Tema 5 Realidad y metafísica

Curso 2019-2020

Curso 2018-2019

A partir de los siguientes vídeos, escribe en tu cuaderno en qué consistió el experimento de Libet y dime:

1. ¿Por qué es impostante este experimento?

2. ¿Qué supone para los defensores del libre albedrío?

3. ¿Qué opinas tú?

Aquí tenéis también el experimento de John Dylan Haynes

Exercise 1

Recuerda activar los substítulos

  1. What's a libertarian?
  2. How is the boy on the left so sure he has free will?
  3. What does the hard determinist believe?
  4. Dime en español el argumento que utiliza John Locke para justificar el determinismo.
  5. End these phrases:
  1. if you could see every particle and the way it was moving...
  2. When the big bang happened, it set .....

6.Which theories have proved that you can't know all about a particle?

2. Watch this video about the big bang

Make five questions


3. Answer the following questions:

Until minute 6.48.

Questions 2018

  1. What does the video speak about?
  2. Usual meaning of the "buterfly effect"
  3. What is really the buterfly effect?
  4. Explain this phenomenon in a tilt-a-whirl carnival
  5. Who discovered this effect?
  6. He was studying weather patterns. How did he find what happened?
  7. End the phrases:
    1. - At the time mathematicians thougt.....
    2. - we needed new maths to........................
    3. - because there are so many moving parts.............................
  8. Why was chaos theory so groundbreaking?
  9. Is the universe governed by rules or random?