

Organic Habitat 1.

1. Overview.

2. Network of factors.

3. Positive factors.

3.1. Market.

3.2. Jobs.

3.3. Trade.

3.4. Infrastructure.

Organic Habitat 2.

4. Negative factors.

4.1. City population.

4.2. Congestion.

4.3. Traffic.

4.4. Pollution.

Organic Habitat 3.

4.5. Use and discard culture.

4.6. Technology.

4.7. Consumption.

Organic Habitat 4.

5. General concepts.

5.1. Global community - A.

Organic Habitat 5.

5.1. Global community - B..

Organic Habitat 6.

5.2. Self governance - A

Organic Habitat 7.

5.2. Self governance - B

Organic Habitat 8.

5.2. Self governance - C.

Organic Habitat 9.

5.3. Organic living.

Organic Habitat 10.

5.4. Eco - nomics.

Organic Habitat 11.

5.5 Renewable energy.

5.5. Sustainable consumption.

5.6. Reduce Reuse Recycle.

5.7. Economic policies.

5.8. Continuing education.

5.9. Knowledge revolution.

5.10. Augmented intelligence.

5.11. Cloud.

5.12. SAM.

5.13. Optimal size cities.

5.14. Scaleable cities.

5.15. Modular cities.

5.16. Business.

5.17. Work culture.

5.18. Home office.

5.19. Supporting staff and services.

5.20. Social integration.

5.21. Health.

5.22. City travel.

5.23. Energy.

6. Jeeves.

7. Ur - An organic city.

8. Ur - The master plan.

9. The city basement.

10. Industrial suburb.

11. Homes.

12. Commune.

13. Industries.

14. Offices.

15. Public places.

16. Facilities.

17. Community.

18. Town.

19. The organic city.