Journals and Advisory Boards

Executive Council, International Public Policy Association


Critical Policy Studies

     Co-Editor (2008- ); Member of Editorial Board (2006-2021); Honarary Editor. 2021-

 Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis (2015-2016)

    Co-Editor, Comparative Policy Forum: Dialogue, Debates, Controversies,


Policy and Society

     Member of the Editorial Board (2004- ).

 Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis

    Member of the Advisory Board of the International Comparative Policy

    Analysis Forum (2012--).

 Journal of Asian Public Policy

     Members of the Editorial Board (2014--2017).

 Environmental Innovation and Societal Transition

   Member of the Editorial Board  (2011--).

 Organization and Environment

     (Member of the Editorial Board, 1996—

      Book Review Editor (1996--1999).

 International Journal of Public Administration:

     Member of the Editorial Board (1987--).

 Administrative Theory and Praxis

     Member of the Editorial Board (2011--).

 Argumentation, Decision, Action

     Kluver Book Series Advisory Board (2011--2016).

 Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions

     (Member of the Editorial Board, 2010--).

 Evidence and Policy

     Member of the Editorial Board (2004-2008).

 Journal of Critical Policy Analysis

     Member of the Editorial Board (2006--2008).

 Millennium: Journal of International Studies

     Advisory Board (2005-2006).

 Policy Studies Journal:

   Member of Editorial Board (1985‑1991).                        

 Administration and Society:

     Member of Editorial Board (1982--2008).

 Public Organization Review

     Member of the Editorial Board (2000--2008).

 Policy Studies Review:

     Member of the Editorial Board (1995).

 Industrial and Environmental Crisis Quarterly

     Member of Editorial Board (Guest Editor 1990-1991).

     Book Review Editor (1991‑‑1996)

 Business Strategy and the Environment:

     Member of the Editorial Board (1991-1998).

       Civic Practices Network:

     Member of the Environmental Editorial Team (1995-1996).


 Department of Sociology and Applied Social Sciences, Professorial Member of the Collegium of Professors, University of Rome, Sapienza   2015--.   2020            

Bioeconomy, Advisory Board, Humbolt University, Berlin, 2022--                           

 Moscow State University Higher School of Economics, Member of the International Advisory Board of the Public Policy Program, 2014--.

 University of Vienna, Scientific Advisory Board to the Faculty of the Social Sciences, 2005—2014.

 ESRC Research Project on Great Transformations: A Cultural Political Economy of Crisis-Management, directed by Robert Jessop, University of Lancaster. Member of the Advisory Board, 2010-2013.

 University of Amsterdam, International Advisory Board, Project on Knowledge, Systems and Sustainable Innovation, 2005—2009.

 University of Omea, Sweden, Advisory Board of the Centre of Evaluation, 2004—2009.

 PAGANNI, International Advisory Board, EU funded Project on Governance and the Politics of the Life Science, 2003—2008.    

 European Consortium of Political Research,  Workshop on Theoretical Perspective in Public Policy, International Advisory Board, 2002--

 ESRC/UK Centre for Evidence Based Policy and Practice. University of London,  Kings College.  2004—2008.

Innovations in Governance, Research Project at the Technical University of Berlin, Member of the Scientific Advisory Board, 2008--2012.