

Bold indicates lab members and affiliates. Please see Data & Resources for corresponding data publications and In the News for press releases.

In review/ revision (pre-prints available)

Kristina J. Anderson-Teixeira, Valentine Herrmann, Madison Williams, Teagan Rogers, Ben Bond-Lamberty, Susan Cook-Patton (in review) Informing forest carbon inventories under the Paris Agreement using ground-based forest monitoring data. Plants, People, Planet. [view manuscript on GitHub]

In press


Leite, M. de S., S. M. McMahon, P. I. Prado, S. J. Davies, A. A. de Oliveira, H. P. De Deurwaerder, S. Aguilar, K. J. Anderson-Teixeira, N. Aqilah, N. A. Bourg, W. Y. Brockelman, N. Castaño, C.-H. Chang-Yang, Y.-Y. Chen, G. Chuyong, K. Clay, Á. Duque, S. Ediriweera, C. E. N. Ewango, G. Gilbert, I. a. U. N. Gunatilleke, C. V. S. Gunatilleke, R. Howe, W. H. Huasco, A. Itoh, D. J. Johnson, D. Kenfack, K. Král, Y. T. Leong, J. A. Lutz, J.-R. Makana, Y. Malhi, W. J. McShea, M. Mohamad, M. Nasardin, A. Nathalang, G. Parker, R. Parmigiani, R. Pérez, R. P. Phillips, P. Šamonil, I.-F. Sun, S. Tan, D. Thomas, J. Thompson, M. Uriarte, A. Wolf, J. Zimmerman, D. Zuleta, M. D. Visser, and L. Hülsmann. (2024). Major axes of variation in tree demography across global forests. Ecography n/a:e07187.

Hülsmann, L., R. A. Chisholm, L. Comita, M. D. Visser, M. de Souza Leite, S. Aguilar, K. J. Anderson-Teixeira, N. A. Bourg, W. Y. Brockelman, S. Bunyavejchewin, N. Castaño, C.-H. Chang-Yang, G. B. Chuyong, K. Clay, S. J. Davies, A. Duque, S. Ediriweera, C. Ewango, G. S. Gilbert, J. Holík, R. W. Howe, S. P. Hubbell, A. Itoh, D. J. Johnson, D. Kenfack, K. Král, A. J. Larson, J. A. Lutz, J.-R. Makana, Y. Malhi, S. M. McMahon, W. J. McShea, M. Mohamad, M. Nasardin, A. Nathalang, N. Norden, A. A. Oliveira, R. Parmigiani, R. Perez, R. P. Phillips, N. Pongpattananurak, I.-F. Sun, M. E. Swanson, S. Tan, D. Thomas, J. Thompson, M. Uriarte, A. T. Wolf, T. L. Yao, J. K. Zimmerman, D. Zuleta, and F. Hartig. 2024. Latitudinal patterns in stabilizing density dependence of forest communities. Nature, 627(8004): 564-571.

Perng, B.-H., T. Y. Lam, S.-T. Cheng, S.-H. Su, K. J. Anderson-Teixeira, N. A. Bourg, D. F. R. P. Burslem, N. Castaño, A. Duque, S. Ediriweera, N. Gunatilleke, J. A. Lutz, W. J. McShea, M. D. M. Sabri, V. Novotny, M. J. O’Brien, G. Reynolds, G. D. Weiblen, and D. Zuleta. 2024. Mapping distribution of woody plant species richness from field rapid assessment and machine learning. Taiwania 69:1–15.   

Seymour, M., T. Roslin, J. R. deWaard, K. H. J. Perez, M. L. D’Souza, S. Ratnasingham, M. Ashfaq, V. Levesque-Beaudin, G. A. Blagoev, B. Bukowski, P. Cale, D. Crosbie, T. Decaëns, S. L. deWaard, T. Ekrem, H. O. El-Ansary, F. Evouna Ondo, D. Fraser, M. F. Geiger, M. Hajibabaei, W. Hallwachs, P. E. Hanisch, A. Hausmann, M. Heath, I. D. Hogg, D. H. Janzen, M. Kinnaird, J. R. Kohn, M. Larrivée, D. C. Lees, V. León-Règagnon, M. Liddell, D. A. Lijtmaer, T. Lipinskaya, S. A. Locke, R. Manjunath, D. J. Martins, M. B. Martins, S. Mazumdar, J. T. A. McKeown, K. Anderson-Teixeira, S. E. Miller, M. A. Milton, R. Miskie, J. Morinière, M. Mutanen, S. Naik, B. Nichols, F. A. Noguera, V. Novotny, L. Penev, M. Pentinsaari, J. Quinn, L. Ramsay, R. Rochefort, S. Schmidt, M. A. Smith, C. N. Sobel, P. Somervuo, J. E. Sones, H. S. Staude, B. St. Jaques, E. Stur, A. C. Telfer, P. L. Tubaro, T. J. Wardlaw, R. Worcester, Z. Yang, M. R. Young, T. Zemlak, E. V. Zakharov, B. Zlotnick, O. Ovaskainen, and P. D. N. Hebert. 2024. Global arthropod beta-diversity is spatially and temporally structured by latitude. Communications Biology 7:1–11. 


Cushman, K. C., S. Saatchi, R. E. McRoberts, K. J. Anderson-Teixeira, N. A. Bourg, B. Chapman, S. M. McMahon, and C. Mulverhill. 2023. Small Field Plots Can Cause Substantial Uncertainty in Gridded Aboveground Biomass Products from Airborne Lidar Data. Remote Sensing 15:3509. 

Mao, Z., F. van der Plas, A. Corrales, K. J. Anderson-Teixeira, N. A. Bourg, C. Chu, Z. Hao, G. Jin, J. Lian, F. Lin, B. Li, W. Luo, W. J. McShea, J. A. Myers, G. Shen, X. Wang, E.-R. Yan, J. Ye, W. Ye, Z. Yuan, and X. Wang. (2023). Scale-dependent diversity–biomass relationships can be driven by tree mycorrhizal association and soil fertility. Ecological Monographs 93(2):e1568.

Mathias, J. M., K. R. Smith, K. E. Lantz, K. T. Allen, M. J. Wright, A. Sabet, K. J. Anderson-Teixeira, and R. B. Thomas. (2023). Differences in leaf gas exchange strategies explain Quercus rubra and Liriodendron tulipifera intrinsic water use efficiency responses to air pollution and climate change. Global Change Biology 29(12): 3449-3462.

