Product Liability

Product Liability 

The legal responsibility that a manufacturer has for selling or producing a faulty product.

i.e. -  McDonald's Coffee Case

"Must Have" notes: 

The producer may be in danger of legal problems if they do not take responsibility for selling/producing a faulty product.

Famous Quote

"It is imperative that when thousands of selfless volunteers respond to those who have incurred the wrath of a natural disaster that legal liability need not be hanging over their heads." Jon Porter

How far are you in your understanding? I can:

1.0: Write a factual statement (not definition) concerning Product Liability.

2.0: In your own words (not the teacher's), define Product Liability.

3.0:  Name a product from and describe the specific reasoning behind its recall.

4.0: Consider the following scenario: Finn's month-old smartwatch alarm feature stopped working unknowingly. Finn missed an important event because of the lack of a notification. This resulted in the loss of a large amount of income for Finn. Provide a viewpoint from the producers' side and a viewpoint from the consumer side as to why either side should be held liable. Then be the judge and make your decision about who should be held liable.