Post-Docs position - EFS - Platelets, Inflamation and transfusion - ASAP

Post date: Mar 12, 2018 4:23:40 PM

Since 2001, Dr Fabrice Cognasse has contributed to 89 publications in peer-reviewed journals and he heads the Scientific Department of the Etablissement Français du Sang Auvergne Rhône-Alpes. His team focuses on a scientific niche that examines not only the hemostatic role of platelets but also through their contribution to inflammatory responses. The group studies the challenging inflammatory role of platelets during transfusion and particularly the importance of the CD40-CD40L tandem in Serious Acute Transfusion Reactions. Moreover, this group is dedicated to elucidating the mechanism and regulation of

platelet-mediated complications in sepsis pathophysiology. Platelets play an important role in innate and adaptive immunity by interacting directly or indirectly with other immune cells to trigger or maintain the inflammatory response. Using a combination of mouse models, cell culture and patient studies, we aim at precising the contribution of platelets to inflammation in several pathological contexts.

We are looking for a talented and self-motivated individual who is interested in joining our team.

The candidate should hold a PhD in biological sciences and a recognized habilitation for animal experimentation. Candidates must have a solid background in one or more of the following fields: thrombosis and hemostasis, Immunology, Transfusion and Inflammation. We are looking for a creative and driven individual, autonomous but with a collective mind, with a strong publication record and advanced expertise in mouse models (Sepsis, ALI), flow cytometry, cellular imaging/microscopy, microvascular thrombosis and platelet physiology (in vitro and in vivo experimental approaches).

To apply or to obtain more information about the position, please contact Dr. COGNASSE at

Applicants should include a CV, brief statement of research background, and the names of three references.

More information on the PDF attached