McDowell, Nate G., Anderson-Teixeira, Kristina, Biederman, Joel A., Breshears, David D., Fang, Yilin, Fernandez-de-Una, Laura, Graham, Emily B., Mackay, D. Scott, McDonnell, Jeffrey J., Moore, Georgianne W., Nehemy, Magali F., Stevens Rumann, Camille, S., Stegen, James, Tague, Naomi, Turner, Monica G., Chen, Xingyuan. 2023. Ecohydrological decoupling under changing disturbances and climate. One Earth, 6(3): 251-266.

Šamonil, P., P. Daněk, J. A. Lutz, K. J. Anderson-Teixeira, J. Jaroš, J. D. Phillips, A. Rousová, D. Adam, A. J. Larson, J. Kašpar, D. Janik, I. Vašíčková, E. Gonzalez-Akre, and M. Egli. 2023. Tree Mortality may Drive Landscape Formation: Comparative Study from Ten Temperate Forests. Ecosystems 26:257–276.

Vinod, N., M. Slot, I. R. McGregor, E. M. Ordway, M. N. Smith, T. C. Taylor, L. Sack, T. N. Buckley, and K. Anderson-Teixeira. 2023. Thermal sensitivity across forest vertical profiles: patterns, mechanisms, and ecological implications. New Phytologist, 237(1): 22-47. 

Verdú, M., J. L. Garrido, J. M. Alcántara, A. Montesinos‐Navarro, S. Aguilar, M. A. Aizen, A. A. Al‐Namazi, M. Alifriqui, D. Allen, K. J. Anderson‐Teixeira, C. Armas, J. M. Bastida, T. Bellido, G. Bonanomi, G. B. Paterno, H. Briceño, R. A. C. de Oliveira, J. G. Campoy, G. Chaieb, C. Chu, S. E. Collins, R. Condit, E. Constantinou, C. Ü. Degirmenci, L. Delalandre, M. Duarte, M. Faife, F. Fazlioglu, E. S. Fernando, J. Flores, H. Flores‐Olvera, E. Fodor, G. Ganade, M. B. Garcia, P. García‐Fayos, S. S. Gavini, M. Goberna, L. Gómez‐Aparicio, E. González‐Pendás, A. González‐Robles, S. P. Hubbell, K. İpekdal, M. J. Jorquera, Z. Kikvidze, P. Kütküt, A. Ledo, S. Lendínez, B. Li, H. Liu, F. Lloret, R. P. López, Á. López‐García, C. J. Lortie, G. Losapio, J. A. Lutz, A. L. Luzuriaga, F. Máliš, E. Manrique, A. J. Manzaneda, V. Marcilio‐Silva, R. Michalet, R. Molina‐Venegas, J. A. Navarro‐Cano, V. Novotny, J. M. Olesen, J. P. Ortiz‐Brunel, M. Pajares‐Murgó, N. Parissis, G. Parker, A. J. Perea, V. Pérez‐Hernández, M. Á. Pérez‐Navarro, N. Pistón, E. Pizarro‐Carbonell, I. Prieto, J. Prieto‐Rubio, F. I. Pugnaire, N. Ramírez, R. Retuerto, P. J. Rey, D. A. Rodriguez Ginart, M. Rodríguez‐Sánchez, R. Sánchez‐Martín, C. Schöb, Ç. Tavşanoğlu, G. Tedoradze, A. Tercero‐Araque, K. Tielbörger, B. Touzard, İ. Tüfekcioğlu, S. Turkis, F. M. Usero, N. Usta, A. Valiente‐Banuet, A. Vargas‐Colin, I. Vogiatzakis, and R. Zamora. 2023. RecruitNet : A global database of plant recruitment networks. Ecology 104. 

Wolfe, B. T., M. Detto, Y. Zhang, K. J. Anderson‐Teixeira, T. Brodribb, A. D. Collins, C. Crawford, L. T. Dickman, K. S. Ely, J. Francisco, P. D. Gurry, H. Hancock, C. T. King, A. R. Majekobaje, C. J. Mallett, N. G. McDowell, Z. Mendheim, S. T. Michaletz, D. B. Myers, T. J. Price, A. Rogers, L. Sack, S. P. Serbin, Z. Siddiq, D. Willis, J. Wu, J. Zailaa, and S. J. Wright. 2023. Leaves as bottlenecks: The contribution of tree leaves to hydraulic resistance within the soil−plant−atmosphere continuum. Plant, Cell & Environment 46:736–746. 


Anderson-Teixeira, Kristina J., Kannenberg, Steven A. 2022. What drives forest carbon storage? The ramifications of source–sink decoupling. New Phytologist 236(1): 5-8.  

Anderson-Teixeira, Kristina J., Herrmann, Valentine, Rollinson, Christine R., Gonzalez, Bianca, Gonzalez-Akre, Erika B., Pederson, Neil, Alexander, M. Ross, Allen, Craig D., Alfaro-Sanchez, Raquel, Awada, Tala, Baltzer, Jennifer L., Baker, Patrick J., Birch, Joseph D., Bunyavejchewin, Sarayudh, Cherubini, Paolo, Davies, Stuart J., Dow, Cameron, Helcoski, Ryan, Kaspar, Jakub, Lutz, James A., Margolis, Ellis Q., Maxwell, Justin T., McMahon, Sean M., Piponiot, Camille, Russo, Sabrina E., et al. 2022. Joint effects of climate, tree size, and year on annual tree growth derived from tree-ring records of ten globally distributed forests. Global Change Biology, 28(1): 245-266.

Anderson-Teixeira, Kristina J. and Belair, Ethan (2022). Effective forest-based climate change mitigation requires our best science. Global Change Biology 28(4):1200-1203,

Cinoğlu, D., H. E. Epstein, A. J. Tepley, K. J. Anderson-Teixeira, J. R. Thompson, and S. S. Perakis. 2022. Climatic Aridity Shapes Post-Fire Interactions between Ceanothus spp. and Douglas-Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) across the Klamath Mountains. Forests 12:1567.

Dow, Cameron, Kim, Albert Y., D'Orangeville, Loïc, Gonzalez-Akre, Erika, Helcoski, Ryan, Herrmann, Valentine, Harley, Grant L., Maxwell, Justin T., McGregor, Ian R., McShea, William J., McMahon, Sean M., Pederson, Neil, Tepley, Alan J., Anderson-Teixeira, Kristina. 2022. Warm springs alter timing but not total growth of temperate deciduous trees. Nature 608: 552-557,

Gonzalez-Akre, E., C. Piponiot, M. Lepore, V. Herrmann, J. A. Lutz, J. L. Baltzer, C. Dick, G. S. Gilbert, F. He, M. Heym, A. I. Huerta, P. Jansen, D. J. Johnson, N. Knapp, K. Kral, D. Lin, Y. Malhi, S. McMahon, J. A. Myers, D. Orwig, D. I. Rodríguez-Hernández, S. Russo, J. Shue, X. Wang, A. Wolf, T. Yang, S. J. Davies, and K. J. Anderson-Teixeira. (2022). allodb: An R package for biomass estimation at globally distributed extratropical forest plots. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13(2):330-338.

