Frank Gounelas

From 10/20-10/24 I will be professor (auf Zeit) in algebraic geometry at Göttingen University. Before that I spent time at the TU Munich, Humboldt in Berlin and at the University of Heidelberg, following my doctoral work at the University of Oxford. Here's a copy of my Curriculum vitae. To contact me use (PGP Key). 

Academic Interests: I am interested in algebraic geometry, in particular K3 surfaces, cubic hypersurfaces, rationally connected varieties, positivity of bundles and cycles, birational geometry and questions in positive characteristic. 

With Christian Liedtke, we organised a Moduli Day at the TUM on the 30th of January 2020.

Research Papers

Various older theses/notes/talks I have written can be found in the Projects Section.

Check out my PhD student Jonas Baltes' homepage.