative courses in biostatistics, epidemiology, and risk assessment, among others.

Table of contents:

Chapter 1: Algebra Review

1.1. Introduction to Algebra

1.2. Equations

1.3. Measurement Systems

1.4. Ratios, Rates, and Percent

1.5. Exponents and Scientific Notation

1.6. Practice question answers

Chapter 2: Linear Equations and Graphs

2.1. Graphing a Linear Equation

2.2. Slope of a Line

2.3. Equation of a Line

2.4. Applications

2.5. Practice question answers

Chapter 3: Introduction to Functions

3.1. Introduction to Functions

3.2. Domain and Range

3.3. Rates of Change and Behaviour of Graphs

3.4. Quadratic Functions

3.5. Practice question answers

Chapter 4: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

4.1. Exponential Functions

4.2. Logarithmic Functions

4.3. Exponential and Logarithmic Models

4.4. Practice question answers

Chapter 5: Sets and Counting

5.1. Set Theory and Venn Diagrams

5.2. Multiplication Axiom

5.3. Permutations

5.4. Combinations

5.5. Practice question answers

Chapter 6: Probability - Part 1

6.1. Sample Spaces and Probability

6.2. Mutually Exclusive Events and the Addition Rule

6.3. Probability Using Tree Diagrams and Combinations

6.4. Conditional Probability

6.5. Independent Events

6.6. Practice question answers

Chapter 7: Probability - Part 2

7.1. Binomial Probability

7.2. Bayes' Formula

7.3. Expected Value and Tree Diagrams

7.4. Markov Chains

    7.5. Practice question answers


Modelling for Sustainable Development

: New decisions for a new age


Publisher: IISD (International Institute for Sustainable Development)

Year of publication: 2019



Our environmental, economic, and social systems are currently facing a host of challenges, which if left unaddressed will have significant implications for the world in which we live. Tackling these challenges will require better-informed decision-making, which in turn requires models that are designed and developed with sustainable development considerations and objectives in mind. To support this need for better-informed decision making, this book brings together the insights and expertise of a dozen expert modellers and policy analysts, who completed this project on modelling for sustainable development in June 2019 using the "Book Sprints" method. 

This practical book:


The book is designed for decision-makers, model commissioners, model developers, model users, and students specializing in modelling and/or the different aspects of sustainable development. 



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