
For current pdfs, drafts and whatnot, see my or email me.


Faroldi, F. (2024). The Structure of Reasons. Palgrave Macmillan (forthcoming).

Faroldi, F. (2019). Hyperintensionality and Normativity. Springer. [springer]

Faroldi, F. (2020). Responsabilità e ragione. Contributo a una prospettiva riduzionista. Satura editrice, Napoli. [link]

Faroldi, F. (2014). The Normative Structure of Responsibility. Law, Language, Ethics. College Publications, London. [amazon]

Faroldi, F. and F. Van De Putte (eds.) (2023). Kit Fine on Truthmakers, Relevance and Non-Classical Logic. In Springer's Outstanding Contributions to Logic. Provisional Table of Contents.

Papers (English):

Faroldi F., Risk and Artificial General Intelligence, AI & Society, forthcoming. [link]

Faroldi F., Generic Reasoning: A Programmatic Sketch, Logic Journal of the IGPL, forthcoming.

Faroldi F., Partial Reasons, Ratio Juris, 2024. [link]

Faroldi F., Subtracting Reasons in Normative Domains, International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, 2023. [link]

Faroldi F., Is There a Frege-Geach Problem for Reasons?, Revue Internationale de Philosophie, 2023. [link]

Soria Ruiz, A. and Faroldi, F. Moral adjectives, judge-dependency and holistic multidimensionality, Inquiry, 2022. [link]

Faroldi, F., M. Ghari, E. Lehmann and Th. Studer, Consistency and Permission in Deontic Justification Logic, Journal of Logic and Computation, 2022. [link]

Faroldi, F., General AI and Transparency in the EU AI Act, i-lex, 2021. [link]

Faroldi, F., Towards a Logic of Value and Disagreement via Imprecise Measures, Bulletin of the Section of Logic, 2021. [link]

Faroldi, F. Desuetudo: A Game-Theoretic Approach. Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, 4, 2020. [link]

Faroldi, F. Responsibility and Its Truthmakers. Notizie di Politeia, 2020. [link]

Faroldi, F. Deontic Modality, Generically. Filosofiska Notiser, Special Issue on Deontic Logic, 6,1, 133–155, 2019. [link]

Faroldi, F. and Protopopescu, T. A Hyperintensional Logical Framework for Practical Reasons. Logic Journal of the IGPL, 2019. [preprint]

Faroldi, F., Deontic Modals and Hyperintensionality. Logic Journal of the IGPL, 2019. [preprint]

Faroldi, F. (2017). Co-Hyperintensionality. Ratio, 30, 3, 2017, 270–287. [final draft]

Faroldi, F. (2016). Ethical Copula, Negation, and Responsibility Judgments. Synthese, 193, 11, , 2016, 3441--3448. [preprint]

Chapters, Proceedings, etc. (English):

Faroldi F. and Protopopescu, T. All-Things-Considered Oughts via Reasons in Justification Logic, in: Clayton Peterson et al (eds.), Theoretical and technical limitations of automated behavior, DEON 23, College Publications, 2023.[link]

A. Rohani, Th. Studer and F. Faroldi, Conditional Obligations in Justification Logic, in WoLLIC 2023, LNCS, Springer, 2023.[link]

F. Faroldi, On the Human-Compatible Approach to the Alignment Problem, In: R. Redaelli (ed.), Moral Normativity in an Interdisciplinary Perspective. Humans, Animals & Artificial Intelligence, Nomos, 2023. [link]

F. Faroldi, M. Ghari, E. Lehmann and Th. Studer, Impossible and Conflicting Obligations in Justification Logic, in: Fenrong Liu, Alessandra Marra, Paul Portner, and Frederik Van De Putte (eds.). Deontic Logic and Normative Systems: 15th International Conference (DEON2020, Munich). London: College Publications, 2020. [link]

Faroldi F. Common Law Precedent in the Logic of Reasons. In: Shahid Rahman, Matthias Armgardt, Hans Christian Nordtveit Kvernenes (eds.), New Systematic and Historic Studies in Legal Reasoning and Logic, Springer, 2022. [link]

Anglberger A., Korbmacher J. and Faroldi, F. (2016). An Exact Truthmaker Semantics for Explicit Permission and Obligation. In: Proceedings of DEON16, College Publications, London, 2016. [draft]

Faroldi, F. and Soria Ruiz, A. (2017). The Scale Structure of Moral Adjectives. Studia Semiotyczne, 2017. [paper]

Faroldi, F. (2014). Denial of Responsibility and Normative Negation, in: Fabrizio Cariani, Davide Grossi, Joke Meheus, Xavier Parent (eds.), Deontic Modalities in Natural Language, DEON14, Springer, 2014, pp. 81–94. [preprint]

