

Gravity is a very important force, but it is surprisingly weak, 

in comparison with other fundamental forces in the Universe, 

such as electromagnetism.

When scientists struggle to unite quantum effects and gravity, in single theories,

they find that extra dimensions, usually with gravity are implied.

However theorising the existence of these extra dimensions, 

is much easier than proving that they exist.

Scientist were hopeful that the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), 

might reveal evidence of their existence.

The LHC is capable of searching for massive particle traces, microscopic blackholes,

and missing energy caused by the migration of gravitons to higher dimensions.

So far, however definitive proof has not been discovered with the LHC.

Scientist have honed in on two strange effects,

- high frequency gravitational waves and the breathing mode.

- a modification of how gravitational waves stretch space.

Scientists calculated that extra dimensions should result. 

in the creation of extra high frequency gravitational waves.

Unfortunately we do not have observatories that can detect, 

frequencies in the range they predict.

However we do have the technology to observe the breathing mode.

Space changes shape as it reacts to gravity passing through it.

The breathing mode is seen when, in addition to stretching and squishing, 

space expands and contracts in reaction to additional gravitational waves.

With more detectors we will be able to see whether the breathing mode is happening.

Based on scientists calculations  the additional waves at high frequencies,

would point decisively to extra dimensions.

However the breathing mode could have explanations,  

beyond these theoretical dimensions.

Its detection would be a significant clue pointing to their existence.

Since 2015, scientists have been able to observe gravitational waves.

Because gravity probably exist in other dimensions, 

analysing the behaviour of these waves under different conditions,

might provide clues about those extra dimensions.

The existence of another dimension makes weak gravitational force, 

more understandable.

If gravity exists throughout all these extra dimensions as well, it should be weaker.

Put another way, the existence of extra dimensions would allow for a coherent, 

comprehensive theory of the Universe.

It would also explain uncertainties about the nature of gravity.

It would also put us on the road map, to explain why the Universe is expanding, 

faster and faster.

If extra dimensions are in our Universe, this would stretch or shrink space-time, 

in a different way that standard gravitational waves would never do.

Proof of an extra dimension would be extraordinarily exciting, 

for scientists working to explain the laws of the Universe with a single coherent theory.

If we are able to reconcile the conflicts between quantum field theory, 

and general relativity, for example, things like antigravity, 

instantaneous communication and transport, transmutation of matter, 

and faster than light travel, might all be possible.

As of now, we do not have a definitive answer.

But understanding the behaviour of gravitational waves, would be a remarkable step, 

in the right direction.