Kim, A. Y., V. Herrmann, R. Bareto, B. Calkins, E. Gonzalez-Akre, D. J. Johnson, J. A. Jordan, L. Magee, I. R. McGregor, N. Montero, K. Novak, T. Rogers, J. Shue, and K. J. Anderson-Teixeira. 2022. Implementing GitHub Actions continuous integration to reduce error rates in ecological data collection. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13(11): 2572-2585. DOI: 

Needham, J. F., D. J. Johnson, K. J. Anderson‐Teixeira, N. Bourg, S. Bunyavejchewin, N. Butt, M. Cao, D. Cárdenas, C. Chang‐Yang, Y. Chen, G. Chuyong, H. S. Dattaraja, S. J. Davies, A. Duque, C. E. N. Ewango, E. S. Fernando, R. Fisher, C. D. Fletcher, R. Foster, Z. Hao, T. Hart, C. Hsieh, S. P. Hubbell, A. Itoh, D. Kenfack, C. D. Koven, A. J. Larson, J. A. Lutz, W. McShea, J. Makana, Y. Malhi, T. Marthews, M. Bt. Mohamad, M. D. Morecroft, N. Norden, G. Parker, A. Shringi, R. Sukumar, H. S. Suresh, I. Sun, S. Tan, D. W. Thomas, J. Thompson, M. Uriarte, R. Valencia, T. L. Yao, S. L. Yap, Z. Yuan, H. Yuehua, J. K. Zimmerman, D. Zuleta, and S. M. McMahon. 2022. Demographic composition, not demographic diversity, predicts biomass and turnover across temperate and tropical forests. Global Change Biology 28(9): 2895-2909.

Piponiot, C., K. J. Anderson-Teixeira, S. J. Davies, D. Allen, N. A. Bourg, D. F. R. P. Burslem, D. Cárdenas, C.-H. Chang-Yang, G. Chuyong, S. Cordell, H. S. Dattaraja, Á. Duque, S. Ediriweera, C. Ewango, Z. Ezedin, J. Filip, C. P. Giardina, R. Howe, C.-F. Hsieh, S. P. Hubbell, F. M. Inman-Narahari, A. Itoh, D. Janík, D. Kenfack, K. Král, J. A. Lutz, J.-R. Makana, S. M. McMahon, W. McShea, X. Mi, M. Bt. Mohamad, V. Novotný, M. J. O’Brien, R. Ostertag, G. Parker, R. Pérez, H. Ren, G. Reynolds, M. D. Md Sabri, L. Sack, A. Shringi, S.-H. Su, R. Sukumar, I.-F. Sun, H. S. Suresh, D. W. Thomas, J. Thompson, M. Uriarte, J. Vandermeer, Y. Wang, I. M. Ware, G. D. Weiblen, T. J. S. Whitfeld, A. Wolf, T. L. Yao, M. Yu, Z. Yuan, J. K. Zimmerman, D. Zuleta, and H. C. Muller-Landau. 2022. Distribution of biomass dynamics in relation to tree size in forests across the world. New Phytologist 235(4): 1664-1677.

Rozendaal, D. M. A., D. R. Suarez, V. D. Sy, V. Avitabile, S. Carter, C. Y. A. Yao, E. Alvarez-Davila, K. Anderson-Teixeira, A. Araujo-Murakami, L. Arroyo, B. Barca, T. R. Baker, L. Birigazzi, F. Bongers, A. Branthomme, R. J. W. Brienen, J. M. B. Carreiras, R. C. Gatti, S. C. Cook-Patton, M. Decuyper, B. DeVries, A. B. Espejo, T. R. Feldpausch, J. Fox, J. G. P. Gamarra, B. W. Griscom, N. Harris, B. Hérault, E. N. H. Coronado, I. Jonckheere, E. Konan, S. M. Leavitt, S. L. Lewis, J. A. Lindsell, J. K. N’Dja, A. E. N’Guessan, B. Marimon, E. T. A. Mitchard, A. Monteagudo, A. Morel, A. Pekkarinen, O. L. Phillips, L. Poorter, L. Qie, E. Rutishauser, C. M. Ryan, M. Santoro, D. S. Silayo, P. Sist, J. W. F. Slik, B. Sonké, M. J. P. Sullivan, G. V. Laurin, E. Vilanova, M. M. H. Wang, E. Zahabu, and M. Herold. 2022. Aboveground forest biomass varies across continents, ecological zones and successional stages: refined IPCC default values for tropical and subtropical forests. Environmental Research Letters 17:014047. 

Vargas G., German; Kunert, Norbert; Hammond, William; Berry, Z. Carter; Werden, Leland; Smith-Martin, Chris; Wolfe, Brett; Toro, Laura; Mondragón-Botero, Ariadna; Pinto Ledezma, Jesus; Schwartz, Naomi; Uriarte, Maria; Sack, Lawren; Anderson-Teixeira, Kristina; Powers, Jennifer. 2022. Leaf habit affects the distribution of drought sensitivity but not water transport efficiency in the tropics. Ecology Letters. 25(12): 2637-2650. 


Anderson‐Teixeira, K., Herrmann, V., Banbury Morgan, R., Bond‐Lamberty, B. P., Cook‐Patton, S. C., Ferson, A. E., Muller‐Landau, H. C., & Wang, M. M. H.(2021). Carbon cycling in mature and regrowth forests globally. Environmental Research Letters, 16 053009.

Anderson-Teixeira, K. J., V. Herrmann, W. B. Cass, A. B. Williams, S. J. Paull, E. B. Gonzalez-Akre, R. Helcoski, A. J. Tepley, N. A. Bourg, C. T. Cosma, A. E. Ferson, C. Kittle, V. Meakem, I. R. McGregor, M. N. Prestipino, M. K. Scott, A. R. Terrell, A. Alonso, F. Dallmeier, and W. J. McShea. 2021. Long-Term Impacts of Invasive Insects and Pathogens on Composition, Biomass, and Diversity of Forests in Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains. Ecosystems 24 (89-105).  

Banbury Morgan R, Herrmann V, Kunert N, Bond-Lamberty B, Muller-Landau H C and Anderson-Teixeira K J. (2021) Global patterns of forest autotrophic carbon fluxes. Global Change Biology,  27 (12) 2840-2855. .

