Media Coverage


New Research Reveals Forest Mitigation of Climate Change Is Overestimated | Smithsonian's National Zoo & Conservation Biology Institute

Climate change may push North America’s forests to a ‘tipping point’ | Inverse

We must get a grip on forest science — before it’s too late | Nature editorial by Aisling Irwin


Scientists reduce uncertainty in forest carbon storage calculations | Science Daily


New study shows where we should grow more forest to fight climate change | Mongabay

Study highlights climate mitigation potential of encouraging Earth's forests to regenerate naturally | University of Oxford

Plant trees or let forests regrow? New studies probe two ways to fight climate change | Science

How the Revolutionary Thinker Alexander von Humboldt Helped to Create the Smithsonian | Smithsonian Magazine

Death of the giants: Forests getting shorter, younger, in Northwest and elsewhere | Seattle Times

Forests Are Getting Shorter and Younger All Over the World | Smithsonian Magazine

Climate Change And Deforestation Mean Earth's Trees Are Younger And Shorter | NPR

More on world's forests getting younger, shorter (McDowell et al. 2020): CNBC | Daily Californian

The grand old trees of the world are dying, leaving forests younger and shorter | National Geographic

Decades of Tree Data Reveal Forests Under Attack | Smithsonian Magazine

Deadly imports: In one U.S. forest, 25% of tree loss caused by foreign pests and disease | Science

One in Four Tree Deaths in Blue Ridge Mountains Linked to Invasive Species | Smithsonian National Zoo & Conservation Biology Institute

New Research Identifies Carbon-Rich Lands That Are Essential to Avoiding Climate Catastrophe | Conservation International


Intern Alyssa Terrell's work on tree mortality was highlighted at the Virginia Native Plant Society website

Yes, Tropical Forests Tragically Burned This Summer, but Here’s What You Can Do | Smithsonian Magazine

NACP Researcher Spotlight: Kristina J. Anderson–Teixeira, Ph.D.

Kristina Anderson-Teixeira awarded the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers:

President's Prize (STRI story) | ForestGEO blog | SCBI news story | White House press release | AGU press release


Inequality is normal: Dominance of the big trees | Science Daily

Climate change, wildfires transforming biodiversity hotspot in Northern California | United Press International

Warming future means more fire, fewer trees in western biodiversity hotspot | Science Daily

Using Mathematical Models to Save Forests | Smithsonian National Zoo & Conservation Biology Institute

Increasing tree mortality in a warming world | Science Daily

Ash Tree die-off focus of grant in Shenandoah National Park | National Park Service


Coverage of our collaboration with "Adaptation/Migration in the Anthropocene" art exhibit: Washington Post Going Out Guide | National Zoo Video

Climate Changed | Medium

El Niño puede dañar resiliencia de bosques tropicales | SciDevNet

The ‘interval squeeze’: Climate change makes it less likely conifer forests will regenerate after wildfires | Mongabay

Smithsonian Scientists Examine Impact of High-Severity Fires on Conifer Forests | Smithsonian National Zoo


A Beetle Invasion | Smithsonian National Zoo

Big Trees at Most Risk from Warming | Yale Climate Connections


Big Trees First to Die in Severe Droughts | Climate Wire/ Scientific American

Are Harvard's Dying Hemlocks a Warning for Trees Everywhere? | National Geographic


If trees could talk: Forest research network reveals global change effects | Smithsonian Newsdesk