Guest Professorships

Nonresidential Guest Professor, University of Chiang Mai, Thailand

Guest Professor, New York University, Steinhard School, 2015-2018.

Guest Professor and Lecture Tour in Brazil: Universities of Florianopolis, Bela Horizonte, Sao Paulo, Brasilia, an Salvador, May 2016.

Technical University Darmstadt, Visiting Excellence Professor, Political Science Department Program in Governance, April 2015-2016.

University of Strasbourg, France, Visiting Professor, September 18-25, 2015

Nagoya University, Japan. Visiting guest professor, November 2012.

University of Vienna, Political Science Department, Visiting Professor, March to September 2012.

Vice-Chairperson, Research Committee on Public Policy and Administration, International Political Science Association, July 2012--

Southasia Institute of Advanced Studies, Visiting Scholar, Kathmandu, Nepal, September 19 to October 1, 201l.

Awarded DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Visiting Professorship, Zeppelin University, 2011.

Australian National University, Research School of Social Science. Visiting Fellow, September 30 to November 30, 2008.

Shih Hsin University and Taiwan National University, Visiting Professor, May 2008, Taipei, Tiawan.

University of London, Queen Mary College, Visiting Fellow and Centre for Evidence and Public Policy, Kings College, Associate Fellow, May-December 2007.

University of Rome, Sapienza Institute of Sociology, Visiting Guest Lecturer on Public Policy, March 19-26, 2006 and March 18-25, 2007. June 20-26, 2012 and June 2014.

University of Vienna, Member of the Scientific ory Board of the Faculty of the Social Sciences, 2005-2012

University of Kassel, Kassel, Germany. Visiting Professor, May 2005-January 2006.

ESRC/UK Centre for Evidence Based Policy and Practice. University of London, Queen Mary. Associate Fellow. March 2004-2006.

Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society (RISTEX) , University of Tokyo, December 11-22, 2003.

Radboud Univesity Nijmegen, the Netherlands, Visiting Professor in the Departments of Urban Planning and Public Policy, October 2003.

Aston University Business School, Program in Public Management and Society, Birmingham, England, Visiting Professor, July 5-14. 2003.

Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Technik und Umwelt, Institut fuer Technikfolgensabschaetzung. Visiting Research Scholar, Karlsruhe, Germany January 1-August 31, 2003.

Renmin University of Beijing China, and Hua Zhong University of Science and Technology , Wuhan. Guest Professor , Department of Public Policy and Administration, June 2002, March 2003.

Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic. Guest Professor at the Institute of Science, Technology and Society. May 2002.

University of Roskilde, Copenhagen, Denmark (November 30- December 13, 2001), Guest Professor, Department of Public Administration.

University of Vienna, Austria (Fall semester 2000/2001). Guest Professor, Department of Political Science.

Witswatersrand University, Johannesburg (3-4/97), South Africa, Guest Professor, School of Public Development Management, and Cape Town University, Department of Community Health.

Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany (5/96-7/96). Visiting Professor Fakultaetsinstitut Sozialwissenschaften. Course: Oekologischer Herausforderungen und organisatorischer Wandel: Deutsche und Amerikanische Perspektiven.

University of Vienna, Austria (1/2000 and 9-11/2001). Visiting Professor and Guest Lecturer of the Department of Political Science.

Center for Development Studies, Visiting Scholar, and Center for Environment and Development, Kerala, India (1/99).

University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria (1/96 and 5-7.1996) Visiting Professor, Dept. of Political Science.

Institute for Social Studies, The Hague, Holland (4/97)

Center for the Critical Analysis of Contemporary Culture (9/94—6/95) Fellow. Rutgers University, New Brunswick.

Budapest University of Economic Sciences, Hungary (2/21‑3/7/94), Department of Political Science. Guest Professor of government and politics. Arranged through Rutgers Center for International Programs.

Leyden University, the Netherlands (1/12‑20/91). Visiting Professor, Institute for Law and Public Policy.

Free University Berlin, Germany (1/90‑8/90, 5/95-8/95 and 4/-7/98). Visiting Professor, Department of American Politics, John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies and Otto-Suhr-Institut

Fulbright Professorship (10/91‑7/92), Free University of Berlin, Germany.

Inter‑University Center, Dubrovnik (5/7‑18/90). Co‑director of the course on Sociology of Science (Theme: Science, Social Controversies and Ethics‑‑Sociological and Normative Perspectives).

Linkoping University (10/86), Sweden, Department of Science, Technology, and Society; and Lund University (10/92), School of Management.