About Us

The Flatland Races began March 21, 1965, in a gully in Crested Butte, born after two years of writing open challenges in various major ski publications.

The Kansas City Ski Club originated and hosted the first event. Omaha, Amarillo and Wichita Ski Club members joined in the first competition. Coors Brewing Company sponsored the first trophy, won by Kansas City.

Participation in the Flatland Ski Association races has grown from the original 40 racers in 1965 to one of the largest and oldest amateur alpine ski events in the United States. Since then, the annual races have provided hours of fun and recreational competition for thousands of flatland skiers.

The forerunners of the flatlands races were Olympians Dave Gorsuch, Renie Cox, and Linda Meyers. Dave and his wife moved to Vail with the race and he was a leading competitor for several years. Billy Kidd was also one of the early participants.

The Flatland Ski Association met annually through 1967 in Crested Butte. Vail hosted the races from 1968 through 1980. Now the races are held at various ski areas. The site of the races is determined through a competitive bidding process and is selected by Flatland Ski Association Board of Directors.

2023 - 2024 Board of Directors

The fiscal year is May 1 through April 30

President – Daphne Reitz, Kansas City

Vice President – John Sedlak, Cornhuskers

Secretary – Melissa Breding, Oklahoma City

Treasurer – Kelli Kinnamon, Oklahoma City

Activities Director - Todd Whitaker, Oklahoma City

Race Director – Hollis Anderson, Cornhuskers

Past President – Teri Hammon, Omaha

Columbia - "Captain" Ron Lueck

Cornhusker - Steve Meyer

Kansas City - Linda Minson

Oklahoma City - Kathy Veros

Omaha - Teri Hammon

St. Louis - Paul Snyder

Topeka - Penny Morgan

Tulsa - Karla Winterscheidt

Wichita - Bernd Frazier

2023 - 2024
CLUB Race officers

2023 - 2024
Additional FSA Officer Positions

Columbia - Jack Kramer

Cornhusker - Hollis Anderson

Kansas City - Scott Atwell

Oklahoma City - Kelli Kinnamon

Omaha - Phil Bintz

St. Louis - Joe Bauer

Topeka - Tiffanie Walters

Tulsa - Lewis Moser

Wichita - Herb Schnoetzinger

Race Data Coordinator - Matt Knechtel

Assistant Activities Director -  Topeka
*this person will be AD next year

Assistant Race Director -  Kansas City
*this person will be RD next year

Race and Activity Club Rotations


                     Race Director                      Activity Director

2018            Tulsa                                   Kansas City

2019            St. Louis (switched)            Oklahoma City (switched)

2020            Wichita (Topeka covering)  Omaha

2021            Topeka                                Tulsa

2022            Topeka                                Tulsa

2023            Columbia                              St. Louis

2024            Cornhuskers                        Wichita (Oklahoma City covering)

2025            Kansas City                         Topeka

2026            Oklahoma City                    Columbia

2027            Omaha                                Cornhuskers

2028            Tulsa                                   Kansas City            

2029            St. Louis                              Oklahoma City

2030            Wichita                                Omaha

2031            Topeka                                Tulsa


FSA Directors (2 year terms go off after the FSA January meeting)

Going off 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021, 2023, 2025, 2027, 2029…


Kansas City


St. Louis



Going off 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022, 2024, 2026, 2028, 2030…

Oklahoma City


