
Authored Books

Critical Policy Inquiry: Interpreting Knowledge and Arguments (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024)

Truth and Post-Truth in Public Policy. Interpreting the Arguments. (Cambridge University Press, 2021).

Climate Crisis and the Democratic Prospect: Participatory Governance in Sustainable Communities (Oxford University Press, 2017)

Democracy and Expertise: Reorienting Policy Inquiry (Oxford University Press, 2009)

Reframing Public Policy: Discursive Politics and Deliberative Practices (Oxford University Press, 2003).

Citizens, Experts, and the Environment: The Politics of Local Knowledge (Duke University Press, 2000)

Evaluating Public Policy (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Nelson-Hall, 1995).                       

Technocracy and the Politics of Expertise (Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, l990). 

Politics, Values, and Public Policy: The Problem of Methodology (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, l980; Perseus Books 2002).

In Progress

Interpretive Policy Analysis: Meaning and Contest, co-edited with S. Münch and D. Torgerson, Edward Elgar, forthcoming 2024).

Participatory Innovations for Sustainable Governance: Environmental Deliberation, Learning and  Empowerment,  co-edited with Piyapong Boossapong , (Tentative Elgar). 2025.

Public Policy Reframed. Oxford University Press, 2026.

Edited Books

Interpretive Policy Analysis: Context and Meaning. Co-edited with D. Torgerson and S. Münch (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024).

Toward Sustainable  Governance: From Deliberative Empowerment to Participatory Environmental Policymaking, co-edited with P. Boossabong (forthcoming)

The Political Formulation of Policy Solutions:  Arguments, Arenas and Coalitions, co-edited with Philippe Zittoun and Niikos Zahariadis. Policy Press, 2021.

Handbook of Critical Policy Studies, ed. by Frank Fischer, Douglas Torgerson, Anna Durnova and Michael Orsini, Cheltenham: Edward. Elgar: 2015

The Argumentative Turn Revisited: Public Policy as Communicative Practice, co-edited with Herbert Gttweis (Duke Uicniversity Press, 2012). Received a Charles Taylor Book Award, American Political Science Association Meeting, 2014.

Handbook of Public Policy Analysis: Theory, Politics, and Methods, co-edited with Gerald Miller and Mara Sidney. New York. Taylor and Francis: 2006.

Living with Nature: Environmental Politics as Cultural Discourse. edited with Maarten Hajer. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 1999.

Greening Environmental Policy: The Politics of a Sustainable Future.Co-edited with Michael Black. New York: St. Martin's Press; London: Paul Chapman Publisher, 1995.

The Argumentative Turn in Policy Analysis and Planning. Co-edited with John Forester Durham, NC: Duke University Press and University College London Press, l993.

Confronting Values in Policy Analysis: The Politics of Criteria. Co-edited with John Forester. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publication,   l987.  This book won an Aaron Wildavsky Book Award, presented by the Policy Studies Organization, awarded in 1987.

 Critical Studies in Organization and Bureaucracy. Co-edited with Carmen Sirianni. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, l984. Second  revised edition, 1994.