GRAdient-Driven FLuctuation EXperiment - GRADFLEX

The GRADFLEX project was flown in 2007 on-board the Russian satellite FOTON-M3. It was intended to investigate giant fluctuations in a binary mixture of dilute polystyrene in toluene, in order to confirm the existing theories regarding the intensity and dynamics of non-equilibrium fluctuations in space. In particular the focus was on the confirmation of the quenching effect of gravity on the intensity of giant fluctuations at smallest wave numbers and on the accelerating effect of gravity on the dynamics of fluctuations in the same conditions.

The experiment was conducted by a European team led by M. Giglio and A. Vailati and an American team led by D.S. Cannell. My participation was limited to the preliminary phase A/B of the project and to a later analysis of flight data in collaboration with part of the GRADFLEX team, see MST paper.

For more information, please visit ESA website, or relevant papers:

ESA website;

Paper on Nature Communications;

Paper on Physical Review Letters;

Paper on Scientific Reports.


Figure. False colour visualisation of non-equilibrium fluctuations in microgravity at different times after application of the temperature gradient.