Chitra­-Tarak, R, C Xu, S Aguilar, K Anderson­Teixeira, J Chambers, M Detto, B Faybishenko, RA Fisher, R Knox, C Koven, L Kueppers, N Kunert, SJ Kupers, NG McDowell, BD Newman, SR Paton, R Pérez, L Ruiz, L Sack, JM Warren, BT Wolfe, C Wright, SJ Wright, J Zailaa, SM McMahon (2021) Hydraulically­ vulnerable trees survive on deep­water access during droughts in a tropical forest. New Phytologist: 231:1798–1813.  https: //

Davies, S. J., I. Abiem, K. Abu Salim, S. Aguilar, D. Allen, A. Alonso, K. Anderson-Teixeira, A. Andrade, G. Arellano, P. S. Ashton, P. J. Baker, M. E. Baker, J. L. Baltzer, Y. Basset, P. Bissiengou, S. Bohlman, N. A. Bourg, W. Y. Brockelman, S. Bunyavejchewin, D. F. R. P. Burslem, M. Cao, D. Cárdenas, L.-W. Chang, C.-H. Chang-Yang, K.-J. Chao, W.-C. Chao, H. Chapman, Y.-Y. Chen, R. A. Chisholm, C. Chu, G. Chuyong, K. Clay, L. S. Comita, R. Condit, S. Cordell, H. S. Dattaraja, A. A. de Oliveira, J. den Ouden, M. Detto, C. Dick, X. Du, Á. Duque, S. Ediriweera, E. C. Ellis, N. L. E. Obiang, S. Esufali, C. E. N. Ewango, E. S. Fernando, J. Filip, G. A. Fischer, R. Foster, T. Giambelluca, C. Giardina, G. S. Gilbert, E. Gonzalez-Akre, I. A. U. N. Gunatilleke, C. V. S. Gunatilleke, Z. Hao, B. C. H. Hau, F. He, H. Ni, R. W. Howe, S. P. Hubbell, A. Huth, F. Inman-Narahari, A. Itoh, D. Janík, P. A. Jansen, M. Jiang, D. J. Johnson, F. A. Jones, M. Kanzaki, D. Kenfack, S. Kiratiprayoon, K. Král, L. Krizel, S. Lao, A. J. Larson, Y. Li, X. Li, C. M. Litton, Y. Liu, S. Liu, S. K. Y. Lum, M. S. Luskin, J. A. Lutz, H. T. Luu, K. Ma, J.-R. Makana, Y. Malhi, A. Martin, C. McCarthy, S. M. McMahon, W. J. McShea, H. Memiaghe, X. Mi, D. Mitre, M. Mohamad, L. Monks, H. C. Muller-Landau, P. M. Musili, J. A. Myers, A. Nathalang, K. M. Ngo, N. Norden, V. Novotny, M. J. O’Brien, D. Orwig, R. Ostertag, K. Papathanassiou, G. G. Parker, R. Pérez, I. Perfecto, R. P. Phillips, N. Pongpattananurak, H. Pretzsch, H. Ren, G. Reynolds, L. J. Rodriguez, S. E. Russo, L. Sack, W. Sang, J. Shue, A. Singh, G.-Z. M. Song, R. Sukumar, I.-F. Sun, H. S. Suresh, N. G. Swenson, S. Tan, S. C. Thomas, D. Thomas, J. Thompson, B. L. Turner, A. Uowolo, M. Uriarte, R. Valencia, J. Vandermeer, A. Vicentini, M. Visser, T. Vrska, X. Wang, X. Wang, G. D. Weiblen, T. J. S. Whitfeld, A. Wolf, S. J. Wright, H. Xu, T. L. Yao, S. L. Yap, W. Ye, M. Yu, M. Zhang, D. Zhu, L. Zhu, J. K. Zimmerman, and D. Zuleta. 2021. ForestGEO: Understanding forest diversity and dynamics through a global observatory network. Biological Conservation 253:108907.

Jian, J., R. Vargas, K. Anderson-Teixeira, E. Stell, V. Herrmann, M. Horn, N. Kholod, J. Manzon, R. Marchesi, D. Paredes, and B. Bond-Lamberty. 2020. A restructured and updated global soil respiration database (SRDB-V5). Earth System Science Data 13:255–267. 

Kunert, N., J. Zailaa, V. Herrmann, H. C. Muller‐Landau, S. J. Wright, R. Pérez, S. M. McMahon, R. C. Condit, S. P. Hubbell, L. Sack, S. J. Davies, and K. J. Anderson‐Teixeira. 2021. Leaf turgor loss point shapes local and regional distributions of evergreen but not deciduous tropical trees. New Phytologist, 230: 485-496.

McGregor, I. R., R. Helcoski, N. Kunert, A. J. Tepley, E. B. Gonzalez‐Akre, V. Herrmann, J. Zailaa, A. E. L. Stovall, N. A. Bourg, W. J. McShea, N. Pederson, L. Sack, and K. J. Anderson‐Teixeira. 2021. Tree height and leaf drought tolerance traits shape growth responses across droughts in a temperate broadleaf forest. New Phytologist 231(2):601-616. DOI: 10.1111/nph.16996

Muller‐Landau, H. C., K. C. Cushman, E. E. Arroyo, I. Martinez Cano, K. J. Anderson‐Teixeira, and B. Backiel. 2021. Patterns and mechanisms of spatial variation in tropical forest productivity, woody residence time, and biomass. New Phytologist 229(6): 3065-3087.

Poyatos, Rafael, Granda, Victor, Flo, Victor, Adams, Mark A., Adorjan, Balazs, Aguade, David, Aidar, Marcos P. M., Allen, Scott, Susana Alvarado-Barrientos, M., Anderson-Teixeira, Kristina J., Aparecido, Luiza Maria, Arain, M. Altaf, Aranda, Ismael, Asbjornsen, Heidi, Baxter, Robert, Beamesderfer, Eric, Berry, Z. Carter, Berveiller, Daniel, Blakely, Bethany, Boggs, Johnny, Bohrer, Gil, Bolstad, Paul, V., Bonal, Damien, Bracho, Rosvel, Brito, Patricia, ... Herrmann, Valentine, et al. 2021. Global transpiration data from sap flow measurements: the SAPFLUXNET database. Earth System Science Data, 13(6): 2607-2649.

