Olivia Robertson at Clonegal Castle

Photos Received from Dennis Murphy of Logic Reality

Olivia entering the temple through the castle interior

In the courtyard

Near the garden paths

One of Olivia's latest pieces of art in the temple at the castle

Olivia showing one of her latest pieces of art in the temple

Olivia discussing the Goddess Durga

Preparing to go on a trip with Dennis and Steven into the village

Olivia entering the Chapel of the Well, with the hanging featuring a painting of Brigid Na Mara directly ahead

The Goddess Durga, by Olivia, painted on the interior of the door which opens to the castle lawn and garden.

Olivia describing paintings of her family in the castle

A series of photos sent by Logic Reality, the producers of the DVD Olivia: Priestess of Isis:

In the temple portico

Beckoning Dennis and Steven to follow her inside to the temple

Seated by a tapestry near the High Altar in the Main Sanctuary

Olivia conducting the Alchemical Wedding Rite at Summer Solstice

Three Photos, one directly above and two below, of Olivia seated in front of a tapestry

near the High Altar in the Main Sanctuary of the temple

Olivia standing near statue of Persephone in temple portico

Returning from the Wilderness area, just beyond the castle gardens

In the castle theatre

Minette, Steven and Olivia


Minette and Olivia

The artist Michael Howe and Olivia

Olivia and Steven Jones of Logic Reality

Steven Jones and Olivia

Olivia holding a copy of the FOI Manifesto

Olivia in her drawing room

All photos courtesy of Dennis Murphy of Logic Reality. These pictures are screenshots of unpublished footage which will be incorporated into another DVD in the future. All photos are copyrighted and the property of Logic Reality. They are presented here by permission.

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