Scientific papers

Physcsasfkj;akjf;adskjncJournal articles

  1. Flows driven by libration, precession and tides in planetary cores, M. Le Bars, Physical Review Fluids 1, 060505 (2016).

  2. Inertial wave turbulence driven by elliptical instability, T. Le Reun, B. Favier, A. J. Barker, and M. Le Bars, Physical Review Letters 119 (3), 034502 (2017).

  3. Dynamics of mixed convective–stably−stratified fluids, Couston L.A., Lecoanet D., Favier B., Le Bars M., Physical Review Fluids 2 (9), 094804 (2017).

  4. Fall and fragmentation of liquid metal in a viscous fluid, Wacheul J.−B., Le Bars M., Physical Review Fluids 2 (9), 090507 (2017).

  5. Libration driven flows in ellipsoidal shells, Lemasquerier D., Grannan A. M., Vidal J., Cébron D., Favier B., Le Bars M., Aurnou J. M., Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, DOI: 10.1002/2017JE005340 (2017).

  6. Parametric instability and wave turbulence driven by tidal excitation of internal waves, Le Reun T., Favier B., Le Bars., Journal of Fluid mechanics 840, pp. 498-529 (2018).

  7. Experiments on fragmentation and thermo-chemical exchanges during planetary core formation, J.-B. Wacheul and M. Le Bars, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 276, pp. 134-144 (2018).

  8. Turbulent Kinematic Dynamos in Ellipsoids Driven by Mechanical Forcing, K. S. Reddy, B. Favier, and M. Le Bars, Geophysical Research Letters 45, pp. 1741-1750 (2018).

  9. Order out of chaos: slowly-reversing mean flows emerge from turbulently-generated internal waves, L-A Couston, D. Lecoanet, B. Favier and M. Le Bars, Physical Review Letters 120, 244505 (2018).

  10. The energy flux spectrum of internal waves generated by turbulent convection, Couston, L. A., Lecoanet, D., Favier, B., & Le Bars, M. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 854 (2018).

  11. Subcritical turbulent condensate in rapidly-rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection, Favier, B., Guervilly, C. & Knobloch E., Journal of Fluid Mechanics Rapids, 864 (2019).

  12. Dynamics and stability of an iron drop falling in a magma ocean, Qaddah, B., Monteux, J., Clesi, V., Bouhifd, M. A., & Le Bars, M. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 289, 75-89 (2019).

  13. Experimental study of the nonlinear saturation of the elliptical instability: inertial wave turbulence versus geostrophic turbulence, Le Reun, T., Favier, B., & Le Bars, M. (2019). Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 879, 296-326 (2019).

  14. Low-frequency variability in massive stars: Core generation or surface phenomenon? Lecoanet, D., Cantiello, M., Quataert, E., Couston, L. A., Burns, K. J., Pope, B. J., ... & Le Bars, M. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 886-1 (2019).

  15. Coupled convection and internal gravity waves excited in water around its density maximum at 4° C. Léard, P., Favier, B., Le Gal, P., & Le Bars, M. Physical Review Fluids, 5(2), 024801 (2020).

  16. Thermal evolution of a metal drop falling in a less dense, more viscous fluid. B Qaddah, J Monteux, M Le Bars. Physical Review Fluids 5 (5), 053801 (2020).

  17. Shape and size of large-scale vortices: A generic fluid pattern in geophysical fluid dynamics. LA Couston, D Lecoanet, B Favier, M Le Bars. Physical Review Research 2 (2), 023143 (2020).

  18. Remote determination of the shape of Jupiter’s vortices from laboratory experiments. D Lemasquerier, G Facchini, B Favier, M Le Bars. Nature Physics, 1-6 (2020).

  19. Near-resonant instability of geostrophic modes: beyond Greenspan's theorem. T Le Reun, B Gallet, B Favier, M Le Bars. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 900, R2 (2020).

  20. Dynamics of core-mantle separation: Influence of viscosity contrast and metal/silicate partition coefficients on the chemical equilibrium. V Clesi, J Monteux, B Qaddah, M Le Bars, J-B Wacheul, A Bouhifd, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 306, 106547 (2020).

  21. Dynamics of a reactive spherical particle falling in a linearly stratified fluid. L Huguet, V Barge-Zwick, M Le Bars, Physical Review Fluids, in press (2020).

  22. Multi-modal excitation to model the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation. P Léard, D Lecoanet, M Le Bars, Physical Review Letters, in press (2020).

  23. Hysteresis and instabilities in a spheroid in precession near the resonance with the tilt-over mode. C Nobili, P Meunier, B Favier and M Le Bars, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, in press (2020).

  24. Zonal jets at the laboratory scale: hysteresis and Rossby waves resonance. D. Lemasquerier, B. Favier, M. Le Bars, submitted to Journal of Fluid Mechanics on May 18, 2020.

Book chapters

  1. Rotational dynamics of planetary cores: instabilities driven by precession, libration and tides. T Le Reun, M Le Bars, Fluid Mechanics of Planets and Stars, 91-127 (2020).

  2. A Brief Introduction to Turbulence in Rotating and Stratified Fluids, B Favier, Fluid Mechanics of Planets and Stars, 213-241 (2020).