Sedio, B. E., M. J. Spasojevic, J. Myers, S. J. Wright, M. D. Person, H. Chandrasekaran, J. H. Dwenger, M. L. Prechi, C. A. López, D. N. Allen, K. J. Anderson-Teixeira, J. L. Baltzer, N. A. Bourg, B. T. Castillo, N. Day, E. Dewald-Wang, C. W. Dick, T. Y. James, J. Kueneman, J. Lamanna, J. A. Lutz, I. Mcgregor, S. M. Mcmahon, G. G. Parker, J. D. Parker, and J. Vandermeer. 2021. Chemical similarity of co-occurring trees decreases with precipitation and temperature in North American forests. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.679638 

Seifert, Carlo L., Jorge, Leonardo R., Volf, Martin, Wagner, David L., Lamarre, Greg P. A., Miller, Scott E., Gonzalez-Akre, Erika, Anderson-Teixeira, Kristina J. and Novotny, Vojtech. 2021. Seasonality affects specialisation of a temperate forest herbivore community. Oikos,

Wiegand, T., X. Wang, K. J. Anderson-Teixeira, N. A. Bourg, M. Cao, X. Ci, S. J. Davies, Z. Hao, R. W. Howe, W. J. Kress, J. Lian, J. Li, L. Lin, Y. Lin, K. Ma, W. McShea, X. Mi, S.-H. Su, I.-F. Sun, A. Wolf, W. Ye, and A. Huth. 2021. Consequences of spatial patterns for coexistence in species-rich plant communities. Nature Ecology & Evolution. doi: 10.1038/s41559-021-01440-0.

Zhong, Y., C. Chu, J. A. Myers, G. S. Gilbert, J. A. Lutz, J. Stillhard, K. Zhu, J. Thompson, J. L. Baltzer, F. He, J. A. LaManna, S. J. Davies, K. J. Anderson-Teixeira, D. F. R. P. Burslem, A. Alonso, K.-J. Chao, X. Wang, L. Gao, D. A. Orwig, X. Yin, X. Sui, Z. Su, I. Abiem, P. Bissiengou, N. Bourg, N. Butt, M. Cao, C.-H. Chang-Yang, W.-C. Chao, H. Chapman, Y.-Y. Chen, D. A. Coomes, S. Cordell, A. A. de Oliveira, H. Du, S. Fang, C. P. Giardina, Z. Hao, A. Hector, S. P. Hubbell, D. Janík, P. A. Jansen, M. Jiang, G. Jin, D. Kenfack, K. Král, A. J. Larson, B. Li, X. Li, Y. Li, J. Lian, L. Lin, F. Liu, Y. Liu, Y. Liu, F. Luan, Y. Luo, K. Ma, Y. Malhi, S. M. McMahon, W. McShea, H. Memiaghe, X. Mi, M. Morecroft, V. Novotny, M. J. O’Brien, J. den Ouden, G. G. Parker, X. Qiao, H. Ren, G. Reynolds, P. Samonil, W. Sang, G. Shen, Z. Shen, G.-Z. M. Song, I.-F. Sun, H. Tang, S. Tian, A. L. Uowolo, M. Uriarte, B. Wang, X. Wang, Y. Wang, G. D. Weiblen, Z. Wu, N. Xi, W. Xiang, H. Xu, K. Xu, W. Ye, M. Yu, F. Zeng, M. Zhang, Y. Zhang, L. Zhu, and J. K. Zimmerman. 2021. Arbuscular mycorrhizal trees influence the latitudinal beta-diversity gradient of tree communities in forests worldwide. Nature Communications 12:3137. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-23236-3


Seifert, C. L., G. P. A. Lamarre, M. Volf, L. R. Jorge, S. E. Miller, D. L. Wagner, K. J. Anderson-Teixeira, and V. Novotný. 2020. Vertical stratification of a temperate forest caterpillar community in eastern North America. Oecologia 192:501–514.

Cook-Patton S C, Leavitt S M, Gibbs D, Harris N L, Lister K, Anderson-Teixeira K J, Briggs R D, Chazdon R L, Crowther T W, Ellis P W, Griscom H P, Herrmann V, Holl K D, Houghton R A, Larrosa C, Lomax G, Lucas R, Madsen P, Malhi Y, Paquette A, Parker J D, Paul K, Routh D, Roxburgh S, Saatchi S, Hoogen J van den, Walker W S, Wheeler C E, Wood S A, Xu L and Griscom B W 2020 Mapping carbon accumulation potential from global natural forest regrowth Nature 585 545–50

Walker, A. P., M. G. D. Kauwe, A. Bastos, S. Belmecheri, K. Georgiou, R. Keeling, S. M. McMahon, B. E. Medlyn, D. J. P. Moore, R. J. Norby, S. Zaehle, K. J. Anderson‐Teixeira, G. Battipaglia, R. J. W. Brienen, K. G. Cabugao, M. Cailleret, E. Campbell, J. Canadell, P. Ciais, M. E. Craig, D. Ellsworth, G. Farquhar, S. Fatichi, J. B. Fisher, D. Frank, H. Graven, L. Gu, V. Haverd, K. Heilman, M. Heimann, B. A. Hungate, C. M. Iversen, F. Joos, M. Jiang, T. F. Keenan, J. Knauer, C. Körner, V. O. Leshyk, S. Leuzinger, Y. Liu, N. MacBean, Y. Malhi, T. McVicar, J. Penuelas, J. Pongratz, A. S. Powell, T. Riutta, M. E. B. Sabot, J. Schleucher, S. Sitch, W. K. Smith, B. Sulman, B. Taylor, C. Terrer, M. S. Torn, K. Treseder, A. T. Trugman, S. E. Trumbore, P. J. van Mantgem, S. L. Voelker, M. E. Whelan, and P. A. Zuidema.  2020. Integrating the evidence for a terrestrial carbon sink caused by increasing atmospheric CO2. The New Phytologist,

Mottl, Ondrej, Fibich, Pavel, Klimes, Petr, Volf, Martin, Tropek, Robert, Anderson-Teixeira, Kristina, Auga, John, Blair, Thomas, Butterill, Phil, Carscallen, Grace, Gonzalez-Akre, Erika, Goodman, Aaron, Kaman, Ondrej, Lamarre, Greg P. A., Libra, Martin, Losada, Maria E., Manumbor, Markus, Miller, Scott E., Molem, Kenneth, Nichols, Geoffrey, Plowman, Nichola S., Redmond, Conor, Seifert, Carlo L., Vrana, Jan, Weiblen, George D., Novotny, Vojtech. 2020. "Spatial covariance of herbivorous and predatory guilds of forest canopy arthropods along a latitudinal gradient." Ecology Letters

McDowell, N. G., C. D. Allen, K. Anderson-Teixeira, B. H. Aukema, B. Bond-Lamberty, L. Chini, J. S. Clark, M. Dietze, C. Grossiord, A. Hanbury-Brown, G. C. Hurtt, R. B. Jackson, D. J. Johnson, L. Kueppers, J. W. Lichstein, K. Ogle, B. Poulter, T. A. M. Pugh, R. Seidl, M. G. Turner, M. Uriarte, A. P. Walker, and C. Xu. 2020.  Pervasive shifts in forest dynamics in a changing world. Science, 368(6494).

