A Visit with the FOI Co-Founders

In 1983 Loreon Vigne traveled to Ireland with Paul Ramses to visit the three FOI co-founders at Clonegal Castle. Lawrence Durdin-Robertson took Loreon on a tour of the castle grounds. When she shared with him some of her dreams for Isis Oasis he told her “You just have to meet the Goddess halfway”. Shortly afterward, both Loreon and Paul were ordained after receiving a written invitation from Olivia and Lawrence to become members of the FOI priesthood.

Loreon Vigne and Lawrence Durdin-Robertson in the library at Clonegal Castle

Loreon Vigne and Lawrence Durdin-Robertson in the Avenue of Yew Trees,

accompanied by Lawrence's dog, a dachshund named "Carpet."

The Old Abbey

Lawrence Durdin-Robertson and Loreon Vigne by the Old Abbey entrance

Lawrence Durdin-Robertson and Loreon Vigne in front of Clonegal Castle

Loreon Vigne and Lawrence Durdin-Robertson on the roof of Clonegal Castle

Entrance to the Temple of Isis at Clonegal Castle

Well of Brigid as it appeared in 1983

Olivia Robertson seated, left, watches as Loreon kneel before the Altar of Ishtar in the Holy of Holies

in Clonegal Castle. Olivia asked Loreon to gaze into the crystal ball on the altar and meditate on the future.

During their trip to Ireland, Loreon and Paul visited with Charles Sheperd

who had been a student of Dion Fortune

Home again! Loreon Vigne and Paul Rameses standing in front of the Isis Chapel at Isis Oasis

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All photos of the trip to Ireland taken by Paul Rameses. All photos provided by Loreon Vigne.