USHMM Donor Newsletter Features Grunwald Story

Post date: Feb 14, 2013 3:32:41 PM

Last July, Frank made the decision to donate Vilma's last letter to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC. Frank wished for the letter to be preserved and shared with future generations so that they would have an understanding of the individual impact of the Holocaust and also so that Vilma's legacy would become a lasting part of history. Since it's donation, the letter has had a tremendous impact on the staff of USHMM. It was featured in a year-end donor e-mail sent by Sara Bloomfield, the Museum's Executive Director and recently, it was also included as part of the Generations newsletter sent to over 100,000 Museum donors.

"This article has been reprinted with permission from Generations, the Planned Giving newsletter of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum."