GFWC Meeting Minutes 2024 - 2021



November 21, 2023

FWC President Sharon Price called the November 21 , 2023 meeting of the GFWC Florence Woman’s Club to order at the Union Presbyterian Church at 1:01 P.M. She welcomed all present. 15 members of the club were present. At the beginning of the meeting the President thanked the Monthly Hostess Committee of Marlene Brown and Janet Davis. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and the Club Collect were recited.

A prayer was written and read by Diane Hunter


Mary Pierson introduced Joseph Smith from Boone County Extension Office. He gave us information on the staff at the extension office as well as native and invasive species in Northern KY.


Business Meeting:

Presidents Report:

SOCIAL/RECRUITMENT EVENT: We will be having our annual cookie swap on December 13, at 12:30. Snacks, cookie swap and optional gift exchange. Please RSVP to Sharon by December 10th if you are attending or if you have questions.

Recording Secretary Report: It was reported that the October meeting minutes were distributed via email, and will stand approved as read.

Corresponding Secretary Report: Joyce Foley reported that there is a card being passed around for former member Joyce McCord.

Treasurer’s Report

Special Orders: Nominating Committee: Sue K. reported on behalf of the nominating committee the following slate of officers for 2024-2026: President-Sharon Price, 1st Vice President-Sue Kozlowski., 2nd Vice President- Lynn Demi, Secretary-Diane Hunter, Treasurer-Bethany Copley. This slate was accepted unanimously by the membership.

Committee and Advancement Area Reports:

Diane Hunter Reported on the Christmas Luncheon. We will be gathering at 11:30 for drinks and mingling; luncheon is served at 12:15. We will take the group photo at 12:00. Please RSVP by December 10th to Diane with your payment and food choice.  

Menu Choices are: 

1. Airline chicken with au jus/carrots/mashed potatoes


2. Beef tips with noodles/ salad and rolls


3. Vegetarian option-chef's choice


Wine, eggnog and dessert cookies will be provided by our lovely hostess committee, Diane Hunter and Joanne Knock

 Cost is 35$. 


ESO:  We will be discussing Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton on November 29th at Washington Square in Burlington at 6:30PM. There will be no ESO meeting in December. The January book is “Mr. Dickens and his Carol” by Samantha Silva.

Unfinished Business:

Spirit Walk: The proposed brick will be purchased for the Spirit Walk by the district. In light of this, a motion was made by Mary Alice and seconded by Diane Hunter to reallocate the funds that were approved for the brick to instead be used to purchase perennials for State headquarters in Sherrie Lou Noel’s name. This motion was passed by the membership.  

New Business: Specialized Alternatives for Family and Youth, a local non profit foster agency in NKY has reached out looking for sponsorships for children in their care. A motion was made by Janet and seconded by Diane to commit to two sponsorships for the amount of 200$. This motion was passed by the membership.


Joyce Foley reported that a street in Florence will be named after long time club member Betsy Conrad.


November 29: ESO Washington Square, The Age of Innocence By Edith Wharton

December 13: 12:30 Cookie swap, optional gift exchange. RSVP to Sharon by 12/10.

December 19: Christmas Luncheon at Triple Crown, 11:30, cost 35$

Meeting was adjourned at 2:17PM

October 17, 2023

FWC President Sharon Price called the October 17, 2023 meeting of the GFWC Florence Woman’s Club to order at the Union Presbyterian Church at 1:01 P.M. She welcomed all present.    13 members of the club were present. At the beginning of the meeting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and the Club Collect were recited.

A prayer was written and read by Diane Hunter


Sue K. Presented on the Chamber of Commerce membership pros and cons. Discussion by the club followed.

Birthdays: Teri Friend had a Birthday on September 5.

Business Meeting:

Presidents Report:

SOCIAL/RECRUITMENT EVENT: There is a charcuterie (cheese board) class at Verona Vineyards on November 1 at 6:00PM. 40$ per person and includes the class, the snacks and a glass of wine or other beverage. Please let Sharon know by October 25th if you will be attending.

Recording Secretary Report: It was reported that the September meeting minutes were distributed via email, and will stand approved as read.

Corresponding Secretary Report: No Correspondence

 Treasurer’s Report:   

Committee and Advancement Area Reports:

ESO:  We will be discussing White is for Witching by Helen Oyeyemi OR In a Dark Dark Wood by Ruth Ware. We will be meeting on 10/25 at Kitchen 1883 in Union at 6:00PM.

Environment: You can ignore the previous advice of putting your garden to bed in the fall. The leaves and dead plants provide food and shelter for beneficial insects and small animals throughout the winter.

Unfinished Business:

Spirit Walk: There is currently s brick at Headquarters that has our club name on it. Sue made a motion and Nancy seconded that we will have our newly donated brick read Gateway Through the Bluegrass FWC on it. The motion was passed by the membership.

Mary made a motion and Barb seconded that the club join the Chamber of Commerce for a trial period of one year starting in January of 2024. The motion was passed by the membership.

New Business: None


DAR is hosting a tea on October 22 at Triple Crown CC. Tickets are 50$. Proceeds go to the purchase of a historical marker. Please contact Lynn with any questions.

Kiwanis is hosting a Wine Walk at Brianza on October 28th at 3:00PM. Tickets are 30$ and proceeds go to Mentoring Plus in Newport. Please see Chris Sturgil or Pat Yannarella with questions.


October 25: ESO: Kitchen 1883, 6:00PM: White is for Witching by Helen Oyeyemi OR In a Dark Dark Wood by Ruth Ware.

November 1: Charcuterie Class, Verona Vineyards, 6:00PM. Register by October 25th.

November 3-4: Southeastern Regional Conference in Huntington WV

November 21: General Meeting: 12:30 Social, 1:00 Business Meeting

November 29: ESO Washington Square, The Age of Innocence By Edith Wharton

Meeting was adjourned at 2:33PM

September 19, 2023

FWC President Sharon Price called the September 19, 2023 meeting of the GFWC Florence Woman’s Club to order at the Union Presbyterian Church at 1:00 P.M. She welcomed all present.   13 members of the club, our two speakers and no guests were present. At the beginning of the meeting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and the Club Collect were recited.

A prayer written by Diane Hunter was read by Sue K.


Judi Gerding from the Point Arc discussed all of their recent projects and volunteer opportunities.

Birthdays: Mary Pierson had a birthday.

Business Meeting:

Presidents Report:

Recording Secretary Report

It was reported that the September meeting minutes were distributed via email, and will stand approved as read.

Corresponding Secretary Report: No Correspondence

 Treasurer’s Report:   

Honorariums from the last two months will be sent out this week. Checking account balance is: 7031.04.

Committee and Advancement Area Reports:

ESO:  We will be discussing “The Night Circus” by Erin Morgenstern at Bourbon House Pizza 6:30PM on 9/28. October meeting will be discussing White is for Witching by Helen Oyeyemi OR In a Dark Dark Wood by Ruth Ware. We will be meeting on 10/25 at Kitchen 1883 in Union at 6:00PM.

Environment: The Environment Committee read an article about what to do if your pet gets sprayed by a skunk.

Unfinished Business: none.

New Business:

Mary Pierson made a motion that the club purchase a brick for 100$ for the Spirit Walk at the State headquarters in Frankfort, Sue K. seconded. After discussion, the motion was passed.  

Sue K. made a motion, seconded by Mary Alice that the club discuss joining the chamber of commerce. The club has tabled this discussion until we have more information.



October 17: General Business Meeting: 12:30 Social, 1:00 Meeting

October 25: ESO: Kitchen 1883, 6:00PM: White is for Witching by Helen Oyeyemi OR In a Dark Dark Wood by Ruth Ware.

November 3-4: Southeastern Regional Conference in Huntington WV

Meeting was adjourned at 2:36PM

August 15, 2023

FWC Vice President Mary Pierson called the August 15, 2023 meeting of the GFWC Florence Woman’s Club to order at the Union Presbyterian Church at 1:00 P.M. She welcomed all present. 15 members of the club and no guests were present. At the beginning of the meeting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and the Club Collect were recited.

An inspirational poem was read by Diane Hunter.


Kim Webb from the Emergency Shelter of Northern Kentucky spoke the impact of housing gentrification on people who cannot afford ever-rising home and apartment prices. The fastest- growing segment of the shelter’s guests is people older than 55 years of age, who have lost their houses due to divorce, loss of job, or health crisis. The Shelter moved into a larger building last year to accommodate the more than 1000 guests they see each year. The Shelter offers everyone a bed when they arrive. They also have programs to help find jobs, to offer transitional housing for people saving money for their own home or apartment, and to transition to or from mental health care. Kim gratefully accepted the many items donated by Florence Woman’s Club members, including shoes, paper goods, toothpaste, and cereal among many others.

Birthdays: We sang Happy Birthday to Jane Smith and Wilma Day for their August birthdays.

Board Reports: None.

Business Meeting:

Presidents Report:

Vice President Mary Pierson reported for President Sharon Price.

Review of the Policies and Rules revisions is scheduled under Unfinished Business.

The Secret Sister Reveal will be held on August 24 at Tousey House in Burlington at 11:30.

