
Most investors pay for investment advice or portfolio management.

A typical client portfolio manager charges 1.0% of assets.

Buying securities through a full-service broker offering investment advice, will cost up to $150 per trade.

A client buying a managed mutual fund will pay 0.5% - 2.0% annual management fee included in the return.

In addition, if a client buys a fund through a broker, there will be a 3.0% - 5.0% sales load paid.

I charge 0.75% of assets. This creates a win-win scenario where the more money the client makes, the more I am compensated. I also offer an option where I am paid only a percentage of the client portfolio growth (if the portfolio drops in value, there are no fees).

Of course, the client can greatly reduce fees by self-managing their portfolio if there is the interest, desire and skill to do so.