Faroldi, F. (2014). Responsibility Regardless of Causation. Forthcoming in F. Bacchini, M. Dell’Utri, S. Caputo (eds.), New Advances in Causation, Agency and Moral Responsibility, Cambridge Scholars, Cambridge. [preprint]

Faroldi, F. (2015). Impossible Norms. In S. Colloca and P. Di Lucia (eds.), Normative Impossibility, LED, Milano. [final draft]

Faroldi, F. (2017). Normative Events. Phenomenology and Mind, 2017. [final draft]

Faroldi, F. and Feis, G. (2017), Norm, Representationality, Accessibility. In Lecis et al., Truth, Image, Normativity, Quodlibet, Macerata. [final draft]

Faroldi, F. and Feis, G. (2013), Fooling the Frege--Geach Problem for Expressivism? Beiträge des 36. Internationalen Wittgenstein Symposiums, pp. 122–4.

Papers (Italian):

Faroldi, F., Trasparenza dell'algoritmo e deep learning. Note logiche a margine della proposta di regolamento sull'Intelligenza Artificiale (Artificial Intelligence Act) della Commissione Europea e di un'ordinanza della Corte di Cassazione, Revista Iustitia, 10, 2021.

Faroldi, F., Paradossi deontici senza autoriferimento, Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia del Diritto, 2021. [final draft]

Faroldi, F. Considerazioni filosofiche sullo statuto normativo di agenti artificiali superintelligenti, Revista Iustitia, 2021. 

Faroldi, F. (2018). Il dibattito analitico sulla strict liability. Revista Iustitia, 1, 2018.

Faroldi, F. (2016). Strict liability vs responsabilità oggettiva: il dibattito Wootton-Hart. Rivista di Filosofia del Diritto. [final draft]

Faroldi, F. (2015). Modalità buletiche tra logica e diritto, in Raffaella Brighi, Silvia Zullo (eds.), Filosofia del diritto e nuove tecnologie, Aracne, Roma, 2015, pp. 361--370. [final draft]

Faroldi, F. (2015). Norme come entità astratte. Materiali per un'ontologia della norma. In M. Saporiti, Norberto Bobbio, rigore intellettuale e impegno civile, Giappichelli, 2016. [final draft]

Faroldi, F. (2013). Verità norma valore in Nomologica. Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia del Diritto, 90(2013). 

Faroldi, F. (2013). Verità d’imperativi in Kalle Sorainen. Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia del Diritto, 90(2013), pp. 93–98. [pdf]

Faroldi, F. (2012). Fallacia deontica. From "ought" to "is". Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia del Diritto, 89(2012), pp. 413–418. [pdf]


Faroldi, F. (The Good, the Bad and the Med.) Review of “The Oxford Handbook of Neuroethics.” Philosophical Inquiries, 1(2013), [pp. 1–4]. [pdf]

Faroldi, F.  20th SIFA Conference: a critical notice, Methode, 2(2013), pp. 267–270. [pdf]

Faroldi, F. (2011). Don Ross et al. (eds.), Distributed Cognition and the Will, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2007, Minds and Machines, (2011) 21:115–118. [pdf]

Other works:

Translation (Italian) of Sorainen, K., Die Modus und die Logik, Theoria, 5(1939), pp. 202–204. [pdf]

Translation (English) of Sztykgold, J., Negacja normy, 1936. [pdf]

Translation (partial) of Rudzinski, A., Z logiki norm, 1947. [pdf]

Faroldi, F. (2012). 50 Names of Responsibility. [pdf]

Faroldi, F. (2013). Adynatonyms. Names of Impossibility. [pdf]

Faroldi, F. (2013). Verità d’imperativi in Kalle Sorainen. Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia del Diritto, 90(2013), pp. 93–98. [pdf]

Faroldi, F. (2012). Fallacia deontica. From "ought" to "is". Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia del Diritto, 89(2012), pp. 413–418. [pdf]


Faroldi, F. (The Good, the Bad and the Med.) Review of “The Oxford Handbook of Neuroethics.” Philosophical Inquiries, 1(2013), [pp. 1–4]. [pdf]

Faroldi, F.  20th SIFA Conference: a critical notice, Methode, 2(2013), pp. 267–270. [pdf]

Faroldi, F. (2011). Don Ross et al. (eds.), Distributed Cognition and the Will, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2007, Minds and Machines, (2011) 21:115–118. [pdf]

Other works:

Translation (Italian) of Sorainen, K., Die Modus und die Logik, Theoria, 5(1939), pp. 202–204. [pdf]

Translation (English) of Sztykgold, J., Negacja normy, 1936. [pdf]

Translation (partial) of Rudzinski, A., Z logiki norm, 1947. [pdf]

Faroldi, F. (2012). 50 Names of Responsibility. [pdf]

Faroldi, F. (2013). Adynatonyms. Names of Impossibility. [pdf]