Secret Sisters have been given a blank puzzle. (1) Draw a picture in the puzzle space, and write your name within the drawing. (2) Take the pieces apart and put them into a baggie

with your Secret Sister’s name on it. (3) Bring the frame and baggie with pieces to the

Reveal at the Tousey House. (4) Everyone will assemble their puzzles to find out who their Secret Sister is.

Kelly Platanoitis will be holding a cookie decorating class with the club following the September meeting. The cost is $15. Let Sharon know by September 8 if you are coming.

The 5/6 District Meeting will be held on September 30 at Erlanger Christian Church. Voting actions include District Governor and Vice-Governor, and a new name for the district. Let Sharon know if you are interested in attending. The Southeastern Regional Conference will be held November 2 – 5 in Huntington, WV. Let Sharon know if you are interested in attending.

Finally, we need lunch Hostesses for our meeting in November – Mary Pierson and Sue Kozlowski will be Hostesses for that date.

Recording Secretary Report: Tabled.

Corresponding Secretary Report: Tabled.

Treasurer’s Report: Tabled.

Committee and Advancement Area Reports:

ESO: ESO will be meeting on August 30 to discuss “Malibu Rising” by Taylor Jenkins Reid. We will be meeting at 6:00 pm at Mai Tai in Florence. The September book is “The Night Circus” by Erin Morgenstern; we will be meeting on September 20 at 6 pm at the Bourbon House Pizza.

Membership: Joyce Foley distributed a “final” copy of the Membership List; it’s printed on green paper so that people will know it’s been updated. Environment: Joyce Foley announced that the celebration of Arbor Day in Florence would be held on September 16, at the Florence Nature Park from 10 am – 12 noon.

New Business: None.

Unfinished Business: Rule and Policies revisions, review by Sue Kozlowski. Each Rule and

Policy was read out with changes highlighted. All revisions were approved by a unanimous

voice vote.


The Kiwanis Club Wine Dinner will be held on Friday, September 22, at 7 pm. Held at Brianza Gardens and Winery. Wine dinner, silent auction, raffle for a week in Orlando. $75 per person. See Chris Sturgil for information.

DAR Bunco Bash on Saturday, September 23, at 1 pm. Held at Immanuel United Methodist Church. $15 in advance, $18 at the door. See Lynn Demi for information.


August 24: Secret Sister Reveal at Tousey House, 11:30 am.

August 30: ESO, “Malibu Rising” at Mai Tai, 6:00 pm.

September 8: Registration due for cookie class, let Sharon know if interested.

September 19: General Business Meeting, 12:30 Social, 1:00 meeting. Cookie class to follow!

September 20: ESO, “The Night Circus” at Bourbon House Pizza, 6 pm.

September 30: District Meeting, Erlanger Christian Church.

Meeting was adjourned at 2:45pm. Notes taken by Sue Kozlowski for Recording Secretary Sharon Price.

July 18, 2023

FWC President Sharon Price called the June 20, 2023 meeting of the GFWC Florence Woman’s Club to order at the Union Presbyterian Church at 1:00 P.M. She welcomed all present.   22 members of the club, our two speakers and no guests were present. At the beginning of the meeting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and the Club Collect were recited.

A prayer and a poem were read by Diane Hunter


Lisa Dauwe and Susan Davies discussed the One to One reading coach program.  In August we will have Kim Webb from the Emergency Shelter of Northern KY, we will be giving them our donations from the last two months.  

Birthdays: Sharon Price and Jane Smith have birthdays in August.

Business Meeting:

Presidents Report:

President Price announced that she would be doing a new member orientation following the meeting.

President Price reported that the bylaws committee met, and the first set of proposed changes will be done in New Business.

There will be a Secret Sister Reveal luncheon on August 24th at Tousey House. Details will be sent directly to the Secret Sisters in the next day or two.

President Price will not be at the August General Business Meeting, Vice President Mary Pierson will be presiding.

President Price reminded us of upcoming GFWC events, the district meeting on September 30th, and the SouthEastern Regioonal Conference in Huntington WV Nov 2-5.

If anyone is interested in a State level officer position, please let President Price so know so that she can fill out the nomination form. 

Finally, President Price welcomed new members Barbara Molica, and Denise Ryder.  

Recording Secretary Report

It was reported that the June meeting minutes were distributed via email, corrected and will stand approved as read.

Corresponding Secretary Report: No Correspondence

 Treasurer’s Report:  No report.  

Committee and Advancement Area Reports:

ESO:  The July book is “Daisy Jones and the Six” by Taylor Jenkins Reid. We will be meeting 7/19 at 6PM at the Blind Squirrel.  The August book is “Malibu Rising” by Taylor Jenkins Reid. We will be meeting at 6:00 at Mai Tai in Florence.

Environment: The Environment reported that a company, Bluegrass Recycling in Burlington, pays for some metals and will accept a variety of metals for recycling.   

Unfinished Business: none.

New Business:

Diane proposed a donation drive for the food Pantry at Union Presbyterian Church. President Price will reach out and find out which items are needed.

Joyce Foley led the club in updating our member directories.

The first set of bylaw changes were presented to the membership, and all were approved. They will be sent as a separate attachment soon. The next set of proposed changes will be presented at the August Meeting.


Bettie Carter Morgan is having their annual Bunco Bash on July 29th at Edgewood Senior Center 1-4. Tickets are 15$. For more information call Sherry Decker: 859-653-4654.

The DAR is hosting a Bunco Bash on September 23, 2023 from 1-4 at the Immanuel United methodist Church. 15$ in advance and 18$ at the door. Please see Lynn Demi for tickets.

Kiwanis is having their annual wine dinner and silent auction on September 22, 2023 at Brianza Gardens and Winery. Cost is 75$ per person. See Chris Sturgil for tickets/details.


July 19: ES0, Blind Squirrel, “Daisy Jones and the Six” by Taylor Jenkins Reid

 August 15: General Business Meeting, 12:30 Social, 1:00 Meeting

August 24: Secret Sister Reveal at Tousey House 11:30.

August 30: ESO Mai Tai, Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Meeting was adjourned at 2:37PM

June 20, 2023

FWC President Sharon Price called the June 20, 2023 meeting of the GFWC Florence Woman’s Club to order at the Union Presbyterian Church at 1:00 P.M. She welcomed all present.   17 members of the club and no guests were present. At the beginning of the meeting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and the Club Collect were recited.

A prayer and a poem were read by Diane Hunter


Gilbert Ruegemer from Triple R Ranch discussed modern farming practices and marketing terms that may be deceiving to people about food production. Next month we will have Lisa Dauwe from One to One. In August we will have the Emergency Shelter of Northern KY, we will be doing a donation drive for them in July and August.

Birthdays: No Birthdays

Business Meeting:

Presidents Report:

President Sharon Price welcomed new member Sue Kozlowski to the club.

President Price reported that the bylaws committee will be meeting on the 28th at 6:00 at Union Panera Bread. This meeting is open to all interested members.

It was also reported that Kelly Platanoitis will be doing a cookie decorating class with the club following the September meeting.

Finally, President Price reported that she will be doing a new member orientation after the July meeting for any interested members.

Recording Secretary Report

It was reported that the May meeting minutes were distributed via email, grammatically corrected and will stand approved as read.

Corresponding Secretary Report: No Correspondence

Treasurer’s Report:  Bethany ordered new deposit slips for the club costing $26.50.

Committee and Advancement Area Reports:

ESO: ESO will be meeting on June 22 to discuss The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver.  We will be meeting at 6:00PM at Torres in Union. The July book is “Daisy Jones and the Six” by Taylor Jenkins Reid. We will be meeting 7/19 at 6PM at the Blind Squirrel.

Education and Libraries: Distributed the Summer BCPL newsletter.

Unfinished Business: none.

New Business: none


Gina has accepted a job in Campbell County and will be leaving the club.

Former member Jean Klinkenbeard has passed away.

The DAR is hosting a Bunco Bash on September 23, 2023 from 1-4 at the Immanuel United methodist Church. 15$ in advance and 18$ at the door. Please see Lynn Demi for tickets.

Boone County Garden Club is having a tour on June 24th. Tickets are 15$. See Joyce Foley for tickets. Members who are attending are invited to meet at Bailey Jaynes for lunch before the tour.   


June 22nd: ESO-The Poisonwood Bible by Barabara Kingsolver. Meeting at Torres in Union, 6:00PM.

July 18th: General Business Meeting, 12:30 Social, 1:00 meeting: One to One.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:44pm

May 16, 2023

FWC President Sharon Price called the May 16, 2023 meeting of the GFWC Florence Woman’s Club to order at the Union Presbyterian Church at 1:03 P.M. She welcomed all present.   17 members of the club, and 1 guest were present.  At the beginning of the meeting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and the Club Collect were recited.


The scheduled program of Triple R ranch had to cancel at the last minute, so our guest Sue Kozlowski did an impromptu program on the Donovan scholarship. Triple R will be with us next month.   

Birthdays: Barb Scott, Marlene Brown and Diane Hunter have birthdays in May.

Business Meeting:

Presidents Report:

President Price reported that Amy Long has resigned from the club. This leaves a vacancy for Vice President and the club will be taking nominations for this position during new business.

