Untitled PostOffre de poste "tenure Investigator" sur la Physiology de la nutrition - Universite de Bourgogne

Post date: Sep 11, 2018 3:11:7 PM

Tenure Eligible Investigator

Physiology of Nutrition

Job number: Ref: AAP3-JF11-ASD


        The University Bourgogne Franche-Comté (UBFC) is inviting application for a tenure eligible investigator in the field of “Physiology of Nutrition”. The selected candidate will be affiliated to Nutritional Physiology and Toxicology team (NUTox) of INSERM Research Center “Lipids-Nutrition-Cancer” (http://inserm-u866.u-bourgogne.fr/) located in Dijon (France). This position is supported by the French “Investissements d’Avenir” program, project ISITE-BFC.

        We encourage applications from highly motivated and outstanding scientists working in this field of research and holding a PhD degree, with at least three years of postdoctoral experience. The candidates should have proven a substantive record of publications in highly peer review journals and the capacity to develop an independent and competitive research program.

         The successful applicant will avail of 450 k€ grant (including her/his salary and research budget) for a period of three years. The salary will be negotiated on the basis of education/qualification and research experience. The salary/budget package also includes all the benefits like retirement, health insurance, annual and sickness leave.

         UBFC (www.ubfc.fr) is a research university federating six organizations. The tenure eligible position will be provided by AgroSup Dijon, member of the UBFC federation, during the tenure probation period. During this period, the successful candidate will be committed to apply for a European Research Council (ERC) grant.

 UBFC and AgroSup Dijon are equal opportunity employers.


Job description:

About the hosting research team

        The main theme of the NUTox team is focused on the “oro-intestinal sensing of dietary lipids and its impact on health and disease”, in

particular on obesity. The team has attracted international acclaim, being pioneer to demonstrate that

oro-sensory detection of dietary lipids may constitute, "the 6th taste modality," which is mediated by lipid receptors (CD36 & GPR120).

         The team's hypothesis is that there exists a "functional continuum" along the oro-intestinal axis responsible for themodulation, in real

time, of ingestion, digestion, absorption and metabolic fate of dietary lipids adapting them to specific needs of the organism.

Thus, a disturbance in this sensing could lead to metabolic and behavioral changes that cause energy homeostasis disorders such as

obesity. For example, the team has shown that the CD36 receptor controls both the preference for dietary

lipids, the efficiency of absorption and the quality of secreted chylomicrons.


Targeted profile

        The candidates with exceptional scientific aptitude will develop their own independent research program to bring an additional asset to strengthen the existing research team.

         The candidate must have earned a Ph.D. degree in Nutritional Physiology with an excellence in research. He (she) must have skills that will help better understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms, implicated in oro-intestinal lipid sensing system (receptors, ligands, cell signaling) and the factors capable of modulating its functioning (pro-inflammatory molecules, cytokines, lipopolysaccharides, microbiota, hormones and autocrine / paracrine factors). Evaluation of the impact of these modulations on energy homeostasis should help develop new strategies for the treatment of obesity.

         The candidate will also be committed to deliver high quality lectures up to 64hrs per year as a teaching assignment to the Student-Engineers, at the graduate level of the AgroSup Dijon. The teaching load will focus principally, not exclusively, on understanding the human nutritional needs and the nutritional quality of (processed) foods in order to integrate the link between nutrition and health. This "nutritional" awareness is a key step to move towards more sustainable food and more relevant food innovations, which require in-depth knowledge of nutrition. He (she) will also supervise internships in this area of ​ expertise.


Key words: Lipid-sensors; CD36; GPR120; taste buds; small intestine; signaling cascade; intestinal lipid absorption; TG-rich lipoproteins; eating behavior; obesity; health.


Naim.khan@u-bourgogne.fr (for Research