Consumer Protection Laws; 

Laws designed to protect the rights of consumers, safety, fair trade and competition.

i.e. - The Competition Act of 2002, The Prevention of Food Adulteration Act of 1954

"Must Have" notes:

Every person is entitled to the Consumer Protection Laws when buying products.

Famous Quotes

"The rights of one man are diminished, when the rights of every man are threatened." John F. Kennedy


How far are you in your understanding? I can:

1.0: Write a factual statement (not definition) concerning CPL's.

2.0: In your own words (not the teacher's), define CPL's.

3.0: Name and explain a real Federal law that protects consumers (other than the example given above). (May require googling.)

4.0: (To be completed after all other 4.0's) Which Rights & Responsibilities have you not used as answers to being covered by the CPA, FDA and FTC? Based on those rights and responsibilities, identify how the CPSC (google it) helps ensure those rights and responsibilities.

            - Consumer Protection Laws