President Price also read a short note from Karen Peterman stating that she has moved and wishes the club well in the future and would love for us to stay in touch and visit her.  

President Price reported that the Secret Sister program has started! If someone has not received something this month from their sister please let Sharon, Lynn or Mary know. If anyone was not at the meeting or was otherwise not able to bring a gift for their person, please bring their May and June gifts next month.

President Price also reported That LinkNKY will be conducting a focus group following the meeting next month and anyone interested in participating can just stay after the meeting next month. This is a great way to get our name mentioned in a local publication and let people know who we are and what we do!

It was reported that the Bylaws for the club need to be updated and that a Bylaws committee must be convened. Gina Groeschen, Mary Pierson, and Lynn Demi have volunteered to be on this committee. Sharon said that she would reach out to the committee to set a time to meet. 

President Price reported that at Convention the state administration has asked the clubs to contribute money for the purchase of flowers and shrubs for the State Headquarters in Frankfort. This will be voted on in new business.

President price also reported on her experience attending the 2023 Annual State Convention in Lexington. Florence Woman’s Club won First place in Membership for their jump in membership in 2022 and the new orientation program. She also reported that a resolution was passed that changed the number of Board of Directors quorum to 25 instead of the previous 45.

President Price also reported that the districts were to be given names that will be voted on at District meeting. If anyone has any suggestions that can be added to the ballot, please let her know. North Central Bluegrass Region was suggested.

Also in regard to the International Convention in June, clubs in 5/6 were asked to donate water, snacks or money for those items. This was discussed in new business.

Finally President Price revealed that it was time to submit nominations for District Governor/Vice Governor/Director of Junior Clubs. If anyone would like to nominate someone (or be nominated) they can send that information to  Renae Dixon:, Peggy Barnes:, and Sherry Decker:


Recording Secretary Report: It was reported that the March meeting minutes were distributed via email and will stand approved as read.

Corresponding Secretary Report: We received a thank you card from Back 2 Back Ministreies, thanking us for our 25$ donation (a previous honorarium).  

 Treasurer’s Report: There were hard copies of the monthly report distributed. It was also reported that the money that belongs to the Barn Quilt Trail will be placed in a separate account for those specific purposes.

Committee and Advancement Area Reports:

ESO: ESO will be meeting on June 22 to discuss The poisonwood bible by Barbara Kingsolver.  We will be meeting at 6:00PM at Torres in Union.

Luncheon: Chairman Joyce Foley congratulated everyone on a successful event. Treasurer Bethany Copley passed out hard copies of the financial report for the event. The total earned this year after expenses is 4841.44. The amount that will be distributed to I Have Wings, our chosen 2023 donation recipient, was decided in New Business.

Unfinished Business: none.

New Business:

The first item in New Business was the I Have Wings Donation. A motion was made by Joyce Foley to give 2000$ to I Have Wings out of our money from the annual luncheon. This was seconded by Mary Pierson. Discussion followed and the motion failed to pass by the membership 8 to 9.  

A motion was made by Gina Groeschen and seconded by Nancy Krenk to donate 1500$ to I Have Wings. This motion was discussed and passed by the membership.  

The second item in New Business was the matter of sending money to Headquarters for their landscaping efforts. A motion was made by Barb Scott and seconded by Nany Krenk to send 50$ to headquarters. This was discussed and passed by the membership.

Next, the matter of sending a monetary donation for water and snacks to the international convention in lieu of actual items. A motion was made by Mary Pierson and seconded by Gina Groeschen to send 50$ for these items to headquarters. The motion was discussed and passed by the membership.

The final item in New Business was to offer nominations from the floor for Vice President. Lynn Demi nominated Mary Pierson. The nomination was seconded by Teri Friend.  Mary Pierson was voted in by the membership as VP for the remainder of this administration’s term.


The DAR is hosting a Bunco Bash on September 23, 2023 from 1-4 at the Immanuel United methodist Church. 15$ in advance and 18$ at the door. Please see Lynn Demi for tickets.

Boone County Garden Club is having a tour on June 24th. Tickets are 15$. See Joyce Foley for information.

The Black and Bluegrass Roller Girls are having a bout on May 20th. Gina will be skating. Tickets are 10$. Please see Gina for tickets and details.   


June 20th: General Business Meeting 12:30 Social, 1:00 Meeting. Program: Triple R Ranch.

June 22nd: ESO-The Poisonwood Bible by Barabara Kingsolver. Meeting at Torres in Union, 6:00PM.

Meeting was adjourned at 2:40pm


March 21, 2023

FWC President Sharon Price called the March 21, 2023 meeting of the GFWC Florence Woman’s Club to order at the at 1:00 P.M. She welcomed all present.  19 members of the club, and 1 guest were present.  At the beginning of the meeting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and the Club Collect were recited.


Vice President Amy Long introduced Dr. Darrin Kuhn and Scott Neil from C.O.R.E Health Center, they spoke about chiropractic work.   

Birthdays: Deb Stidham has a March birthday!

Business Meeting:

Presidents Report:

President Price introduced the optional Secret Sister program for anyone that would like to participate. Information forms were passed out and those that want to participate filled them out and turned them into Sharon. At the April meeting participants will draw the name of their sister.  Then for 3 months starting in May, they will send cards or small gifts to that person at least once a month, maybe their birthday or for holidays. At the end of the three months there will be an ice cream social event where we reveal who the secret sisters are! If you would still like to participate please contact Sharon for a form.  

President Price reported that the Official Call for International Convention has come out. This convention will be in Louisville this year, June 9-12. The call will be sent out via email to all the members. Please let Sharon know if you have any questions or would like to know about the volunteer opportunities attached to hosting the convention!

President Price also let the club know that she will be sending in a letter of endorsement on behalf of the club regarding a historical marker dedicated to the packhorse librarians. If you would like to send in a letter on your own, Sharon will be sending out the information.

Finally President Price revealed that the club has been approached by Link KY to be a part of a focus group. She will get more details and send them out via email to the club for those interested in participating.

Recording Secretary Report: It was reported that the February meeting minutes were distributed via email and hard copy and stand approved as read.

Corresponding Secretary Report: We received no correspondence.

 Treasurer’s Report: There were hard copies of Bethany’s report. The report was filed for audit. The 2023 budget was distributed, discussed and voted on. A motion was made  by Amy Long to approve the budget, the motion was seconded by Bev Pilgram and the motion was passed by the membership

Committee and Advancement Area Reports:

ESO: ESO will be meeting on March 30th to discuss The Witch Elm by Tana French. We will be meeting at 6:00PM at Mai Tai in Florence.

Luncheon: Chairman Joyce Foley updated everyone what is expected in regard to the luncheon.

Education and Libraries: The Boone County Public Library newsletter was passed out by the Education and Libraries committee.

Unfinished Business:

President Price has been unable to get a hold of the Maryland club regarding their pageant fundraiser and in addition the City of Walton is planning on executing the OFD pageant themselves so the FWC will not be doing this as a Fall fundraiser this year.

Along the same lines, we are not able to execute the purse aspect of our luncheon this year. Perhaps we can work this idea into a separate fall fundraiser. If not, we will just use this idea for our luncheon next year.

New Business: none


Kiwanis is hosting a Bunny Brunch on April 1 at New Day Ranch starting at 10AM, Ask Chris for details.

Kiwanis is also hosting a Wine Walk to benefit Go Pantry on April 22 at Brianza Winery, ask Chris for details.


March 30th: ESO Book Discussion, “The Witch Elm” by Tana French. 6:00PM Mai Tai in Florence.

April 14th: Basket Assembly at Marlene’s, 83 Allison Dr. Florence, 10AM.

April 18th, FWC Annual Cancer Benefit Luncheon, Triple Crown Country Club  

April 26th, ESO Book Discussion, “The Enchanted April” by 6:00PM The Farmstand in Union


Meeting was adjourned at 2:20pm


February 21, 2023

FWC President Sharon Price called the January 17, 2023 meeting of the GFWC Florence

Woman’s Club to order at the at 1:04 P.M. She welcomed all present. 13 members of the club, and 1 guest were present. At the beginning of the meeting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and the Club Collect were recited.


Vice President Amy Long encouraged all members to get with their CSP committees and work for 25 minutes on items for the year.

Birthdays: Dana Gulec has a February birthday!

Business Meeting:

Presidents Report:

President Price thanked everyone for their donations for the United Christian Volunteers food pantry. The Civic Engagement committee will be delivering the items soon. If anyone has anything else they would like to donate before the drop please contact a member of that committee.

The President also reported that the club will be doing an optional Secret Sister program for anyone that would like to participate. Participants draw the name of someone in the club. Then for 3 months they will send cards or small gifts to that person at least once a month, maybe their birthday or for holidays. At the end of the three months there will be an ice cream social event where we reveal who the secret sisters are! Forms to participate will beavailable at the March meeting for those that are interested.

President Price also discussed the Call to State Convention. The convention will be held at the Clarion in Lexington March 23-25. There will a lot of exciting things this year such as a

LEADS presentation, awards, and meeting women from other clubs. The Call will be sent out to all members via email. There will be options to stay, drive down for a day and to carpool with others, let Sharon know if you are interested.