Goldstein, A., Turner, W. R., Spawn, S. A., Anderson-Teixeira, K. J., Cook-Patton, S., Fargione, J., Gibbs, H. K., Griscom, B., Hewson, J. H., Howard, J. F., Ledezma, J. C., Page, S., Koh, L. P., Rockström, J., Sanderman, J., & Hole, D. G. (2020). Protecting irrecoverable carbon in Earth’s ecosystems. Nature Climate Change, 1–9. 

Fung, T., R. A. Chisholm, K. Anderson‐Teixeira, N. Bourg, W. Y. Brockelman, S. Bunyavejchewin, C. Chang‐Yang, R. Chitra‐Tarak, G. Chuyong, R. Condit, H. S. Dattaraja, S. J. Davies, C. E. N. Ewango, G. Fewless, C. Fletcher, C. V. S. Gunatilleke, I. A. U. N. Gunatilleke, Z. Hao, J. A. Hogan, R. Howe, C. Hsieh, D. Kenfack, Y. Lin, K. Ma, J. Makana, S. McMahon, W. J. McShea, X. Mi, A. Nathalang, P. S. Ong, G. Parker, E. Rau, J. Shue, S. Su, R. Sukumar, I. Sun, H. S. Suresh, S. Tan, D. Thomas, J. Thompson, R. Valencia, M. I. Vallejo, X. Wang, Y. Wang, P. Wijekoon, A. Wolf, S. Yap, and J. Zimmerman. 2020. Temporal population variability in local forest communities has mixed effects on tree species richness across a latitudinal gradient. Ecology Letters. DOI: 10.1111/ele.13412


Jens Kattge, Gerhard Bönisch, Sandra Díaz…Gonzalez-Akre, al (730 authors). 2019. TRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access. Global Change Biology: 1-70. 

Seifert, C. L., G. P. A. Lamarre, M. Volf, L. R. Jorge, S. E. Miller, D. L. Wagner, K. J. Anderson-Teixeira, and V. Novotný. 2019. Vertical stratification of a temperate forest caterpillar community in eastern North America. Oecologia. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-019-04584-w 

Brändle, J. & N. Kunert. 2019. A new automated stem CO2 efflux chamber based on industrial ultra-low-cost sensors. Tree Physiology. DOI:

Volf, M., P. Klimeš, G. P. A. Lamarre, C. M. Redmond, C. L. Seifert, T. Abe, J. Auga, K. Anderson-Teixeira, Y. Basset, S. Beckett, P. T. Butterill, P. Drozd, E. Gonzalez-Akre, O. Kaman, N. Kamata, B. Laird-Hopkins, M. Libra, M. Manumbor, S. E. Miller, K. Molem, O. Mottl, M. Murakami, T. Nakaji, N. S. Plowman, P. Pyszko, M. Šigut, J. Šipoš, R. Tropek, G. D. Weiblen, and V. Novotny. 2019. Quantitative assessment of plant-arthropod interactions in forest canopies: A plot-based approach. PLOS ONE 14:e0222119. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0222119. 

Grossiord, Charlotte, Christoffersen, Bradley, Alonso-Rodríguez, Aura M., Anderson-Teixeira, Kristina, Asbjornsen, Heidi, Aparecido, Luiza Maria T., Carter Berry, Z., Baraloto, Christopher, Bonal, Damien, Borrego, Isaac, Burban, Benoit, Chambers, Jeffrey Q., Christianson, Danielle S., Detto, Matteo, Faybishenko, Boris, Fontes, Clarissa G., Fortunel, Claire, Gimenez, Bruno O., Jardine, Kolby J., Kueppers, Lara, Miller, Gretchen R., Moore, Georgianne W., Negrón-Juárez, Robinson, Stahl, Clément, Swenson, Nathan G., et al. 2019. Precipitation mediates sap flux sensitivity to evaporative demand in the neotropics. Oecologia, 1-12. DOI: 

Requena Suarez, D., D. M. A. Rozendaal, V. D. Sy, O. L. Phillips, E. Alvarez‐Dávila, K. Anderson‐Teixeira, A. Araujo‐Murakami, L. Arroyo, T. R. Baker, F. Bongers, R. J. W. Brienen, S. Carter, S. C. Cook‐Patton, T. R. Feldpausch, B. W. Griscom, N. Harris, B. Hérault, E. N. H. Coronado, S. M. Leavitt, S. L. Lewis, B. S. Marimon, A. M. Mendoza, J. K. N’dja, A. E. N’Guessan, L. Poorter, L. Qie, E. Rutishauser, P. Sist, B. Sonké, M. J. P. Sullivan, E. Vilanova, M. M. H. Wang, C. Martius, and M. Herold. (n.d.). Estimating aboveground net biomass change for tropical and subtropical forests: refinement of IPCC default rates using forest plot data. Global Change Biology, 25(11), 3609-3624. DOI: 10.1111/nph.15906

Helcoski, R., Tepley, A. J., Pederson, N., McGarvey, J. C., Meakem, V., Herrmann, V., Thompson, J. R., & Anderson-Teixeira, K. J. (2019). Growing season moisture drives inter-annual variation in woody productivity of a temperate deciduous forest. New Phytologist, 223(3):1204-1216 . DOI: 10.1111/nph.15906

Helcoski, R., Tepley, A. J., McGarvey, J. C., Gonzalez-Akre, E., Meakem, V., Thompson, J. R., & Anderson-Teixeira, K. J. (2019). No significant increase in tree mortality following coring in a temperate hardwood forest. Tree-Ring Research, 75(1), 67. DOI:

Gonzalez-Akre E, Anderson-Teixeira K, McGregor I, Herrmann V, & R Helcoski. (2019, April 23). SCBI-ForestGEO/SCBI-ForestGEO-Data: first official release (Version v1.0). Zenodo. 

