Star becomes black hole

Scientist expected to see an enormous star explode in a supernova.

Instead they watched it collapse into a blackhole.

Astronomers spotted something unusual, when they pointed the large binocular telescope,

and the Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes in the direction of the star.

To their surprise the star simply disappeared.

The star resides in a galaxy nicknamed as 'fireworks galaxy'.

This was because of the number of supernovas explosion that happen in this galaxy.

The star went out with a whimper instead of a bang.

Supernovas happen with the biggest stars, and they are usually old.

This star was 25 times more massive than the sun.

It belonged to the red supergiant class.

The massive core of these stars, collapses under its own weight, and implodes.

The reaction bounces back outward and forces material into space.

It leaves back a super dense object.

Stellar explosions, largest kind of space explosion still happen rarely.

The recent failure might confirm that stars do not need to burst into a supernova,

to transform into a blackhole.

This probably explains why supernova are so rare.

About 30% of such stars, it seems, may quietly collapse into a blackhole.

There is no supernova.

This makes sense when it comes to making the biggest blackholes.

These blackholes would not have blown off, so much material in an explosion.

It instead uses the mass to power the blackhole.

This observation is the first time that scientists have observed a star turn into a blackhole.

Blackholes got their name because they appear as dark voids in space.

They are so dense that the force of their gravity is too intense for even light to escape.

This prevents any reflection of light, showing us what's inside them.

Any matter that comes too close gets shredded into atoms sized pieces.

It is then pulled into the blackhole.

Super massive blackholes lurk at the centre of many galaxies, including the milky way.

Blackholes are still mysterious objects.

Scientists are getting closer to actually seeing one.

A group of scientists announced, that they have captured the first ever image of a blackhole's event horizon.

This is the distance from the blackhole, that is the point of no return.

It is the point where we cannot possibly escape its gravity.

The findings are not yet officially released.