Finally, President price reported that the Official Call for International Convention has come out. This convention will be in Louisville this year, June 9-12. The call will be sent out via email to all the members. Please let Sharon know if you have any questions or would like to know about the volunteer opportunities attached to hosting the convention!


Program Report: 

Vice President Amy Long reported that if any committees or members had ideas or requests for speakers/topics to let her know so she can get them on our calendar.

Recording Secretary Report: 

It was reported that the January meeting minutes were distributed via email and hard copy and stand approved as read.

Corresponding Secretary Report: 

We received no correspondence.

Treasurer’s Report: 

There were hard copies of Bethany’s report. The report was filed for audit. The budget committee met last month and the budget will be presented and voted on at the March meeting.

Committee and Advancement Area Reports:

ESO: ESO will be meeting on March 30 th to discuss The Witch Elm by Tana French. We will be meeting at 6:00PM at Mai Tai in Florence.

Luncheon: Chairman Joyce Foley passed out a handout with the current information for our luncheon on April 18 th .

Education and Libraries: The Boone County Public Library newsletter was passed out by the Education and Libraries committee.

Unfinished Business: The photographer has been scheduled for the May meeting to take photos of our newer members.

New Business: none


March21, General Membership Meeting, 11:30 social and light lunch, 1:00

Business Meeting.

March 30, 6:00pm: ESO Book Discussion, “The Witch Elm”, Mai Tai restaurant Florence.


Meeting was adjourned at 2:30pm


January 17, 2023

FWC President Sharon Price called the January 17, 2023 meeting of the GFWC Florence

Woman’s Club to order at the at 1:02P.M. She welcomed all present. 12 members of the club, 3 guests, and the speaker were present. At the beginning of the meeting the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and the Club Collect were recited.


Vice President Amy Long introduced this month’s speaker, Frank Loomis, who spoke to us about different eras in antiques.

Birthdays: Joyce Foley, Bev Pilgram, and Chris Sturgil have January birthdays!

Business Meeting:

Presidents Report:

President Sharon Price asked that everyone make sure they had signed up for hostessing this year.

She also asked that anyone with volunteer hours to please send them to her as soon as possible since she would be finishing our state reports this week.

President Price also reported that there will be a club breakfast social on February 8 th , Washington Square in Burlington at 9:30AM. Feel free to bring a guest!

Also, that if someone would like to switch committees for the 2023 year, please let her know. She will be updating the CSP committee list and sending that out via email in the next couple of weeks.

Finally, President Price reported that United Christian Volunteers in Elsmere were soliciting items for their food pantry such as peanut butter, diapers etc. Sharon will send out a full list of what they are looking for via email and members can bring items to the next meeting for donation.

Program Report: Vice President Amy Long informed everyone that the February meeting will not have a speaker so that the committees can group together and work on their 2023 projects.

She is also encouraging members to wear red to our next meeting in support of heart health month.


Recording Secretary Report: It was reported that November meeting minutes were distributed via email and hard copy and stand approved as read. There were no December meeting minutes.

Corresponding Secretary Report: We received no correspondence.

Treasurer’s Report: There were hard copies of Bethany’s report. The report was filed for audit.

Committee and Advancement Area Reports:

ESO: ESO is starting back up! The first 2023 meeting will be held on February 16 th, 6:30 at Mai Tai in Florence. The book is “The Library Book” by Susan Orlean. The March book is The Witch Elm by Tana French

Luncheon: Chairman Joyce Foley explained that we are actively trying to expand our guest list for this event. She is asking that everyone please invite people to this great event.

Environment: If anyone has Xmas lights for the recycling program they can give them to Teri.

Unfinished Business: The photographer will be coming next month to take profile pictures of the newer members for our yearbook.

New Business:

Lana Kay asked the membership to consider We Have Wings as our recipient for our annual cancer charity donation for 2023. A motion for this was made by Amy and seconded by Janet and passed by the membership.

Barb Scott had the suggestion of doing a purse raffle during our April Luncheon. The purses would have items or gift cards inside them. They would be modeled by some of our members who are cancer survivors wearing black with an over-the-top type of accessories. Guests would buy tickets and then enter to win the purse of their choice. We would need new or gently used purses for the raffle and some of our members would need to volunteer to model. Please let Sharon know if you would be interested in modeling or if you have a purse to donate.


February 8, 9:30am Breakfast Social, Washington Square in Burlington.

February 16, 6:30pm: ESO Book Discussion, “The Library Book” by Susan Orlean, Mai Tai restaurant Florence.

February 21, General Business Meeting. 12:30 social, 1:00 Meeting.


Meeting was adjourned at 2:15pm



November 15, 2022

FWC President Sharon Price called the October 18, 2022 meeting of the GFWC Florence Woman’s Club to order at the  at 1:02P.M. She welcomed all present.  21 members of the club, a guest, and the speaker were present. At the beginning of the meeting the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and the Club Collect were recited.


Vice President Joyce Foley introduced this month’s speaker, Mary Pierson, who spoke to us about recycling and the dangers of plastic on our environment.  

Birthdays  None

Business Meeting:

Presidents Report:
President Sharon Price reported that she attended the Southeastern Regional Conference in Lexington. She noted that KY was recognized for its efforts in raising funds for eastern KY flood victims. She mentioned that the need was still there.

Sharon also reported that it was time for 2023 hostess signups. The signup sheet was sent around. If you weren’t able to commit to a signup at the meeting, please get in touch with Joyce  to be added to a month.    

President Price reminded everyone that dues for the 2023 club year are now payable to Bethany. Her address will be emailed out for those that would like to mail their dues.

President Price also announced that two people need to volunteer to be on the budget committee. Gina volunteered. If you are interested in serving on the budget committee please contact Sharon or Bethany.

President Price also mentioned that she visited the Williamstown Woman’s Club as Governor and that they were doing a quilt raffle. The drawing in December 8th. 3$ per ticket and 5$ for 2 tickets.  

Finally, President Price said that the club will be updating its committee signups for 2023 in January.

Program Report:

Vice President Joyce Foley informed everyone that the December meeting will be at Triple Crown Country Club for our annual Christmas luncheon. The final price will be 28$ per person and send your money to Bethany. We will be collecting men’s white socks for the VA hospital at this event so please bring an unopened package to the luncheon.

Joyce also reported on the death of Robert Crume, the husband of member Barbara Crume. Please keep her in your thoughts.

Recording Secretary Report

It was reported that September meeting minutes were distributed via email and hard copy and stand approved as read.

Corresponding Secretary Report: 

We received no correspondence. The post office box was not renewed and is officially closed.

 Treasurer’s Report: 

There were hard copies of Bethany’s report. The report was filed for audit.

Committee and Advancement Area Reports:

ESO: ESO will be meeting on November 30, at Bourbon House Pizza in Florence at 6: 00pm. The November The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare.  There will be no ESO in December.

Art and Culture: There are some events planned for 2023. The Creation Museum has a Christmas Walk event that is free. 5:30-8:00 on certain dates from Nov. 25-Dec. 30.

Environment: Mascara wands are being sent this week.

Unfinished Business: None

New Business:

President Price proposed that the club consider hosting the Miss Walton pageant next fall as a fundraiser. Details to come.  


There will be a Holiday Tea at the Gaines House on December 17th

December 14th we will be having a Cookie Swap at our meeting spot at Union presbyterian Church. 2:00PM. RSVP to Sharon by 12/10 so she can tell everyone how many cookies to make.

October 18, 2022

FWC President Sharon Price called the October 18, 2022 meeting of the GFWC Florence Woman’s Club to order at the  at 1:04P.M. She welcomed all present.  24 members of the club, two guests, and the speaker were present. At the beginning of the meeting the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and the Club Collect were recited.


Vice President Joyce Foley introduced this month’s speaker, Vickie Rowland from Bettie Carter Morgan Club. She discussed growing up with severe dyslexia and how she overcame that.  

Birthdays  None

Business Meeting:

Presidents Report: 

Program Report: 

Vice President Joyce Foley that our November speaker is Mary Pierson, coming to discuss recycling.

VP Foley also informed everyone that the December meeting will be at Triple Crown Country Club for our annual Christmas luncheon. Please bring your checkbooks/money to the November meeting so that we can have the reservations done as quickly and easily as possible.

Recording Secretary Report

It was reported that September meeting minutes were distributed via email and hard copy and stand approved as read.

Corresponding Secretary Report: 

We received a thank you from Make a Wish for our monetary donation to them this year.

Treasurer’s Report: 

There were hard copies of Bethany’s report. The report was filed for audit.

Committee and Advancement Area Reports:

Unfinished Business: None

New Business

The club discussed not renewing our post office box. Karen Peterman made a motion, Bev Pilgram seconded. The motion was passed by the membership.  


September 20, 2022

FWC President Sharon Price called the September 20, 2022 meeting of the Florence Woman’s Club to order at Union Presbyterian Church at 1:01 PM. She welcomed all present. There were 20 members present and  2 guests including our speaker. The Pledge of Allegiance and the Club Collect were recited.

Karen Peterman read a very nice poem.  


Vice President Joyce Foley introduced this month’s speaker, Maggie Perrino. She spoke about her career in the arts and with the Carnegie theater. Also, how the Carnegie adapted during Covid and show they have coming up.  

Business Meeting: 

President Sharon Price welcomed everyone to our new "home" at Union Presbyterian Church. She also thanked Karen Peterman and Pat Bogart for providing our inaugural light lunch in our new meeting spot.

President Price welcomed new member Nancy Krenke.

President Price also reminded everyone that membership was only 20$ from now until the end of the year.  She also told everyone that 2023 dues are payable now through the end of the year.

President Price updated everyone that the GFWC orientation is complete and President Price will present this before AND after the October Meeting. Members that choose to attend the orientation can come to the church at 11:30AM, or stay after the meeting is complete.

 President Price discussed the district meeting is coming up on October 1, in Lexington. The official Call was sent out. President Price and Bev Pilgram offered to carpool with people if they would like to attend.

The state is collecting small dog plush toys that will be brought to SER and given to children. If you have any that you would like to donate please let President Price know and she can pick them up.  

October 27-29 is the South Eastern Regional Conference in Lexington. The state is still looking for people to work the registration table, hospitality table, help with centerpieces, etc. The club will be purchasing a case of small waters for the hospitality table at SER.

Vice president: 

Vice President Foley reported that next month's program will be Vicki Rowland speaking on her experiences with dyslexia.

Recording Secretary: 

Minutes were sent out via email with no corrections. Will stand approved as read.

Treasurer’s Report: 

The report was distributed and will be filed for audit. Treasurer Copley and President Price will look into closing the gaming account and whether or not he funds can be used as our donation to Union Presbyterian Church.  

Corresponding Secretary: No correspondence.


New Business: No New Business

Unfinished Business: No Unfinished Business


Meeting was adjourned at 2:21PM

August 16, 2022

FWC President Sharon Price called the August 16, 2022 meeting of the Florence Woman’s Club to order at Storypoint at 1:07 PM. She welcomed all present. There were 21 members present and 1 guest who was our speaker. The Pledge of Allegiance and the Club Collect were recited.

Karen Peterman read a very nice poem.


Vice President Joyce Foley introduced this month’s speaker, Marja Barrett, who spoke about her experiences teaching etiquette and discussed some common etiquette/communication tips.

Business Meeting:


Vice president: 

Vice President Foley reported that next month's program will be Maggie Perrino from the Carnegie Theater.

Recording Secretary: 

Minutes were sent out via email with no corrections. Will stand approved as read.

Treasurer’s Report: 

The report was distributed and will be filed for audit. Treasurer Copley and President Price will look into closing the gaming account and whether or not he funds can be used as our donation to Union Presbyterian Church.


Corresponding Secretary: 

No correspondence.



ESO Chairman Sharon Price reported that the August Meeting has been rescheduled to 8/22 at Kitchen 1883. The book for September is "The Plot" by Jean Hanff Korelitz and the meeting will be on September 22 at Panera Bread. 6:00. Also that everyone is welcome to attend even if they have not read the book.

New Business: 

No New Business

Unfinished Business:

 No Unfinished Business


July 19, 2022

FWC President Sharon Price called the July 19, 2022 meeting of the Florence Woman’s Club to order at the Kenton County Library at 1:01 PM. She welcomed all present. There were 19 members present and 1 guests who was our speaker. The Pledge of Allegiance and the Club Collect were recited. President Price welcomed new members Janet Davis and Dana Gulec and presented them with their pins. 

Program Vice President Joyce Foley introduced this month’s speaker, Barbara Bardes from the Taft Museum of Art. Barbara spoke about families that are associated with the property. 

Business Meeting

The Community Service programs are

The committees will be sent out shortly. 

Vice president: 

Next month's program will be Marja Wade Barret, "Funny things that happened on the Road to Good Manners" Recording Secretary: Minutes were sent out via email with no corrections. Will stand approved as read. 

Treasurer’s Report: 

The report was distributed and will be filed for audit. 

Corresponding Secretary

No correspondence. 


Fall Fundraiser: This event is being tabled until 2023. 


ESO Chairman Sharon Price reported that the last meeting was very nice. The next meeting for ESO will be held August 4th at Kitchen 1883 in Union. 

New Business: 

June 21, 2022

FWC President Sharon Price called the May 17, 2022 meeting of the Florence Woman’s Club to order at the Walton Masonic Lodge at 1:14 PM. She welcomed all present. There were 18 members present and 3 guests including our speaker. The Pledge of Allegiance and the Club Collect were recited.  


Vice President Joyce Foley introduced this month’s speaker, Judy Gerding, the President of the The Point Arc. She presented on the organization and the work they do in the community.  

Business Meeting: 

President Sharon Price - reported that we are still looking for a suitable meeting spot. President Price had spoken to the contact at StoryPoint in Union and that will be our meeting spot for August. July's meeting location is still TBA. This introduced discussion on hostessing duties etc. President Price tabled the discussion until next month.

Sharon Price also reported that Summer Workshop registration was open. She has copies of the Call and has also sent it out via email.

President Price welcomed new members Denise Vest and Barb Scott and gave them their pins.

President Price also reminded everyone that membership was only 20$ from now until the end of the year.

Lastly, Sharon Price reported that under New Business  there will be a little information on the CSP’s and everyone can choose a committee to belong to for the year. Each committee will be expected to come up with one project for 2022.  

Vice president: No report

Recording Secretary: Minutes were sent out via email with no corrections. Will stand approved as read.

Treasurer’s Report: It is reported that we have $6733.65 in the main checking account.

Corresponding Secretary: 2 club women in the Barbourville have lost their father in a tragic accident. A card will be sent on behalf of the club to them.


Luncheon: Bethany presented the final numbers for the benefit. After expenses and preliminary disbursements (Mary Rose Mission, Dinsmore, Boone County Scholarship, Go Pantry)  we have $2226.72 remaining. The amount sent to Make a wish would be determined in new business.   

ESO: ESO Chairman Sharon Price reported that the June meeting was very nice. he next meeting will be July 13th at The Blind Squirrel in Florence a 6:00PM. The Book for this month is "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Fall Fundraiser: Ideas for the fundraiser were discussed including a purse fashion show, kickball tournament, and a mystery dinner. All of these ideas will be researched and discussed within he committee very soon.  

New Business:

A motion was made by Bev Pilgram to end the June Picnic meeting and just have a regular business meeting instead. This was seconded by Karen Peterman and passed by the membership.  

Mary Alice made a motion to donate 1000$ to Make a Wish Foundation as our chosen charity for the cancer benefit luncheon. This was seconded by Chris Sturgil and passed by the membership.

President Price read a brief description of the 5 Community Service Programs and asked members to fill out a form on their top 3 choices for committees. For anyone that did not fill it out they can email her their preferences. If no email is received then they will just be placed randomly on a committee for 2022.

Unfinished Business:


 Joyce will be stepping down as Vice President. If anyone has questions about the position or would like to step into the role. Please see Sharon or Joyce.

May 17, 2022

FWC President Sharon Price called the May 17, 2022 meeting of the Florence Woman’s Club to order at the Boone County Extension Office at 1:01PM. She welcomed all present. There were 17 members present and 5 guests including our speaker. The Pledge of Allegiance and the Club Collect were recited. Marlene Brown has a birthday coming up on May 26th.


Vice President Joyce Foley introduced this month’s speaker, Matt Becker, the Rural/Open Space Planner for Boone County. He presented on the Historic Boone County Courthouse.

Business Meeting: 

President Sharon Price reported that although the Extension Office was nice, due to booking complications we cannot have it as a permanent club home. The search for a permanent meeting spot continues.

Sharon Price also reported on the State Convention, she introduced the new State Executive Board Officers: State President Susette Redwine, Director of Junior Clubs Kaylan Turner, President-elect Amy Mason, First Vice President-Bridget Murphy, Second Vice President-Judy Lester, Secretary-Susan Harley, treasurer-Peggy Barnes, Director of Junior Clubs-elect-Sherri Hammons.

Other items reported on from State Conventions included: the elimination of delegate cards from state meetings and conventions, districts 7and 8 will be merging, discussions have started to change the press book contest.

It was also reported that the Arts, crafts, and needlework contests will no longer be held at the state level. They will continue for now at the district level. Photography and writing will still continue at that level.

Club sizes have also been restructured so that now 4-20 is small, 21-39 is medium, and 40+ is large. Florence Woman’s Club is now considered a Medium Club!!

Finally, Sharon Price also reported that the Call is out for Summer Workshop, it will take place July 22-23 in Lexington. The call will be sent out very soon via email.

President Price also shared that a clubwoman from Barbourville lost her son in an accident on the last day of the Convention. A card will be sent on behalf of the club.

Lastly, Sharon Price reported that next month there will be a short information session centered on the CSP’s and advancement areas and everyone can choose a committee to belong to.

Vice president: 

No report

Recording Secretary: 

Minutes were sent out via email with no corrections. Will stand approved as read.

Treasurer’s Report: 

It is reported that we have

Corresponding Secretary: 

No report.


Education and Libraries: Tamara Cady reported that she attended the scholarship presentation for this year’s scholarship winner from Boone County High School. She reported that the scholarship is being given to Sydney Whitford, a well-rounded student and athlete that is attending Transylvania in the fall. 