Chu, Chengjin; Lutz, James A.; Král, Kamil; Vrška, Tomáš; Yin, Xue; Myers, Jonathan A.; Abiem, Iveren; Alonso, Alfonso; Bourg, Norm; Burslem, David F.R.P.; Cao, Min; Chapman, Hazel; Condit, Richard; Fang, Suqin; Fischer, Gunter A.; Gao, Lianming; Hao, Zhanqin; Hau, Billy C.H.; He, Qing; Hector, Andrew; Hubbell, Stephen P.; Jiang, Mingxi; Jin, Guangze; Kenfack, David; Lai, Jiangshan; Li, Buhang; Li, Xiankun; Li, Yide; Lian, Juyu; Lin, Luxiang; Liu, Yankun; Liu, Yu; Luo, Yahuang; Ma, Keping; McShea, William; Memiaghe, Hervé; Mi, Xiangcheng; Ni, Ming; O'Brien, Michael J.; de Oliveira, Alexandre A.; Orwig, David A.; Parker, Geoffrey G.; Qiao, Xiujuan; Ren, Haibao; Reynolds, Glen; Sang, Weiguo; Shen, Guochun; Su, Zhiyao; Sui, Xinghua; Sun, I‐Fang; Tian, Songyan; Wang, Bin; Wang, Xihua; Wang, Xugao; Wang, Youshi; Weiblen, George D.; Wen, Shujun; Xi, Nianxun; Xiang, Wusheng; Xu, Han; Xu, Kun; Ye, Wanhui; Zhang, Bingwei; Zhang, Jiaxin; Zhang, Xiaotong; Zhang, Yingming; Zhu, Kai; Zimmerman, Jess; Storch, David; Baltzer, Jennifer L.; Anderson‐Teixeira, Kristina J.; Mittelbach, Gary G.; He, Fangliang. (2019). Direct and indirect effects of climate on richness drive the latitudinal diversity gradient in forest trees. Ecology Letters, 22:245-255. DOI:10.1111/ele.13175.

Miller, A. D., J. R. Thompson, A. J. Tepley, and K. J. Anderson‐Teixeira. (2019). Alternative stable equilibria and critical thresholds created by fire regimes and plant responses in a fire-prone community. Ecography 42(1):55-66. DOI: 10.1111/ecog.03491

Kunert, N. & J. Zailaa. (2019). Specific leaf area for five tropical tree species growing in different tree species mixtures in Central Panama. New Forests, 1-18. DOI:


Johnson, D. J., J. Needham, C. Xu, E. C. Massoud, S. J. Davies, K. J. Anderson-Teixeira, S. Bunyavejchewin, J. Q. Chambers, C.-H. Chang-Yang, J.-M. Chiang, G. B. Chuyong, R. Condit, S. Cordell, C. Fletcher, C. P. Giardina, T. W. Giambelluca, N. Gunatilleke, S. Gunatilleke, C.-F. Hsieh, S. Hubbell, F. Inman-Narahari, A. R. Kassim, M. Katabuchi, D. Kenfack, C. M. Litton, S. Lum, M. Mohamad, M. Nasardin, P. S. Ong, R. Ostertag, L. Sack, N. G. Swenson, I. F. Sun, S. Tan, D. W. Thomas, J. Thompson, M. N. Umaña, M. Uriarte, R. Valencia, S. Yap, J. Zimmerman, N. G. McDowell, and S. M. McMahon. (2018). Climate sensitive size-dependent survival in tropical trees. Nature Ecology & Evolution: 2, 1436–1442. DOI: 10.1038/s41559-018-0626-z.

Anderson-Teixeira, K. J. (2018). Prioritizing biodiversity and carbon. Nature Climate Change 8: 667–668.

Tepley, A.J., Thomann, E., Veblen, T.T., Perry, G. L. W., Holz, A., Paritsis, J., Kitzberger, T., Anderson-Teixeira, K.J. (2018) Influences of fire–vegetation feedbacks and post-fire recovery rates on forest landscape vulnerability to altered fire regimes. Journal of Ecology 106(5): 1925-1940. DOI:

Stovall, A. E. L., K. J. Anderson-Teixeira, and H. H. Shugart. (2018b). Assessing terrestrial laser scanning for developing non-destructive biomass allometry. Forest Ecology and Management 427:217–229.

Stovall, A. E. L., K. J. Anderson-Teixeira, and H. H. Shugart. (2018). Terrestrial LiDAR-derived non-destructive woody biomass estimates for 10 hardwood species in Virginia. Data in Brief 19:1560–1569.

Lutz J A, Furniss T J, Johnson D J, Davies S J, Allen D, Alonso A, Anderson‐Teixeira K J, Andrade A, Baltzer J, Becker K M L, Blomdahl E M, Bourg N A, Bunyavejchewin S, Burslem D F R P, Cansler C A, Cao K, Cao M, Cárdenas D, Chang L-W, Chao K-J, Chao W-C, Chiang J-M, Chu C, Chuyong G B, Clay K, Condit R, Cordell S, Dattaraja H S, Duque A, Ewango C E N, Fischer G A, Fletcher C, Freund J A, Giardina C, Germain S J, Gilbert G S, Hao Z, Hart T, Hau B C H, He F, Hector A, Howe R W, Hsieh C-F, Hu Y-H, Hubbell S P, Inman‐Narahari F M, Itoh A, Janík D, Kassim A R, Kenfack D, Korte L, Král K, Larson A J, Li Y, Lin Y, Liu S, Lum S, Ma K, Makana J-R, Malhi Y, McMahon S M, McShea W J, Memiaghe H R, Mi X, Morecroft M, Musili P M, Myers J A, Novotny V, Oliveira A de, Ong P, Orwig D A, Ostertag R, Parker G G, Patankar R, Phillips R P, Reynolds G, Sack L, Song G-Z M, Su S-H, Sukumar R, Sun I-F, Suresh H S, Swanson M E, Tan S, Thomas D W, Thompson J, Uriarte M, Valencia R, Vicentini A, Vrška T, Wang X, Weiblen G D, Wolf A, Wu S-H, Xu H, Yamakura T, Yap S and Zimmerman J K. (2018). Global importance of large-diameter trees Glob. Ecol. Biogeogr.  DOI: 10.1111/geb.12747.

Serra-Diaz, J. M., C. Maxwell, M. S. Lucash, R. M. Scheller, D. M. Laflower, A. D. Miller, A. J. Tepley, H. E. Epstein, K. J. Anderson-Teixeira, and J. R. Thompson. (2018). Disequilibrium of fire-prone forests sets the stage for a rapid decline in conifer dominance during the 21st century. Scientific Reports 8. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-24642-2.

Anderson-Teixeira, K. J., M. M. H. Wang, J. C. McGarvey, V. Herrmann, A. J. Tepley, B. P. Bond-Lamberty, and D. S. LeBauer (2018). ForC: a global database of forest carbon stocks and fluxes. Ecology 99(6), 1507-1507. DOI: 10.1002/ecy.2229.

McDowell, N., C. Allen, K. Anderson-Teixeira, P. Brando, R. Brienen, J. Chambers, B. Christoffersen, S. Davies, C. Doughty, A. Duque, F. D. B. Espirito-Santo, R. Fisher, C. G. Fontes, D. Galbraith, D. Goodsman, C. Grossiord, D. Johnson, H. Hartmann, J. Holm, A. R. Kassim, M. Keller, C. Koven, L. Kueppers, T. Kumagai, H. C. Muller-Landau, Y. Malhi, S. McMahon, M. Mencuccini, P. Meir, P. Moorcroft, O. L. Phillips, T. Powell, C. A. Sierra, J. Sperry, J. M. Warren, C. Xu, and X. Xu. (2018) Drivers and mechanisms of tree mortality in moist tropical forests. New Phytologist . DOI: 10.1111/nph.15027.

