Club Rules




The club should be called The Fairoak Bowling Club.


The club colours shall be “Green” and “Gold”. The coat and flag badge shall depict an “Acorn” supported on both sides by “Oak Leaves” surrounded by a scroll bearing the club name.


The Officers of the Club, who shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting, shall consist of the President, Chairman, Captains, Vice-Captains, Hon.Tresurer, Hon. Secretary and Hon. Match Secretary.


The duties of the Officers shall be as follows:-

(a) CHAIRMAN – The Chairman will preside over all Committee and General Meetings of the Club and shall have a casting vote.

(b) HON. TREASURER – The Hon. Treasurer shall keep a record of all cash transactions. He shall receive all monies. including Club Subscriptions, Competition fees and donations due to the Club and issue official receipts for same. He shall make all payments on behalf of the Club. At the Annual General Meeting, he shall present a Statement of Accounts, duly certified by the Clubs Hon. Auditors and his account book shall close not later than the 30th September in each year. All cheques issues on behalf of the Club will require two signatures, which will be recorded with the Clubs bank.

(c) HON. SECRETARY – The Hon. Secretary will:-

(i) Keep a register of all members which show the date of their election to the club.

(ii) Keep a true record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Clubs Committees

.(iii) Display all notices of general interest to the Club membership in the Clubroom.

(d) HON. MATCH SECERTARY: - The Hon. Match Secretary shall arrange all matches for the Club, particulars of which shall be printed in the Fixture Card and will keep a record of all the results of all the matches played by the Club.


(a) The President and Vice – Presidents shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.

(b) Life Members (if any), who shall not exceed five in number, shall also be elected at the Annual General Meeting.

Nominations for Life Membership, which may be made by any two Members of the Club, must be in the hands of the Hon. Secretary by the 30th September in each year and must receive the support of the Management Committee before being submitted to the Annual General Meeting for election.


The Hon. Auditors shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting and shall, at all times, have access to the accounts of the Club.


(a.i) MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE – The club will be managed by a Committee consisting of the Club Officers. President and four members selected annually at the Annual General Meeting. Five members should form a quorum.

(a.ii) The Management Committee may fill any vacancy which may arise on any committee of the Club and shall transact all business of the Club, except that which requires the authority of the Annual General Meeting.

(a.iii) The Hon. Secretary shall convene a meeting of the Management Committee when requested to do so by the Chairman, or by written request of three members of the Management Committee. Three days notice shall be given to Committee Members, but during the playing season such a notice may be exhibited in the Clubroom.

(a.iv) Emergency meetings of the Management Committee may be held without notice, providing that either the President or Chairman and Hon. Secretary and a quorum are present.

(b.i) SELCTION COMMITTE – The Selection Committee shall comprise of the Captains of the First, ‘A’ and Midweek teams plus three members of the Club who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. Whatever team is selected, only the Captain of that team plus three elected members shall take part in the selection, unless the opinion of one or both of the other Captains is required. When a Captain is unable to be present, his deputy may take his place, providing that circumstances, in respect of time or availability, allow for substitution to be made.

(b.ii) The Selection Committee will be under the control of the Club’s Chairman or his appointed deputy and will meeting on Monday evenings at 6.30 p.m. to select the teams for the following week’s fixtures. Although the Chairman will have no voting power, he will be allowed a casting vote. No meeting will take place outside the stipulated day and time unless fully authorised by the Chairman.

(b.iii) Selection for Saturday matches will be based purely on merit, but for Wednesday matches, the Selection Committee will try and ensure that those members not selected for the First or ‘A’ teams on Saturdays are given first priority for Wednesday games.

(b.iv) Members selected to play in any match must indicate their intention to play by initialling the team sheet not later than 7.30 p.m. two days before the match date. Failure to do so means exclusion, allowing the Captain to replace that member with a reserve.

(b.v) Team Captains will collect and present the score cards for scrutiny by the Selection Meeting at the next meeting.