Luncheon: Luncheon Chairman Joyce Foley presented on the luncheon and how everything came together for a successful event! Treasurer Bethany Copley will send out the final numbers report soon.  

ESO: ESO Chairman Sharon Price reported that since the May meeting was cancelled, Animal Vegetable, Miracle will be discussed on June15th at 6:00 at The Farmstand in Union.

New Business:

A motion was made by Bev Pilgram to send 25$ to Call to the Post, a fundraiser for SER in October. Karen Peterman seconded and the motion was passed.   

Unfinished Business:

President Sharon Price reopened the discussion on a Fall fundraising event. Several ideas were discussed including a wine dinner, bourbon dinner, and a dinner paired with a purse fashion show and sale. Barb Scott has agreed to be on the committee for this event with Sharon Price as chairman. The committee is open if anyone would like to join, contact Sharon.


Lunch information for our annual picnic meeting next month is going out. If you would like to purchase lunch, please register for the event and send the money to Bethany Copley. 1271 Lancashire Dr. Union, KY 41091.

Joyce Foley will be stepping down as Vice President. It is important that someone step into this role. Please contact Sharon Price if you are interested in the position.

 March 15, 2022

FWC President Sharon Price called the February 15, 2022 meeting of the GFWC Florence Woman’s Club to order at the Gathering House at 1:02 PM She welcomed all present.  There were 17 members of the club, 6 guests and the speaker present. At the beginning of the meeting the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and the Club Collect were recited. 


Vice President Joyce Foley introduced this month’s speaker, Sloane Lee, she presented on the changes coming to the Boone County Animal Shelter and answered many questions.

Business Meeting:

State President Teresa Schmidt congratulated club President Sharon Price on being chosen for the LEADS program taking place in New Orleans.

President’s Report: President Sharon Price reported that we will no longer be meeting at The Gathering House. The city has raised the price of the facility and club funds can be better spent elsewhere. If anyone has suggestions on a meeting place that can accommodate us and includes a kitchen for our lunches, please let Sharon know. Sharon will be emailing out the next meeting spot for the club before the May meeting. We may try out a few spots before finding our new club “home”.  

It was also reported that the Boone County Historical Society has decided to withdraw from the partnership in regards to the ornament project. The Historical Society has chosen a different and more inexpensive vendor that allows them to pursue the project on their own. President Price announced that we will not have the funds to continue with the project without a partner and has tabled the project until next year.

President Price welcomed new members Pat Bogert, Amy Long and Gina Groeshchen.  

Vice President Report: Vice President Joyce Foley shared an article about Cincinnati being a “foodie” city.

Program Report:

Vice President Foley reported that next month we have our fundraiser. The speaker is Steve Del Gardo, a breast cancer survivor.

Recording Secretary Report: It was reported that February meeting minutes were distributed via email. No corrections. Amy Long motioned, Bethany Copley seconded and the February minutes were approved.

Corresponding Secretary Report: CS Bev Pilgram reported that there was nothing remarkable in the mail this month.

Treasurer’s Report: Bethany’s report was distributed at the meeting; it will be filed for audit.

The 21-22 club budget was distributed. There was no discussion or questions. Joyce Foley motioned, Deb Stidham seconded and the membership passed the budget.

Committee and Advancement Area Reports:

Luncheon: Luncheon Co-Chair Joyce Foley reported that the fundraiser is next month. She gave details on the event to all the members. Key points are that members who are attending need to be there at 9:30 am to set up. Basket assembly will be taking place at Marlene Brown’s house: 83 Allison Avenue Florence on April 14th at 10:00am. Please remember to bring your bling to Marlene’s as well. Members need to purchase at least one ticket and provide at least one basket for auction.  

ESO: The next book discussion will be on April 14th at 6 at The Farmstand in Union. The book for April is “Animal, Vegetable, Miracle” by Barbara Kingsolver.

Unfinished Business:

The club has decided to move forward with a Fall event. This will be a different type of event than our Spring fundraiser, preferably co-ed and in the evening. The type of event will be decided at the May meeting. The event is tentative for September.

New Business:  


On March 31 the club will be having a social Game night! Time and Place will be sent out via email once it is confirmed.

 Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 2:12PM

January 18, 2022

FWC President Sharon Price called the January 18, 2022 meeting of the GFWC Florence Woman’s Club to order at the Gathering House at 1:01 PM She welcomed all present.  There were 6 members of the club, 4 guests and the speaker present. At the beginning of the meeting the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and the Club Collect were recited. Karen Peterman also recited a very nice uplifting poem.


Vice President Joyce Foley introduced this month’s speaker, Marty Schadler. He presented on notable women in aviation history, from Kentucky and all around the world.

Birthdays : Bev Pilgram (1/4), and Joyce Foley (1/13) celebrated birthdays since our Last meeting.

Business Meeting:

President’s Report: President Sharon Price reported that it was very nice to see everyone at the Christmas luncheon.

It was also reported that the blanket and monetary donation was given to Crazy Cats rescue, they were very appreciative of the donation.

President Price also reminded everyone that dues are expected to be paid this month for the 2022 club year. They can be sent to our new treasurer Bethany Copley at 1271 Lancashire Dr. Union, KY 41091

It was also reported that the members of the executive board will be meeting soon to have a planning session for the year. Everyone is welcome to attend or submit ideas for socials, projects, and donations.

The also needs people to step up and head the content area committees for the year, they are: Health and wellness, Environment, Education and Libraries, Civic Engagement and Outreach, and Arts and Culture. Please let Sharon or Joyce know if you are interested!

President Price informed the club of some upcoming events, a social club breakfast on February 1 at Washington Square at 9:30AM, former club member Kelly Platanoitis will be doing a cookie decorating workshop at the gathering house following the February 15th meeting.

Finally, Sharon’s daughters are selling Girl Scout cookies, so please let her know if you would like to order.

Vice President Report: Vice President Joyce Foley did not have a Vice President’s report.

Program Report:

Vice President Foley reported that our next month’s speaker will be Bridget Striker, speaking on “African American History in Boone County”.  

Recording Secretary Report: It was reported that November meeting minutes were distributed via email. No corrections. Joyce motioned, Karen Peterman seconded and the November minutes were approved. December Minutes were distributed at the meeting. Bev motioned, Karen seconded and December minutes were approved. 

Corresponding Secretary Report: CS Bev Pilgram reported that she had been given the mail and that she would be receiving Marlene’s key for the PO box and would start checking the mail. VP Joyce Foley reported that cards have been sent to Sharon Price, Sherrie Lou and Bev Pilgram to get well and have good recoveries.

Treasurer’s Report: Lynda’s last report was distributed at the meeting, it will be filed. The books have been given to a local auditor and were correct. Bethany Copley has taken over treasurer duties and will be put on as a signer on the account very soon.  

President Sharon Price mentioned at this time that dues can now be paid for the 2022 club year. They can be mailed to Bethany at: 1271 Lancashire Dr. Union Ky, 41091

Committee and Advancement Area Reports:

ESO: There will be more information on ESO emailed out later in the month. The next book discussion will be on February 10th@6, place TBA. The book for February is “Chocolat” by Joanne Harris.

Unfinished Business:  None

New Business:

President Sharon Price would like to re-open the tabled discussion on the previously proposed ornament fundraising project from last year. There is potential for a partnership with the Boone County Historical Society.

President Price has also proposed the club put on a fall fundraising event similar to our annual luncheon but an evening event. She would like this discussed in a future meeting.  


Vice President Foley shared an article regarding the Cincinnati Zoo and how it has been reviewed as the best in the country. Way to go!


 Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 2:39pm


November 16, 2021

FWC President Sharon Price called the November 16, 2021 meeting of the GFWC Florence Woman’s Club to order at the Gathering House at 1:02p.m. She welcomed all present.  There were 11 members of the club, 6 guests and the speaker present. At the beginning of the meeting the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and the Club Collect were recited. Karen Peterman also recited a very nice uplifting poem.


Vice President Joyce Foley introduced this month’s speaker, Cathy Callopy from the Dinsmore Homestead. She discussed key women in Dinsmore history.


Business Meeting:

President’s Report: President Sharon Price reported that Cannoli Class was fun! The cannoli was yummy and the stories were very entertaining. Steve the Cannoli Guy has also agreed to donate a free cannoli class for our April fundraiser, and he has also agreed to be our speaker! He is a breast cancer survivor, and he will share his story with us.  

We started Crazy Cats blankets at the October meeting and we have them mostly finished. Sharon said she would take them to the rescue soon.

Sharon also reminded everyone that the Hostess Committee signup sheet was going around and all members need to sign up for a turn during 2022.

Sharon also invited everyone to participate in a cookie swap and gift exchange in December.

She also welcomed new member Bev Pilgram.

It was reported that Sherrie Lou has had a setback, please send her healing thoughts!

Vice President Report: Vice President Joyce Foley reported on our September Fundraiser.

She also reported that our upcoming program for the Christmas party is the Hills of KY Dulcimers.

She also shared an article marking KY as having the friendliest drivers.

Program Report:

Our Christmas Party will be on December 21st. The cost will be 25$ The menu will have two choices of entrée. Please send your check to Barbara Crume if you’d like to attend. The club agreed to bring canned food/pantry items for GO Pantry at this event. Chris Sturgil said that she will accept any monetary or gift card donations until December 2nd to maximize the donations. If anyone wants to bring canned goods they can, those will be donated sometime in February.  Also, guests are welcome at this event.