Wang, X. T. Wiegand, K. J. Anderson-Teixeira, N. A. Bourg, Z. Hao, R. Howe, G. Jin, D. A. Orwig, M. J. Spasojevic, S. Wang, A. Wolf, J. A. Myers (2018). Ecological drivers of spatial community dissimilarity, species replacement, and species nestedness across temperate forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography . DOI: 10.1111/geb.12719.

Meakem, V, Tepley, AJ, Gonzalez-Akre, EB, Herrmann V, Muller-Landau, HC, Wright, SJ, Hubbell, SP, Condit, R, Anderson-Teixeira, KJ. (2018) Role of tree size in moist tropical forest carbon cycling and water deficit responses. New Phytologist.  219: 947-958. doi: 10.1111/nph.14633.


Ramage, B.S., Johnson, D.J., Gonzalez-Akre, E., McShea, W.J., Anderson-Teixeira, K.J., Bourg, N.A., Clay, K. (2017) Sapling growth rates reveal conspecific negative density dependence in a temperate forest. Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.3298.

Tepley, A, Thompson JR, Epstein HE, Anderson-Teixeira KJ. (2017) Vulnerability to forest loss through altered postfire recovery dynamics in a warming climate in the Klamath Mountains. Global Change Biology 23(10)4117-4132. doi: 10.1111/gcb.13704. 


Herrmann V, McMahon SM, Detto M, Lutz JA, Davies SJ, Chang-Yang C-H, Anderson-Teixeira KJ. (2016) Tree Circumference Dynamics in Four Forests Characterized Using Automated Dendrometer Bands. PLoS ONE 11(12): e0169020. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0169020

Gonzalez-Akre, E. B., Meakem, V., Eng, C.Y., Tepley, A. J., Bourg, N. A., McShea, W. J., Davies, S. J. and Anderson-Teixeira, K. J. (2016). Patterns of tree mortality in a temperate deciduous forest derived from a large forest dynamics plot. Ecosphere 7(12): e01595. doi: 10.1002/ecs2.1595

Král K, Shue J, Vrška T, Gonzalez-Akre EB, Parker GG, McShea WJ, McMahon SM (2016) Fine-scale patch mosaic of developmental stages in Northeast American secondary temperate forests: the European perspective. European Journal of Forest Research, 135, 981–996.

Lin, Dunmei, Anderson-Teixeira, Kristina, Lai, Jiangshan, Mi, Xiangcheng, Ren, Haibao and Ma, Keping. (2016). Traits of dominant tree species predict local scale variation in forest aboveground and topsoil carbon stocks. Plant and Soil, doi:10.1007/s11104-016-2976-0

Anderson-Teixeira, K.J., Wang, M. M. H., McGarvey, J.C., and LeBauer, D.S. (2016). Carbon dynamics of mature and regrowth tropical forests derived from a pantropical database (TropForC-db). Global Change Biology 22(5): 1690-1705. doi:10.1111/gcb.13226.


Bennett, A.C., McDowell, N.G., Allen, C.D., Anderson-Teixeira, K.J. (2015). Larger trees suffer most during drought in forests worldwide. Nature Plants, 1(10), 15139. doi:10.1038/nplants.2015.139

Miller, A.D., Dietze, M.D., DeLucia, E.H., Anderson-Teixeira, K.J. (2015). Alteration of forest succession and carbon cycling under elevated CO2. Global Change Biology 22(1) 351-363. doi: 10.1111/gcb.13077. 

Anderson-Teixeira, K. J., J. C. McGarvey, H. C. Muller-Landau, J. Park, E. B. Gonzalez-Akre, V. Herrmann, A. C. Bennett, C. V. So, N. A. Bourg, J. Thompson, S. McMahon, and W. McShea. (2015) Size-related scaling of tree form and function in a mixed-age forest. Functional Ecology 29(12) 1587-1602. doi: 10.1111/1367-2435.12470.

Anderson-Teixeira KJ, Davies, SJ; Bennett, AC; Gonzalez-Akre, EB; Muller-Landau, HC; Wright, SJ; Abu Salim, K; Almeyda Zambrano, AM; Alonso,A; Baltzer, JL; Basset, Y; Bourg, NA; Broadbent, EN; Brockelman, WY; Bunyavejchewin, S; Burslem, DFRP; Butt, N; Cao, M; Cardenas, D; Chuyong, GB; Clay, K; Cordell, S; Dattaraja, HS; Deng, X; Detto, D; Du, X; Duque, A; Erikson, DL; Ewango, CEN; Fischer, GA; Fletcher, C; Foster, RB; Giardina, CP; Gilbert, GS; Gunatilleke, N; Gunatilleke, S; Hao, Z; Hargrove, WW; Hart, TB; Hau, BCH; He, F; Hoffman, FM; Howe, RW; Hubbell, SP; Inman-Narahari, FM; Jansen, PA; Jiang, M; Johnson, DJ; Kanzaki, M; Kassim, AR; Kenfack, D; Kibet, S; Kinnaird, MF; Korte, L; Kral, K; Kumar, J; Larson, AJ; Li, Y; Li, X; Liu, S; Lum, SKY; Lutz, JA; Ma, K; Maddalena, DM; Makana, JR; Malhi, Y; Marthews, T; Mat Serudin, R; McMahon, SM; McShea, WJ; Memiaghe, HR; Mi, X; Mizuno, T; Morecroft, M; Myers, JA; Novotny, V; Oliveira, AA de; Ong, PS; Orwig, DA; Ostertag, R; Ouden, J d; Parker, GG; Phillips, RP; Sack, L; Sainge, MN; Sang,W; Sri-ngernyuang, K; Sukumar, R; Sun, IF; Sungpalee,W; Suresh, HS; Tan, S; Thomas, SC; Thomas, DW; Thompson, J; Turner, BL; Uriarte, M; Valencia, R; Vallejo, MI; Vicentini, V; Vrška, T; Wang, X; Wang, X; Weiblen, G; Wolf, A; Xu, H; Yap, S; Zimmerman, J (2015) CTFS-ForestGEO: A worldwide network monitoring forests in an era of global change. Global Change Biology, 21 (2), 528-549. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12712.


Anderson-Teixeira, KJ, Miller, AD, Mohan, JE, Hudiburg, T, Duval, BD, DeLucia, EH (2013). Altered dynamics of forest recovery under a changing climate. Global Change Biology, 19, 2001-2021. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12194