(c) COMPETITION COMMITTEE : The competition Committee shall consist of three members elected annually at the Annual General Members Meeting and shall be responsible for all Fairoak Bowling Club's competitions. The Committee's decision shall be final.


The Annual Subscription shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting. Any member whose subscription has not been paid within fourteen days of the first day of the season, will automatically cease to be a member of the Club and will NOT be readmitted until such time as the subscription has been paid with the approval of the Management Committee.


(a) Membership is restricted to Males only

(b) Membership is restricted to a maximum of seventy members.

(c) Full members of the Club is not available to any person who is an active member of another local bowling club. Such a person may be admitted as an Associate Member only

(d) Associate members cannot stand for election as Officers, Committee member and will not have a voting right in the running of the Club.

(e) Associate members are eligible to participate in Club competitions and to represent the Club in friendly matches.

(f) Application for membership must be duly proposed and seconded and will be dealt with by the Management Committee.


Any member whose actions or behaviour are deemed not to be in the best interests of the Club, or who do not conform to the rules of the club, may be suspended or expelled from Club membership at the discretion of the Clubs Management Committee. Such person shall have the right of appeal to the Management Committee providing that the appeal is in writing and in the hands of the Hon. Secretary within 14 days of receipt of the notice of suspension / expulsion.


The Annual General Meeting of the club will be held not later than the month of November. Seven days minimum notice of such meeting, along with an agenda must be given to the members. A quarter of the membership shall constitute a quorum.


The Hon. Secretary shall convene a Special General Meeting of the members if requested to do so by a majority of the Management Committee or a requisition signed by ten or more members. Such a request MUST STATE the objective of such meeting to the membership and no other business other than that stated on the requisition may be discussed or considered. A quarter of the membership will form a quorum.


The Club will be affiliated to such organisations as the Annual General Meeting decides and will confirm to rules and regulations appertaining to such organisations


Any amendment of these rules can only be effected at an Annual General Meeting by way of Notice of Motion, properly proposed and seconded, and given to the Hon. Secretary fourteen days prior to the date of the meeting.


The Club competitions shall be as follows:-

(a) Championship (John Rees Cup)

(b) Runner-up (George & Mrs Charles Cup)

(c) Handicap (J.C Gould Cup)

(d) Hamilton Two-Wood Cup

(e) Derwen Deg Cup

(f) 4 Wood Pairs Championship (Margaret Ferguson Cup)

(g) Runners-Up (A.A Thorpe Cup)

(h) Senior Citizens Cup (Rev. D. M. Davies Cup)

(i) Diamond Jubilee Two Wood Pairs Cup (Col. Lionel Evans and Clifford Kennard Cup) & (Bill Gibbs Cup)

(j) President’s Three Wood Cup (Lawrence Davies Cup)

(k) All the aforementioned cups will remain the property of the Fairoaks Bowling Club. The entrance fee for all competitions will be agreed at the Annual General Meeting. Members must pay entrance fees before they participate in any competition.


All goods belonging to the Club shall be the sole property of the Club and no individual member shall have any personal claim to same. Any such goods in the possession of any member must be handed to the Hon. Secretary when requested by the Management Committee.


(a) Dress for Fairoak bowlers participating in Saturday or special matches will be Club ties, white shirts, trousers and socks with white sweaters or zipper jackets and regulation shoes.

For midweek matches the dress will be Club ties, white shirts, sweaters or zipper jackets with grey trousers and regulation shoes.

For Competition or spoons the dress will be for midweek matches except that ties need not be worn.

(a) Wet weather dress will be laid down in the W.B.A rules, i.e. white tops and slacks

(b) The Captain of any Fairoak team should request that any player or players not wearing the Club tie, should do so. If any player will not do as requested, then that player or players are to be reported to the Club’s Selection Committee. The offending player or players WILL NOT be considered for selection for the Club teams until they agree to comply with the Club rules, as the majority of membership already does. This applies to both league and friendly matches.

(Rules as amended and passed at the A.G.M 14th November 2001).