Recording Secretary Report: It was reported that October meeting minutes were distributed via email with 2 corrections. The corrections were made and hard copies distributed at the meeting. Joyce motioned, Mary Alice seconded and minutes were approved. 

Corresponding Secretary Report: President Sharon Price reported that we received a thank you from Bluegrass Care Navigators for the donation we made on behalf of Kimberly Heestand, our previous speaker.

We also received a card from the 5th/6th District governor Bev Pilgram, thanking us for hosting the district meeting this year.

Treasurer’s Report: Lynda’s latest report will be emailed out soon.

President Sharon Price mentioned at this time that dues can now be paid for the 2022 club year.  

Committee and Advancement Area Reports:

ESO: The November book discussion has been cancelled. The House of the Seven Gables will be discussed at the meeting in January in addition to the book announced in December. The date and the book will be reported at the December meeting.

Unfinished Business: An auditor has been found for the books between treasurers.

New Business:

Vice President Joyce Foley reported the slate for the 2022-2024 officers:


The club also discussed how we will use the funds from the September fundraiser. It was proposed that 1500.00 be given to the Dragonfly and 1000 be given to our alternating charity, Mary Rose Mission or Go Pantry. A motion was made by Lana Kay and seconded by Karen Peterman. The motion was passed.



 Adjournment: Mary Alice made a motion to adjourn, Karen Peterman seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 2:43pm



December 2021:

14: Cookie Swap/Gift Exchange will be at The Gathering House at 1:00. There will be some light snacks served. There is a separate email going out about this event.

21: Annual Christmas Party at Triple Crown Country Club. Cost is 25$. There is a separate email regarding this event with food choices and where to send your payment. We will be swearing in the new officers at this meeting.


January 2022:

13: ESO Book Discussion, we will be discussing House of the Seven Gables and The Girl with No Shadow.

18: General Business Meeting at The Gathering House, 12:30 lunch/social 1:00 Business Meeting

February 2022

15: General Business Meeting at The Gathering House, 12:30 lunch/social 1:00 Business Meeting

October 19, 2021

FWC President Sharon Price called the October 19, 2021 meeting of the GFWC Florence Woman’s Club to order at the Gathering House at 1:08p.m. She welcomed all present.  There were 11 members of the club, 4 members of the Bettie Carter Morgan Club, 6 guests and the speaker were present. At the beginning of the meeting the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and the Club Collect were recited.


Vice President Joyce Foley introduced this month’s speaker, Paul Tenkotte from Northern Kentucky University. He discussed the history of women’s suffrage in the nky area.


Business Meeting:

President’s Report: President Sharon Price reported that the Serve and Socialize Fair at the library went very well. 14 names were collected of prospective members and they have all been contacted by email and phone. At this time Sharon talked to the guests and gave them some basic information about the club.

Sharon also reported that our hosting of the 5th/6th district meeting was a success. Sharon has been elected and installed as the next 5th/6th Governor, taking office in the spring/summer of 2022.

Sharon also reported that there were 8 spots left for the cannoli class taking place at Del Gardos on November 4th. It is 20$ to hold your spot and the remaining 20$ is due at the door.

Sharon invited the members and the guests to stay after the meeting to make fleece blankets for Crazy Cats Rescue. We will be continuing this project after the November meeting as well.

Sharon also reported that the Hostess Committee signup sheet was going around and all members need to sign up for a turn during 2022.

Vice President Report: Vice president Joyce Foley mentioned that today members of the club were wearing purple in support of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. 

The Gathering House has been reserved for our 2022 meetings.


Program Report: Vice President Joyce Foley reported that next month the speaker will be a representative from The Honor Flight.

Our Christmas Party will be on December 21st. The cost will be 25$ The menu will have two choices of entrée and will be discussed at the November meeting. Please bring your check to the November meeting if you’d like to attend. The club agreed to bring canned food/pantry items for GO Pantry at this event. Also, guests are welcome at this event.

Recording Secretary Report: It was reported that August meeting minutes were distributed via email and hard copy and stand approved as read.

Corresponding Secretary Report: Vice President Joyce Foley reported that the club sent a card to Jo Ann Knock in condolences for the death of her step-daughter. The Club also sent a card to member Karen Peterman on her recovery from Covid. A card was sent to Kelly Platanoitis on the birth of her Daughter Margaret Lee.  The club sent 25.00 donation to the Dinsmore in memorium of Betsy Conrad. A condolence card was sent to longtime member Mary Cox’s family upon her death. Finally a flower arrangement and card was sent to Sherrie Lou Noel to wish her well on her recovery of a broken hip.

Treasurer’s Report: There were hard copies of Lynda’s latest report. The report was filed for audit. There were several deposits and expenses that were not on the present report and will be shown on the October report.

President Sharon Price mentioned at this time that dues can now be paid for the 2022 club year. 

Committee and Advancement Area Reports:

Annual Luncheon: Barbara Crume reported on the financial aspect of the luncheon, it is estimated that the club earned 3820.74. It will be discussed next month how much of that money will be given to The Dragonfly Foundation.

District meeting: Marlene Brown reported on the winners of the Arts contests from the District meeting. Photography World Up Close, Karen Peterman, 1st place. Water Color, Karen Peterman, 2nd place, Marlene Brown, 1st place. Painting, Marlene Brown, 2nd place. Quilting, Joyce Foley, 3rd place. 

ESO: The next book discussion will take place on November 18th, at 6pm at Panera Bread in Union. This month’s book is The House of Seven Gables by Nathanial Hawthorne. 

Unfinished Business: None

New Business:

Members are needed for the Nominating Committee. Please Call Joyce Foley if you are willing to be on the committee, we need 3 members.

The club will also need someone to audit our books between treasurers, if anyone knows someone please have them contact the club.



 Adournment: Mary Alice Gruden Motioned and Chris Sturgil seconded. The meeting was officially adjourned at 2:54PM.

August 17, 2021

FWC President Sharon Price called the August 17, 2021 meeting of the GFWC Florence Woman’s Club to order at the Gathering House at 1p.m. She welcomed all present.  Eleven members of the club, and the speaker were present. At the beginning of the meeting the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and the Club Collect were recited.


Vice President Joyce Foley introduced this month’s speaker, Kimberly Heestand from Bluegrass Care Navigators. She discussed the services that hospice offers, palliative care, and advance directives.  

Birthdays  Pat Yannarella

Business Meeting:

Presidents Report: President Sharon Price reported that longtime member and former club president Betsy Conrad has passed away. She will be missed. A card has been signed by the club to send to her husband, flowers were brought to her service and 25$ will be donated to The Dinsmore House in her name.   

Sharon also reported that the outing to make cannoli at Del Gardos in Covington will be happening October 20th or 27th depending on which date is still available. RSVP’s for this event are due September 6th and final payment is due September 21. The cost is 40$ per person.   

Sharon Price also reported on the fleece making project for Crazy Cats Rescue which will take place following the October meeting and finished following the November meeting.  Members will pay 5$.


Program Report: Vice President Joyce Foley that we will have a representative from The Dragonfly Foundation speaking at our luncheon next month. In October we will have Paul Tenkotte, chair, History and Geography department, Northern Kentucky University presenting on : “Women’s Suffrage in Northern Kentucky”

Recording Secretary Report: It was reported that July meeting minutes were distributed via email and hard copy and stand approved as read.

Corresponding Secretary Report: no correspondence

Treasurer’s Report: There were hard copies of Lynda’s report. The report was filed for audit. It was proposed to distribute the funds in our gaming account and close the gaming account, this will be discussed at our meeting in October.

Committee and Advancement Area Reports:

Annual Luncheon: Vice President Joyce Foley reported on the finer details of the upcoming luncheon. Invitations were assembled prior to the beginning of the meeting.

District meeting: President Sharon Price discussed some of the duties associated with the meeting and the club discussed who could fill those roles. A reminder for the Arts contest will be sent out. Sharon will be checking with Center Table on customizing our boxed lunches. Sharon will also get quotes on renting linens vs buying them and will act accordingly.

ESO: ESO will be meeting on August 25th, at Panera Bread in Union at 6pm. If you are attending, please bring some book suggestions. The book for September is Nine Perfect strangers by Liane Moriarty. Sharon will have ESO forms at the meeting.

Unfinished Business: None

New Business: none



25-ESO Book Discussion, Union Panera Bread, 6pm: “The Giver of Stars” by Jojo Moyes





There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Mary Alice motioned and Joyce Foley seconded.

Submitted by,

Sharon Price, FWC President acting as Recording Secretary 

July 20, 2021

FWC President Sharon Price called the July 20, 2021 meeting of the GFWC Florence Woman’s Club to order at the Gathering House at 1p.m. She welcomed all present. Twelve Members of the club, and the speaker were present. One guest was present, Sandra Millward.  At the beginning of the meeting the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and the club Collect were recited.


Member Pat Yannarella introduced this month’s speaker,  Jessica Tegge the Ohio River Foundation Restoration Projects Manager and Education Programs Coordinator. Her presentation was entitled “Save Our Parks Program, restoration, education, advocacy". She gave a lot of interesting information about the ORF’s work with indigenous species.  


