Special Report: Beginning of the New Aeon 2010

Photo by Minette Quick, sent by request of FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson. Minette writes: “Olivia asked me to send you this photograph. It is "The Shrine of the Daughter of Gaia of the New Aeon". The Shrine is below the ancient loophole, the window of the old Castle dungeon, now Cave of the Mothers.”

Shrine of the Daughter of Gaia of the New Aeon, Cave of the Mothers, 2010, photo by Minette Quick

New Photos: Updated photos of three shrines in the Temple of Isis at Clonegal Castle sent by Minette Quick on April 10, 2010. Minette writes: "Olivia has been busy in the Temple again! Yes you have had this before except for the delightful addition of the upright flowers on either side of The Daughter of Gaia. You may recognise the figure (Ghandarvi Devi in Yogic Asama, Chapel of Harmony) from earlier photos. She was originally black, but Olivia has painted her gold and transformed her! Enjoy!"

Aeon Goddess "Daughter of Gaia" with flowers photo © Minette Quick

Star Chapel, Stella Maris Shrine, "Beautiful Dreamer" photo © Minette Quick

Chapel of Harmony (Asia) with Ghandarvi Devi in Yogic Asama photo © Minette Quick

The Beginning of the New Aeon

Imbolc Festival at Foundation Centre

Saturday, February 6th, 2010

A Report by Most Rev. Minette Quick, Circle of Brigid, Ireland

The evening before the Festival I was invited to visit the Temple to see what Lady Olivia had specially prepared to herald the Beginning of the New Aeon. Every altar now had a Goddess sculpture as well as a painting. She had pointed out that whereas paintings are portals to other dimensions, sculptures, such as her nephew David Durdin-Robertson’s figure of Isis at the heart of the Temple, have power to intrude into the 3 dimensional world, hence the fear of ‘idols’. Sensing her excitement, I walked carefully down the stone steps, wondering what awaited me! The depth, purity and clarity of the energy which greeted me was palpable and I was stunned by the Beauty and Presence of the three Veiled Goddesses within the Temple, Brigid, Kwan Yin and the Mighty Isis at the High Altar.

Within the Gateway, there was the Goddess Brigid, the soft silk of her veil draped down exquisitely over Her Well.

"The Veiled Goddess Brigid Presiding Over Her Well" photo © Minette Quick

To the left of the High Altar, The Great and Compassionate Goddess Kwan Yin was also Veiled but her face was unhidden, her benevolent gaze resting upon the earth and all its creatures at her feet.

"The Veiled Kwan Yin" photo © Minette Quick

But at the High Altar, Her Presence enhanced beneath Her Veil in a halo of luminous violet, stood the magnificent figure of the Goddess Isis, as I had never seen her before.

"The Great Goddess Isis Veiled" photo © Minette Quick

We had a beautiful gathering of people from all over Ireland attending the Festival, many visiting for the first time. Following the traditional short impromptu play in the Barn Theatre directed by Lady Olivia, the company processed to the Temple in the Castle.

As all gathered around the Well for the Invocations by twelve Priestesses and Priests, the atmosphere was exquisite. Everyone received an individual Blessing from the Goddess for the New Aeon and first Brigid and then later Isis was unveiled. We had a beautiful Oracle of Ishtar, followed by other lovely Ceremonies including an inspired mystical meditation – however, any description of these outer manifestations could never evoke the magical flow of loving energy which pervaded the whole company, and which everyone spoke of later with great happiness and contentment. Afterwards many people queued for healing and counselling from the Priesthood in the various Chapels. The Goddess came to Her Temple to meet the needs of each one, to help them on their way.

Then it was straight down to the warmth of Osborne’s, the 18th Century Coaching Inn in the village, for a delicious home made tea, and good companionship. As we relaxed and chatted, the glorious rays of the Inner Sun arose, and were passed from one to another. Some had experienced its warmth and wonder before, but for some it was a new and amazing experience. It was a fitting end to a lovely day.

Heartfelt thanks to Most Reverend Minette Quick for sending this lovely report and photos. Minette serves as Honorary Secretary of the Circle of Brigid and as a member of the ArchDruid Union.

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