Business Meeting:

Presidents Report: Sharon Price reported that a caterer has been found for the district meeting. We will be using Center table Catering. We have also decided on the centerpieces, they will be fabric pumpkins. We will be figuring out our roles for the day at the next meeting.  

Sharon also reported about the future outing making cannoli at Del Gardos in Covington. Dates have not been released yet for their fall dates.  

Sharon Price also reported on the fleece making project for Crazy Cats Rescue. They have provided us with the size they need. Members will pay 5$ and those interested will stay after a meeting or perhaps before a meeting and we will make them.   


Program Report: Sharon Price reported for Vice President Joyce Foley that next month’s speaker will be Kimberly Heestand, from Bluegrass Care Navigators. A local Hospice group.

Recording Secretary Report: It was reported that June meeting minutes were distributed via email and hard copy and stand approved as read.

Corresponding Secretary Report: an email was read from the Dirty Hands Garden Club thanking us for inviting them as our guests to hear last month’s speaker.  

 Treasurer’s Report: Lynda’s report has been emailed out and there were hard copies available. The report was filed for audit.

Committee and Advancement Area Reports:

We will also be playing a high/low (heads/tails) game during the luncheon.

Unfinished Business:

The club discussed the money market account and it was proposed that 1000.00 shall be moved from our money market account into the checking account. Karen Peterman moved, Wilma Day seconded. It was further proposed that the money market account be switched over into a savings account. Chis Sturgil motioned, Karen Peterman seconded. Both proposals passed.

New Business:


Reminders regarding upcoming events:







Submitted by,

Sharon Price, FWC President acting as Recording Secretary 

June 15, 2021

FWC President Sharon Price called the June 15, 2021 meeting of the GFWC Florence Woman’s Club to order at the Gathering House at 1p.m. She welcomed all present. Twelve Members of the club, and the speaker were present. Guests consisted of 11 members of the Boone County Garden Club and the Dirty Hands Garden Club, as well as, Tamara Cady. At the beginning of the meeting the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and the club Collect were recited.ProgramVice President Joyce Foley introduced this month’s speaker who was Scott Beuerlein, manager of Botanical Garden Outreach for the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden. He spoke about some plants that were too good to be rare. He showed beautiful photos and described some great plants to add to any home garden.May Birthdays: Marlene Brown had a birthday in May.Business Meeting:Presidents Report: Sharon Price reported that she was now an ESO pledge and was starting a monthly book discussion group and encouraging members to also join ESO. Club members don’t have to join the ESO to read along and participate. There will also be some fun activities and field trips that are inspired by the book selections and will be open to the entire club to join in. The first book discussion will be on “Devil in the White City” by Erik Larson and we will be meeting on July 22 nd . Location will be sent out soon as well as the form to join ESO via email.Sharon Price also reported that a venue has been secured for the district meeting, it will be held at the Historic Burlington Courthouse. The club will now start working on securing a caterer for the event. Please submit all ideas and suggestions to Sharon. Sharon also reported about a future outing making cannoli at Del Gardos in Covington. At Del Gardos, the club will learn how to pipe and decorate cannoli, learn the history of the cannoli while sipping on wine and eating antipasto (Italian cheeses, salami, capicola, olives, etc.). We need 6 people minimum, however, this event can accommodate up to 12.  We can do this as 2 events if there are more than 12 interested. The cost is $40.00 per person which includes 4 or 5 cannoli each, bottle of Red or White, antipasto tray. You may purchase additional bottles of wine, cappuccino or espresso, too. All classes are conducted on Wednesday or Thursday nights starting at 7pm and usually lasts about 60 minutes. Dates have not been released yet but most likely in July or August. Sharon price also reported that the club will also be doing a service project making fleece blankets for Crazy Cats Rescue. Crazy Cats will let us know what size cat beds they need and then we will be able to price out supplies and set a date. Program Report: Vice President Joyce Foley reported the speaker for July will be a representative from the Ohio River Foundation, “Save Our Parks Program: Restoration, Education, Advocacy quote Recording Secretary Report: May meeting minutes were distributed via email and hard copy and stand approved as read.Corresponding Secretary Report: none.Treasurer’s Report: Sharon Price reported that the budget committee met and has created a proposed budget to be voted on during new business. Sharon also reported that our current money market account is essentially a savings account and the funds can be transferred to our checking account at will. The club must keep a minimum of $1000 dollars in the account as to avoid any penalties or fees. We are also granted unlimited transfers between accounts. Sharon asked members to think about and propose how we should move the current funds in order to cover operating expenses between June and the September fundraiser. This will be discussed and voted on at the July meeting. It was also noted that we should explore transforming this account from a money market to a savings account.Committee and Advancement Area Reports:
  • Health and Wellness: Joyce Foley presented an article citing Ky as having the nicest drivers in the country.
  • Environment: Joyce Foley presented an article detailing how long it takes several household items to decompose.
  • Annual Luncheon: Joyce Foley presented several details regarding the luncheon fundraiser in September. Guests for the luncheon will begin arriving 11:30, lunch and program will begin at 12. The speaker has been secured from Dragonfly foundation. All members will need to create an auction basket and buy one ticket (40$). We also need everyone to invite their friends and ask for business donations.
Unfinished Business: None. New Business: Vice president Foley presented the proposed budget on behalf of the budget committee (Sharon Price and Mary Alice Gruden were also on this committee). Lana Kay Brueggen moved to approve the proposed budget; Karen Peterman seconded. The proposed budget was then adopted by a majority vote of members.Announcements:
  • Past president and former member Betsy Conrad is not doing well. Joyce Foley passed around a card to be sent to her. Please keep her in your thoughts.
  • Former member Rita Bitter passed away May 20 th from cancer. She was a very active member and will be missed.
  • There is a public Burlington Lunch at the commons event on June 18 th perhaps a group could get together and attend.
  • Kiwanis Club has invited us to their annual Wine Dinner event at Brianza Winery and Gardens in Verona. August 19. $64 to attend includes 4 wines paired with food, silent auction and more!
  • Basket assembly for our luncheon fundraiser will be happening at Marlene’s House, 10am, on Friday September 17 th . Bring your auction items! We will be working on invitations for the  luncheon on August 17 before the meeting. Please arrive at 11:00.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.Submitted by,Sharon Price, FWC President acting as Recording Secretary

May 18, 2021

FWC President Sharon Price called the May 18, 2021 meeting of the GFWC Florence Woman’s Club to order at the Gathering House at 1p.m. She welcomed all present. Ten Members and the speaker were present. Guests were Beth Horton, and Martha Lawson. At the beginning of the meeting the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and the club Collect were recited. Karen Peterman provided a spiritual reading.


Jasbir Chahal introduced this month’s speaker who was Capt. Wanessa Moore, a representative of the Northern Kentucky Salvation Army. She shared all the many ways that the Salvation Army helps people in the Northern KY area.




Sharon Price recapped our paperback book donation to the Boone County Jail.

Sharon introduced the Memorial Shoebox parade initiative from the city of Florence where someone can decorate a showbox in the theme of “Honoring the Military” and send the box or a picture to Vanessa by 5/21.

There will be no Memorial Day parade but there will still be a veteran’s memorial service at the Government Center on Monday 5/31 at 11.


Sharon Price reported for Vice President Joyce Foley the rest of the speakers for the 2021 year. Next month will be Scott Beuerlin, manager of Botanical Garden Outreach of Cincinnati Zoo and botanical Garden regarding, “Plants too Good to be Rare”.


Sharon Price will be taking over recording secretary duties until a replacement for Kelly can be found. 



Sharon Price reported for Lynda Nezelek. There is currently 1069.25 in the checking account and 5578 in the Savings account. The money in the barn quilt account has been used for club expenses and must be paid back through fundraising. Mary Alice has agreed to be on the budget committee which will meet via Zoom. A meeting date will be set and hopefully the budget will be completed before the next meeting.


It was proposed  that we collect some dry food/pantry items during our December Christmas party to donate to GO Pantry. It was agreed upon that this would be a good project for the club.

We are unable to have the District Meeting at Triple Crown; they are booked for a wedding. Suggestions were made to have the district meeting at the Extension Office or perhaps at the Gathering House and have it catered. Sharon Price said that she would contact both places and report back at the June meeting.


Discussion was opened regarding the proposed ornament project and fundraiser. A motion was made to table the idea until after the annual Luncheon fundraiser to ensure we would have the funds for the upfront costs. Karen Peterman motioned; Lana Kay Brueggen seconded.



For next month’s picnic meeting the club will be having catered box lunches provided by the women at Brighton Center as part of their vocation training/recovery program. The cost is $10.00 per person and the money may be sent to Mary Alice Gruden NO LATER THAN JUNE 10TH. Her address is 804 Keeneland Green, Union KY 41091.


Assembly will be for the luncheon fundraiser will be happening at Marlene’s House, 10am, on Friday September 17th. Bring your auction items!  We will be working on invitations for the luncheon on August 17 before the meeting. Please arrive at 11:30.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by,

Sharon Price, FWC President acting as Recording Secretary